What kind of timeline are we living in anymore

what kind of timeline are we living in anymore

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probably true

who gives a shit goddamn

holy fuck he makes himself out to be stupider and stupider by the fucking day

what a fucking dipshit

Yeah yeah and all Muslim terrorism is a plot by atheist Jews, oh I mean bankers, right Cenk

frogposters are taking things too far now

i do, cuck spammer

>Denies the Armenian Genocide happened
>Names Network after people who conducted said Genocide

classy bunch.

Do they have any proof, or are they pulling stuff out of their ass

I thought he hates Alex Jones for being a conspiracy theorist.


Wasn't TYT at one point fairly tame and mainstream, of blatantly liberal? That right there is Alex Jones-level shit

>Sup Forums is now far left anarchist communist rioters







>tfw liberals now blame Sup Forums for everything bad
oy vey


he and ana have always been far left psychotics


then either go to pol or kill yourself dumb faggot


cenk randomly brings up the possibility that its a false flag with zero evidence, and ana just picks it up and for the rest of the video they act like it was right wingers false flagging the whole thing

He admitted they've are extremly liberal leaning.

Ana if a flaming SJW femnist

The jew with the glasses assaulted Alex jones by spitting on him when Jones PWNed them on their own show.

The beta cuck white male reports how white men are bad despite the fact he is one.

>already less popular than he was on election day despite new president always getting a popularity boost
>Obama was more popular by 30 points at this point in his first term
>but these dipshits still think Trump is going to be re-elected

>polls after the shitshow that was 2016 election coverage

I love how Alex Jones still hasn't realized that his suits don't fit fight because he's too fat for them. He has a body like Barney Rubble but he wears suits made for normal bodies.

why would i go to a board i don't browse, cuck spammer?

>rails against people who fat shames people
>fat shames alex jones

the hypocrisy is palpable.

>he still believes poll numbers

wait liberals are hypocrites??? what????

Like CNN, Washington Post etc, they all went full Infowars after the election.

Poor old Alex has to resort to interdimensional psychic vampire A.I. to stay ahead of the curve now.

You wish you were based as fuck as Alex.

quit hating because of your insecurities.

Does anyone else think that Ben "Incest Porn" Mankiewicz is way too smart for the TYT crew? He should stick to his Turner Classic Movies gig.

He claims to not know who Antifa are.

This is either a blatant lie or they are so staggeringly incompetent and ignorant that they have zero credibility as either liberals, leftists or political commentators.

It's a youtube show, so either option is likely.

Reminder that Jimmy Dore is the only member of TYT worth watching

Cenk is a little retard

It's almost like he's Alex Jones, but without the space vampires and whatever the hell he's planning that day.

It's an extra pay check.

>state polling of "likely voters" is the same as national polling of adults, no matter their voter status
Keep reaching, fuckwits.
>Alex Jones looks terrible in a suit because YOURE insecure!
Alex, go to bed. You're gonna cry on air again if you don't get enough sleep.


tide goes in, tide goes out

never a miscommunication

alex has legit contacts and has broken real stories

cenk reblogs huffpost articles

There are a couple of really smart, seasoned guys on that "channel" that are really too good to be there.

>he still thinks national polling of a few thousand people means anything

Must've been Jackie Sup Forums and Jihad Jesus.

>"oh fuck we just beat the shit out of a bunch of innocent people!"
>"i know.. the alt-right tricked us into doing it! its not our fault!!"

> X go to bed meme

jesus, i think a place called Redd!t was once in your past.


>alex has legit contacts and has broken real stories

yeah? like what?

>not endorsed by any newspapers
>gets all the publicity anyway
can't stump the trump

>alex has legit contacts and has broken real stories
Like how Hi-C juice boxes are turning kids gay? Or how the lizard people are taking over?

Imagine if these two had a show together

>implying you give a shit about armenians
You just want something to attack him on without using your brain.
You Sup Forums faggots probably want to genocide armenians yourselves.

after seeing this pic, i fucking respect Trump even more.

He blew all those libcucks out of the water.


>making stuff up about Alex Jones

Is this what they call "fake news?"

lizard people is a serious threat tho

So instead of maybe calling for calm and telling people they shouldn't be rioting and destroying their communities just blame someone else.

You should probably get back on your meds, buddy.

Why is TYT crying about internet culture having an influence on things? If anyone on the left could embrace this new kind of media it would be them. What a bunch of perma-cucks.

Even Glenn Beck is more ahead of the curve then these faggots.


I like how all the free publicity and efficiency of his campaign made it relatively cheap to run

>it's a Cenk exposes himself on Sup Forums episode

Give me examples of such polling being inaccurate.
The state polling before the election was off by several % points because the model of "likely voters" wasn't accurately predictive. Lumping these two types of polling together is just stupid.



>masked provocateurs would never be used to incite a riot, discredit a peaceful protest, or false flag

>bait meme pics

is it 2010?

>You Sup Forums faggots probably want to genocide armenians yourselves
Just the jews desu

It amazes me how little understanding so many people on the left have of the internet after running two successful campaigns using the internet with Obama.

Not really.

While Ana and the young guy with the shaved head and Jimmy Dore are borderline retarded, Mankiewicz and Cenk are intelligent enough to be persuasive and authorative sounding hosts, but if you listen to their actual arguments, debates and discussion, they're as dumb as your average facebook friend normie reposting shitty Occupy Democrat memes.

Dore on his other show frequently links to intelligent leftists though.

I don't know what I'd prefer - Leftists keeping shooting themselves in the foot by listening to idiots, or leftists start listening to intelligent leftists and thus become people you can talk to.

Neither of those things are made up. Alex Jones believes both of those things to be true, retard.

>pollsters who were wildly inaccurate pre election somehow corrected themselves in a couple of months


how new r u?

bait meme didnt exist in 2010 on Sup Forums

just like you



fucking moron

Let's see some sources then.

I saw this one webm once, I don't think I saved it, of Ben yelling at Cenk, accusing him and the rest of TYT of painting mainstream media as being far more anti-Bernie than they really were. I should try and find that clip again because it made me respect Ben a lot more.

>Lumping these two types of polling together is just stupid.
Thanks for letting us all know how retarded you are.

>Sup Forums constantly calls everything a false flag
>TYT blames Sup Forums for a false flag



If you've ever wanted to watched all the stages of grief in one video then check this out.

Go to bed, Nate. Your time is over.

Why do "liberals" insist on saying Alex Jones believes in reptilians? He's much too bluepilled for that.

>im illiterate and so can you!
State-by-state election polling is not the same as national opinion polling, you goddamn dipshit. I already explained that.

>how new r u?
>knowing when memes were started

(Literally YOU)


>feminists don't like numbers

i always LOL at that

>Give me examples of such polling be inaccurate

This must be b8

i just finished watching this and its gotta be said
this guys a fucking idiot

>first poll on the list is from ABC
>"This Washington Post-ABC News poll was conducted by telephone November 3-6, 2016, among a random national sample of 3,218 adults including landline and cell phone respondents. Overall results have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus two points; the error margin is plus or minus 2.5 points among the sample of 2,220 likely voters. Sampling, data collection and tabulation by Abt-SRBI of New York."

You're genuinely retarded dude.

it's just the JIDF trying to mislead everyone


t. no-argument

>Antifa, leftist celebrities and politicians spend weeks boasting about how they're going to use violence to shut down speeches by conservatives

>Spread videos of themselves committing violence and celebrating it

>Antifa, who for decades have done exactly the same thing over and over and over go and do what they said they would do and always do

But sure, it's probably Da Alieums And The Russian Mind Control Psychops.

Or some people with crazy politics act crazy from time to time.

Hi Cenk.

Nice refutation from the facts you fucking idiot, show proof that national polling wasn't favoring Clinton or fuck off.
Also nice deflection after calling people fuckwits here

It's not as if false flag operations don't exist. It's a question of how likely it is. In the case of something like a government conspiracy on a massive scale, the chances are super low.

But for a few instigators to be in a protest is an incredibly common phenomenon. With something like that it's more a question of to what extent it's happening rather than whether it is at all.


you seem upset

>tfw normies are appropriating our mental illnesses


>first poll on the list is from ABC
What list? And are you implying Trump won the popular vote?
The irony... it's too much...
>show proof that national polling wasn't favoring Clinton or fuck off.
But Clinton won the popular vote nationally, you fucking twat. The only polling that was off was state polling in about 20 states that was using an inferior likely voter prediction algorithm.

>it's okay when Sup Forums makes up conspiracy theories

How does this relate to Television & Film?

ladies and gentlemen, we are watching someone having a breakdown online. Look at this user and laugh.

>could have been
Does he understand this website? Does he know that there are archives of all posts?
