So Sup Forums, did you see the best movie of 2016 yet?

So Sup Forums, did you see the best movie of 2016 yet?
pic related

This thread is so dishonest.

Emma Stone > Emma Watson > Emma Roberts

Also, Moonlight was the best movie of 2016.

emma stone would be better looking if eyes weren't protruding out of her eye sockets

Good film but doesn't deserve all the Oscar nominations desu senpai
Fuck Hollywood and its autofellatio

I enjoyed moonlight but I thought its ending was anti climactic. After watching LaLa Land, i dont think moonlight can win best pic.

Yeah I saw it, it won't win best picture though because the academy doesn't like Mel


Really makes you think

yeah i saw the lobster

you just aren't smart enough to appreciate true kinomatography such as that

must have sauce

ive seen this movie several times now and i grin like an idiot every time she gets up from dinner to go see that movie with Sebastian

Was Greg a cuck?

It is not her fault she has such huge and beautiful eyes. Literally no space in her skull. She is the closer to an animu grill of flesh and bone you can get.

Why is he such a hack bros?

agreed, i hope moonlight wins but la la land is going to take it, can't really complain tho, both are great


>moonlight was the best movie of 2016

Watson is a shite actress and not even attractive, Roberts is at least cute.


Yeah I saw the best movie which was Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

> theatrical release


OP I don't know how you can't see what a dishonest film that was. Stop and think for a minute, a white guy playing jazz piano? Are you kidding me? Everyone knows playing jazz music requires being comfortable with complex rhythms and expressing deep soulful emotions that white people simply are not capable of producing. Since whites were the ones enslaving black people they can never properly play black music no matter how hard they try and it's so sad and dishonest to make a movie that says otherwise. It's 2017, I thought that we as a nation had moved past making fascist films like this one. It really scares me that people can't see how dishonest this film is and shame on you for promoting it.

New Uwe Boll looks good

Yes, I saw it back in March.

i dont know why people think La La Land is best of the year. It was boring, awful acting and drawn out unmemorable songs with only redeeming quality being how it was shot for some scenes

pic related should probably get best of the year IMO, but what do I know I think 13 Hours should have been nominated

buncha plebs ITT