Is there a better written television character ?

Is there a better written television character ?

Livia Soprano.

fun fact: that guy played The Machine in 8mm

It will be pic related for a while.

the wire was terrible. glad that niggerlover show got canned

He was the pedo in The Devil's Advocate as well

Pete Campbell, for the way he found redemption
Harry Crane, fir the way he went from good guy to jerk
Mike Ermantraut
Jaime Lannister
Oh, and McNulty

>Mad Men

Did you guys know he played the gimp in pulp fiction?
>why does he wear the mask?

>well written character
Can anyone be more badass than pic related


I think it's time to go back to /r/movies

wait, is that an actual cut from the show? or just like a making of thing? The quick zoom out almost makes it seem like it's from a comedy


Edgy and rude.

Actual scene
And any other sitcom that does it is office afaik

Sup Forums pls leave and never come back

sjw, kys

are they not the same actor?

this is some low energy bait

Modern Family does it as well.

there is. Frank is still one of the best characters in the wire, the most human if anything

He was The Machine in 8MM.

You were the gimp enjoying pulpy friction.

The Wire's best character.

>season 5

>Livia Soprano.
how so

Do people just say they don't like season 2 because everybody else says so? I don't see what's wrong with it at all, is all the hate just an inverted case of the emperors new clothes?

I think its just that they got really into season 1's environment and characters, then BOOM! suddenly an entirely different setting with so many new characters and less of the Barksdale people. I myself felt it was jarring on my first watch, now it's probably my fav season.

Based Frank trying to keep his communities jobs (and this is from someone who supports free trade generally and automation).

Season 2 is peobably my 3rd or even 2nd favourite

>muh docks
>muh union

> supports automation
automation doesn't give a shit if you support it, it's happening and you can't stop it

>that alt-right cringey feeling