This any good?

This any good?

Watch it and decide for yourself.

But is it so pretentious that it's unbearable to watch?

>watching a guy talk about new age bullshit for 2 hours

only if youre a cunt

Surprisingly yes.

well if you're full of yourself you'll love it. If you abhor pseudo intellectual nonsense you'll just waste your time

Fucking retard.

Explain to me how it is pseudo intellectual


I can't, I just thought the movie was trash

is garbage, is not interesting and it looks like liquid shit the director badly placed the camera let it roll for 2 hours

watch Locke instead if you want a guy talking for 2 hours

It's inconceivable.

>guy talks about hipster's wet dream for first half an hour
I stopped after that.

>badly placed the camera
It's actually well placed, just very economical.

>that grain
>that lighting
>that boring shot reverse shot
>no creativy at all
overrated shit

Jesus christ, the userbase of this board is made entirely of worthless plebs.

>mfw I never got this as a kid
>an adult now
>watched the film
>still don't get it

am I dumb?

>mfw to intelligent too fall for your "go find yourself in some remote place lmao" movie

Malle hasn't disappointed me so far.

No, you just have common sense

Many of the people who inhabit this board are literally not bright enough to understand the conversation they have in the film.

Andre is pretentious, not the film itself.

Both actors did all their own stunts which was rare at the time. Action packed.