Oh my god Sup Forums

oh my god Sup Forums
he did it
he finally did it
the absolute mad man finally did it
he actually made a tweest ending that actually worked!

What's the twist?

What's wrong with the Sixth Sense's twist?

Someone from an earlier film appears

the problem is he has been trying to recapture that ever since
now he has finally made a tweeest that works thematically

Are we going to get a Shayamalan Cinematic Universe?

I didn't even think about Sixth Sense. My mind immediately jumped to 12 Monkeys when they mentioned "crazy guy in a wheelchair" and I saw ol' bruce.

Maybe cause I just watched that movie a couple a weeks ago.

spoiler tag nigga

Already said it in an another thread, watching Split in cinema was the closest I've ever been to clapping after a movie.

Takes some balls to make that move, especially in today's studio intervention heavy industry.

you disgust me

I did however burst out laughing as soon as the woman started speaking about a wheelchair and I recognized willis

>Takes some balls to make that move, especially in today's studio intervention heavy industry.

No it wouldn't, they were wanting a sequel for ages

Plus the budget was 9 million which in Hollywood these days is about the equivalent of running your car with just fumes left in the gas tank

How is that a twist? It had no actual bearing on the story. It's just a shitty easter egg that begs for another sequel, same as Nick Fury appearing in the end of every Marvel capeshit to recruit the superheroes

>Not recognizing the incredible James Newton Howard score first


>9 million budget

and its made 107 million at the box office, domestic or foreign or total

whatever it is though, Balabans Law tells us a movie has to make back 3 times it cost to break even - which means this movie has done pretty well

Because it recontextualises the entire story. It was a supervillain origin film, not just a horror film. The film's focus on suffering as transcendence connects right into Samuel L. Jackson's character's entire motivation and plot in the earlier film.

> It had no actual bearing on the story

It turns a psychological thriller into a superhero origin movie.
Also it's a lazy writing trick to justify the not so realistic parts of the movie.

The direction was kind of the weakest point for me.

Much better than I could have ever expected out of m. Night, but it jumped around way too damn much. I love me some non linear storytelling and all but holy damn did it get annoying.

It felt like we only focused on the events at hand for what felt like a minute or two at a time. It wasn't difficult to follow, it was just annoying, bridging on obnoxious.

That and so many people are literally just standing around in a lot of shots. Like 9/10 scenes the girls don't even attept running at all despite having many chances, yet trie in specific scenes for apparently no reason as they know the doors are locked. And what were the other two doing between the third girl getting out and the dude going after her? Just standing around in a room with a giant escape hole?

I liked the movie and gotta say bravo shayamalamallamalom on not fucking it up, but i still kind of feel he held it back.

Let me guess... he's not crazy, merely pretending

What did David mean by this?

>have to watch another film from over a decade ago to "get" the twist

Not cool. It essentially says "if you haven't seen this other film, the ending will leave a bad taste in your mouth." Fucking stupid filmmaking.

Was it meant to be the guy from the sixth sense of what?

So did the MC ultimately tattle on her molesting furry uncle? and goddamn that finale was messy. Normie girls' deaths weren't really exciting or purposeful, considering all the buildup. Psychologist lady gets killed off pretty randomly too. All she did was drop the "secret weapon" for MC to use... once. Why even have her show up?

Unbreakable vs Split when?

I think it was left hanging intentionally for the viewer to decide. Which I actually kind of like once in a while even if it ultimately didn't matter that much here.

>that obvious symbolism with her unable to shoot him before, and then essentially put into the same situation
yet it ultimately meant jack shit as shooting him did fuck all
Not exactly a great payoff there shamalla

Anyone else a little offput by the overall cartooniness of a lot of the execution in this movie? It crosses the fine line from dark humor to just straight unintentional humor and made it hard for me to get that invested.

I mean I liked it overall but it would've been more enjoyable if I could've taken it more seriously.