This should be one country

This should be one country.

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Also, the capital should be in Zagreb and Croats should rule this country.

good post

Lithuanians are slavs confirmed 2017

this should be nuked instead
slav subhumans

Y-you want us kebabs to be chief? Thanks Stanimir.

>leaving out Courland and Semigalia
I want my Latvian kvass dammit
You are White

I am a white Croat.

Hrvati nisu kebabi. Hrvati su bijeli i najbolji narod na svijetu.

Hungarians betrayed poles all the time.

never ever dumb subhuman poleshit lol

Or by Serbs. It would benefit you more.

Ok, Lithuania could be actually removed, you don't really fit in.

Serbs are orthodox. This gonna be a catholic country.

We shall call it... Lithuania

No, Lithuania has been already removed.

>top 10 anime betrayals
Where did that happen?

I am Central European, my religion is Central European, I speak Central European


go back to the steppes slav subhuman
catholics are false christians
slav subhumans came from the eurasian steppes

>south or east of Austria

Schwab is brat, soon Bavaria will be Central European too

bavaria is not different from other german states you slavic subhuman
ist just Sup Forums racists praising their shithole

It would be a poor shithole.


no it shouldnt and it never will be you dumb polish shit, fuck your autistic country concept
too bad ukrainians didnt butcher you more in ww2 now we would have nicer borders but at least you dont have lwiw anymore and they are slowly taking poland with immigration now

t. serbroach

t. Nemanja Srbomajnilović

Volim te, Hrvatska, ti si moja ljubav zauvek.

Mislim da je on poljak s hrvatskom zastavom.

I like visualising things so here you go

t. Hrvoje ÄŒetnik


zauvek is Serbian ekavica

Zasto bi Srbi nenavidjeli Poljsku? Ne mislim da postoji neki konflikt medu Srbima i Poljacima.

Da, znam, ali moram priznati da mi je lakse pisati ekavicom.

Tri-moreta when?

If you did do this though, then it might force us Western Europeans to band together too.

>all the useless slavs in one country
sounds good to me, then get out of eu and we are into eden

>into eden

Sure, especially when you invite more rapefugees.

t. Romgalu Cigani

Prebaci se na dalmatinsku ikavicu, jezik pravih patricija.

Whoops I made a mistake


And your idea isn't?

Take Ukraine with you, they are your brothers, true slavs, unlike those stupid Russian mogoloids

you leeched more than a gorillion refugees could ever do, get out now

>he doesn't even understand why I called him autistic and got upset
Double autism.

Dalmacija nije mi zanimljiva, nek ostaje za turiste.

looks like dinosaur fucking western europe

>getting your titties in a twist over some fucking islands
Complete and unbridled autism

Alright guys I've fixed Europe

You're welcome

It already is
they're part of the same country anyway

Northern Greece / Solun is Bulgarian territory

very good post

I have a good name for it:
The 4th Reich

I fixed europe

>everyone stood up

replace slavia with greater lithuania
replace russia with nuclear wasteland
replace anatolia with greater israel
replace west europa with western caliphate

don't bant if you don't know the memes, lad

way to miss the entire point mate

stop calling it Slavia you autists
Panslavism is a retarded concept that serves only Russian interests and it horribly backfired every single time someone tried to implement it.
Neither Visegrad nor 3Cs Initiative is based on ethnolinguistics because ethnolinguistics are completely irrelevant in geopolitics.
"Slavic identity" is vague as fuck and doesn't mean shit. It's a meme.

The point of Intermarium is "Greater Poland"
The point of Slavia is "Greater Russia"

yo fuck you

most slavs dont consider themself slavs