
late night snack edition

Other urls found in this thread:

google.co.uk/search?q=The bunny man bridge&gws_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=_92xWargDYbIwQLD14-YCA

having a sit

smiledog, yeah creepy as fuck. do you remember the grifter? jesus I wasn't the same after watching it

very, very good thread


need a jewish wife

I'm safe from Rokos basilisk because I've done 50000 google captchas hehe.

hey dudes


This should be legal in britain also.

having a think

They're pretty but Jewish wives turn into Jewish mothers.

How do you nail down your flaccid willy length. Mine varies between 3.5 and 6.2 inches. Do I just say the biggest number for the ego boost or average the two lengths out?


What happened to her t-shirt unboxing videos?


i remain unspooked

i'm literally denoting all of my efforts to helping it's creation
take that, worms

hello 13 year old



The morning sip

DO NOT research

Rokos obelisk


Anyone want to join the new group I'm forming? National Inaction, we won't do a fucking thing

Why does it matter? You're not going to fuck anyone with a limp dick.

Mine varies from tiny when it's cold or I've been lifting weights to almost full erect length when it's warm and I've been doing cardio.

the average yank spends more on fast food than they do on their mortgage

absolute state of yank education system

hardly 13 if I'm talking about a meme that comes from like 2008 Sup Forums. it's a bit of fun you autistic freak
google.co.uk/search?q=The bunny man bridge&gws_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=_92xWargDYbIwQLD14-YCA

Bit racist mate

might go to a mosque


it's such a perfect day

Flaccid is the dick most people will see. If I'm walking around in boxers, you can see the full 6 inches of length, for example.

Things that should be legal
-being married to more then one person at the same time
-being married to animals
-transitioning covered by the nhs
-shaping oneself into new forms to gain increased elidricht power
-racism against white people
-giving homophobes aids
-burning the national flag
-extreme porn

Anyone wanna come to my mosque

'bout to spark one up lads

good luck

You should see how they do uni applications

all the teachers sit around a table and read the personal statement. they make a decision based off that. dad had cancer for 5 years? awww points, you're coming into the uni.

if by mosque you mean musky pussy then yes

Ever get it when you're on a night out wapped out your head having a wonderful time in your own little world and then for some reason you get a sense of extreme panic and anxiety for a very brief moment and you just zone out and feel life is absolutely futile ?

Happened the other night, I was talking to an attractive girl with great enthusiasm and enjoying it when suddenly I kind of just zoned out, stared into space and thought "what's the fucking point? Why am I talking to her? What am I doing here?"

It's an incredibly hard feeling to describe, usually get it when I'm on some sort of sniffable or eatable mind altering substance

Cuckio meme? Can't say I remember it..

doesn't at all sound like an incentive to bullshit the entire thing

Am I the only girl who lurks in these threads

does beer keep you awake?
i really fancy a quick pint, but i have to sleep soob also

things Australia should have:
>A win against kangaroos
We can't have it all, lad

felt great an hour ago but now i feel like SHIT

Why do people insist on continuing to live in disaster prone areas like the carribean

"oh looks like our infrastructure has collapsed to another hurricane/tsunami" christ start building bunkers or better yet, migrate to an island not in the middle of nowhere


I identify as a girl

probably yeah

First pint or four have you melancholic and sleepy, a pint will put you to sleep


>doesn't sound like you're happy

Same reason people don't just change their gender but instead turn into tranny freaks.

CA the every form of broadcast media should be politically neutral by law

business idea: weather modification tech

just realized guns wouldn't work in space and that's why we need lazer guns

Are you hot?

If you like caves go to Chislehurst Caves

It's about £5 for a tour. Part of the tour they put you in complete darkness, and you start to hallucinate things.(it's one of the few times you'll be in absolute darkness in your life)

they also bang a huge drum in the distance to show you what it was like to shelter there during WW2 air raids. really cool for any lads in South/South east

doing a gordon lightfoot


Don't understand how Muslims have all that faith. Like the whole religion thing just seems really far fetched to me.

dangerous and downright stupid

think I first listened to Nevermind in like 93, I was 7

Do you have a vagina?

You from chislehurst lad? Grew up here, went to coopers

they would work fine but the recoil would be terrible

*skins you alive and roasts you over an open fire before consuming your flesh*

except bunnies don't whore around for money

like 2005 for me, i was 16


nah I'm a london waster

i hate seeing their shitskin faces everywhere
should all be wiped out

rorke wants to genocide bunnies through

hmmm, yeess.
Out of the æther, he decides to unveil himself. And start a new thread, one so præmature for the sole purpose of getting his fugly goblinette onto the catalog for all its observators to see (to their misfortune).
Quality, originality, wit and the likes?
He careth not, as caring would obstruct him were his psyche give way to such frivolous thoughts.
A real leg-end of /brit/ (!)

Herbalize and report.


àààééééééééééééé why does my keyboard do this to me

>/x/ threads

ahh yes now I'm too scared to go downstairs now

feel the same about all religions apart from deism and that barely counts

? Chislehurst is london

Anybody uglier then me should have their rights stripped and be forced to work as a slave.

Existential crisis

Cannæ sæ fæ sure lad


but they need oxygen for the combustion reaction

HAARP has been around for like 40 years

You know what upsets me?

Ducks rape. Like a lot. Duck vaginas have all kinds of twists and turns and dead ends to avoid unwanted impregnation.

But does that affect how we look at ducks?


Do we still think ducks are cute and?


Do we want ducks any less because of their rape habits?


Treat people like ducks ok

what if there are people with supernatural abilities out there

we will never know

**shoots you**

it's alri, i'm an egalitarian, i treat humans and rabbits the same

Always remember that one /x/ story about gypsies in the woods but have never ever found it again after all these years.

For me dad's rock was more Pink Floyd and Rolling Stones.

It's a weird sensation, understanding your dad was once cool. Mine even played bass in a band.

I was born with a vagina, in my mind.

SECOND 999 i've gotten today. on a roll


AltGr is broken.

hmmmmmmm you're correct
>Fires can't burn in the oxygen-free vacuum of space, but guns can shoot. Modern ammunition contains its own oxidizer, a chemical that will trigger the explosion of gunpowder, and thus the firing of a bullet, wherever you are in the universe. No atmospheric oxygen required.
i see

>in my mind.
Did the doctor agree?

Kekked and saved

black hole sun
won't you come
won't you come

tired of living lads
no prospects for my future
wanna just kill some subhumans

>he thinks people are so stupid that they couldn't figure out how to shoot in space