Any Floridians about?

Any Floridians about?

Read to get BTFO?

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Nothing will happen
Screencap this


Already evacuated out of state with my mom just on case. Just hoping we have something to come home to.

He says as his house blows away

>Not staying for the bants, looting and protecting your property with a centrefire rifle

Only have a revolver tbqhwyf and no speed loaders.

lets hope so, also what about pets? have you a dog, cat or something else? are they also safe?
this could actually happens in florida:
i always wonder what the animals are doing in this situation.

So wait America is having two hurricanes this season?

We have a small dog that travels very easily so we took her with us. If we couldn't have taken her we would have stayed likely.


good to know, that he is safe

Post pics of doggo

Despite being a little dog, she's a complete sweetheart.


Nice little pupper. Hope you're all safe, mate.

Why do Bongs draw French flags on their planes ?

colours of nationality

i dont see a white flag?

I'd stay for the looting desu, get yourself some proper survival gear and a kayak and get going user.

Make sure he's secure as he could easily blow away.

left florida with my mom and left cat

feels bad man

It's a fin flash, the colours of the roundel or your country's flag.


I havn''t even boarded up my windows yet.

>Peru has the same symbol as Turkey.

The funniest one is New Zealand having a flightless bird as theirs.

yeah i'm here we'll be fine

Good point.

Do they even have an army?


Your likelihood of being shot here is in the extremely high range.

I like your anti looting sign.
Here we don't put any sign. Just wait and shoot...

based rising sun


Why do adults dress like that in the US?