Meet bunch of erasmus students

>meet bunch of erasmus students
>mixed group from all over the continent, including potubros, spaniards, slovaks, hungarians, germans, finns
>they all get along well, spend time together and are respectful of each other's countries

>come to Sup Forums
>shitflinging, racism, butthurt and "banter" everywhere, people isolate themselves in their generals and hate other nationalities

Could it be that there is some sort of correlation between being a virgin social outcast and racism and nationalism?

No, Erasmus is (((their)) project

Yeah, a lot of int is just banter though.

People just tend to express their unpopular opinions on the internet, while keeping normie-facade IRL.

>what is no accountability anonymity

beeing nice doesn't earn you (you)s here

The average person isn't nearly as hateful, jaded and ignorant as the average 4channer. This is pretty much the only place on the internet I know of where people are this hateful, and even then, this board here is extreme.

/trv/ is board similar in topic, yet the people there actually do travel and don't insult each other, even though they too are anonymous.

are you a jewish or a fag or what ?

It is tiring people hating other people here solely because they happen to have a certain flag. It is also tiring to see the mental gymnastics people employ to justify their racism to themselves. I wish this board was different.

Because they don't have flags. Sup Forums is almost exactly the same as Sup Forums in terms of racial shitposting, it's harmless banter anyway and it's fun if you don't take yourself so seriously. Although being an outcast might make you bitter, theres no real correlation.

Its just a little banter, nobody here actually hates on each other just because of their flag.

>this is what amerishits actually believe

>Because they don't have flags
But they still mention where they're from a lot of the time, for example the guy says that he's from America. There was also a French guy who travelled Africa, everybody knew he was French. There are never butthurt people posting in their threads and spewing Sup Forumstier memes about muslim immigrants, surrender monkeys or fat school shooters, even though they could in theory do it while being completely anonymous, since they don't even have flags as you mentioned.
You're either very new or you only come here during hours when only Americans post here and thus get spared all the terrible posts. I've seen calls for genocide on other nationalities here ffs.

>muslim immigrants
do you deal with them on a daily basis, you little faggot ? If not go back to r/eddit you stupid liberal

Lithuania more like Lithuafrica :DDDD get it :DD

Yes, there's a bunch of Turks and Azeris studying at my university, not to mention a bunch of Russian muslims who come here.

If you love mudslims so much then convert to this shit religion and go to mecca you stupid moslem

You're right OP. Most people aren't as autistic as Sup Forums. This threads only 16 posts in and they're already chimping out at you and calling you a lib.
I wish I never discovered this site.

>Thinking Sup Forums bantz actually reflects opinions
>Thinking that this entire fucking website isn't just advanced shitposting with the exception of the occasional neckbeard that actually believes in da ebil jooz
Bruh take a detour to Sup Forums and Sup Forums, it actually is just bantz

Sieg Heil fuck niggers and muslims

Spent night drinking with friends now im gonna meet with a girl

I cant say this shit irl obviously but i would join some fascist uprising immediaty

>social outgoing people who go abroad to study and meet new people
>shut ins who post on Sup Forums

HMMM how could these two groups possibly be different???

>one are open minded people who are smart enough on a moral level to judge an individual person
>the others are nihilistic shut-ins who killed their own souls long ago and probably had a shit childhood


If only

I love cute erasmus students.
I usually offer the cuteboys drinks and get them drunk to have fun.
Their reaction when they wake up in my bed with their butts filled with semen is priceless.
In the end it's always cuddles and love.

you are trying too hard hans, we all know you are a furry who blows muslim men every night like a good german

you are cute i'd fuck you in the ass

lol, no thanks.
Short people aren't my thing.

you have to take everything lightly here. i just laugh at it.

It's just shitposting and banter, stop being so oversensitive bitch. Personally i don't hate anybody expect swedes

>it's just le funny banter
I don't believe this.
Some of the posts and content are written with so much intensity and effort that it's not funny anymore

Yeah, kikes must die, so what? Whatch gonna do about it, Popeye?

Go back to the rice fields, Chang

>ebil jooz

>This is pretty much the only place on the internet I know of
because here there's at least some anonymity, that's why
people are cunts held back by normie standards and society.

>i don't hate anybody expect swedes

Well that is not very nice

what the

Ive been on Erasmus and im still here
whelp there goes your crappy hypothesis
Also its easy to denounce racism when you live in lithuania

No one ever comes here for erasmus :(

maybe you're just in the wrong city, i'd imagine that many people come to places like istanbul or izmir

I live in istanbul, only dumb alamancis come here for erasmus

There was a polish chick last year with hair that looked liked polyanna. I thought she was german cause she had the physique and jawline of a dude

>Be American
>Be fat
>Take 10 waddles down the road
>Get shot up by Tyrone
>He takes your wallet
>Roll to the hospital using your own grease to more or less glide there
>Have to pay 120k because Trump care best care
>Motorized wheelchair home (Another $2k)
>Watch news on how current generation of peaceful protestors and college students have another "Peaceful" protest about education, and basic economics.
>Take a swig of your "Heavy Cream Wet Dreamâ„¢" transfat drink
>Feel your heart stop beating because it's covered in fat
>Cry a single cholesterol tear as you whisper
"God Bless America"

Learn to take a joke wh*teboi cuck

Killing off banter is ending the Western civilization

Sup Forums really is an awful place fillrd with the worst people, but i'd still say at least Sup Forums is better than most other boards since at least most of the time, it is indeed just banter, while Sup Forums and Sup Forums are just completely and utterly awful. This place does get awful people too, but at least it can get better here.
Remember, most people are just shitposting, at least make yourself believe they are.
It also helps when you realize that whenever someone boasts about their skin colour and genetics, they tend to look like pic related.

Half the shit I post, I just make up for entertainment.

im taller than you boi


its just bunch of beta white race manlets spewing their butthurt and frustration about the outer world and generally well adjusted happy non whites on this little safe space.

Most of these autists have no friends and will probably never influence the society anyways

socially awkward neets and psychos. and lots of poltards. /thread

Zitto animale

You dont deal with them you autist you just sit in your mothers basement all day long

shut up beaners