How come we dont get funny fat guys in movies anymore?

how come we dont get funny fat guys in movies anymore?

what you mean funny, like some kind of fat like a whale funny?

Funny guys are supposed to be somewhat abnormal.

Fat guys used to be funny. Now that everyone is fat, you need funny skinny guys

all the fat funny fucks died or got gastro bypass surgery and look like ghost versions of their former selves.

We want funny fat girls now.


He just got the job because he's Jewish.

Being fat is no longer funny. It's a serious issue that must be stopped. Kill all fatties!

Man, I used to hoped that Forgler is gonna made it somehow since Fanboys. Good for him.

literally the only redeeming thing in that piece of shit

Because Fatty Arbuckle raped and killed a girl in 1921.

what a great pick for the role man, loved this guy in fantastic beasts, felt genuine as hell. And him seeing magic and being a fat slob and being like "yeah why not" good stuff

i like how he was a war veteran, we're probably gonna see him mow down a bunch of wizards with a tommy gun in the next film

>not realizing that newt was the most accurate depiction of Sup Forums's autism on film

Yeah, but that's normal for the 20s.

tfw we're 3 years from another 20s

that'd be interesting, finally answer the age old question

He was top comfy and I enjoyed him a lot despite my initial impression on him.

Plus he might be recurring in the future if he ever gets married to that sister.

because some spic comedian made his entire routine about being "fluffy"

Because there's nothing funny about heart disease!!!

In the true spirit of the 20s, I think Jacob should rape and kill Newt.

funny how?