Why does she refuse to lose the weight, lads? This is getting ridiculous...

Why does she refuse to lose the weight, lads? This is getting ridiculous, it's like she's bulking on top of her being fat from her pregnancy.

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it is pretty funny the amount of chubbs people running around in a time where food is a scarce commodity.

Look at the disgust and the judgement in the faces of the people in the background.

>people back home

body fat is based on genetics, the show is striving to be realistic

>body fat is based on genetics

Why does no one ever say the same thing about that fat guy with the mullet. He's still alive I assume, as usual OP is a sexist.

Eugene has actual useful skills, it makes sense for the group to relocate resources to him. Also, Eugene's weight has been staying pretty much the same while Tara has gained and therefore must've depleded more resources than she's worth.

She couldn't even fight off a girl probably half her weight in this episode. She's pretty much useless.

absolutely disgusting profile

I think that shadow of her past jawline is more disgusting.

what's the matter? can't handle a little thicc?

Why are all female characters in TWD so shit? Rosita is worse than Andrea in Season 2 her character is just being a sassy bitch.

Post neck fupa

because you're a misogynist

Wasn't this filmed a little after giving birth?
What does she look like RIGHT NOW?

a milkshake is thick. thick is christina hendricks and scarlett johansson. this chick is like a milkshake that was left out in the car for a few days and soaked through cup.

she's gross and you're gross

Carl and Daryl are boring and annoying, yet no one complains.
Even Rosita la Mamacita has more personality than Daryl now.

Carol is really the worst character now. The writers can't even come up with any better reason for her bullshit than, "I had to"

Carol was fun for 2 seasons at least.
Carl can't act and is still so damn childish.
Nothing came from him from killing that one guy ruthlessly back in season 3 or 4 either.

Rosita has never been interesting. Whenever she's on screen, my vision goes blurry and all I can hear is static. She's the worst. Same for Enid.

top tier b8

>not liking rosita

it's almost like you aren't into eating buttholes wtf is wrong with you

>literally the worst character in the series aside from Dale
Why hasn't she been killed yet? Her only tie to the show was Glenn and that fat dyke, but they are both gone.

>le fat lesbian Tara and bitchy Rosita given more screen time with no good story or development
>new lesbian summer camp group
>new edgy Antifa landfill group that's 75% womyn and PoCâ„¢
Jesus Christ what the fuck is this show doing.

Carol is the only person on the show that has had character development

>Carol is the only person on the show that has had character development
Something which they're going out of their way to ruin

this fucking numale i swear. can they at least give him a proper heaircut

he is turning 18 still no facial hair, no muscles

forgot pic

AMC wants the trap demographic

he is so fucking ugly. like i dont know what it is about him, he's not obese or deformed but he is just so fucking ugly i hate looking at him

No. Body fat is based off thermodynamics

Good. She reminds me of my fat tabby cat ingrid. Ingrid weighs about 15 pounds and doesn't take shit from anyone or anything. She absolutely bullies every other animal that gets near her. She's a boss bitch.

That's what Tara is going to be. Did you see her fight in that scene? She straight ground and pounded that cunt.

Its literally the hair

you joke but he really does look like taylor swift with that haircut


user you're a gentleman and a scholar

Genetics does play a role to some extent, but you have to be a fucking pig to overeat like she does.

Genetic has to do with how much you grow. But your overall fatness in proportion to your height is based off of energy in and energy out


still not as bad as pic related, or that fat fuck from Game of Thrones.
how can you have all the resources of Hollywood and not want to get thinner for your craft and your own health?? anyone that committed to being a lard needs to die immediately.

maybe. either way he's ugly as sin and i hate him

But it made sense, because not long after landing on the island they find a huge food store and put the fat guy in charge for some fucking reason.

intermediate kek

she looks so fucking out of place. Rick, Michonne, Daryl, even Rosita and Gabriel and Alexandrians like Aaron have a completely different look. They look hard/lean/worn down

Tara looks like a chubby teenager

Jesus. I dropped this two or three seasons ago. She was cute when she first appeared. The fuck happened?

>fat people in charge of the food rations

>find food stash
>somehow still enough for porky to get 5000-6000 daily calories to maintain his blob

Those two fat fucks trigger the shit out of me.

The first month they stayed on the island, this lardass would've lost AT LEAST 30 or so pounds.

Same with Sam and the Death March on the first two or so seasons, where they went to the edge of the world ON FUCKING FOOT, walking hundreds of miles on soft ice and with barely no rations, and the fat fuck didn't lost one fucking pound. He probably got even fatter.

hurley says at some point (i'm down a notch in my belt)

but it sure didn't show

is he still alive in real life? did he ever lose weight?

That takes disgraceful commitment to stay that fat.

Yes, fat deposition ultimately depends on thermodynamics, but genetics can skew this balance to some degree, making you more prone to obesity.
However, I would imagine for most obese people, it's primarily an issue of overeating and lack of exercise.


The actress got pregnant, packed on the pounds, and never lost most of them. The worst part about it is that it's only been about 4 or 5 months in universe since The Governor ran them out of the prison, and she put on almost all the weight from about month 2 through month 3. They spent much of season 6 hiding her behind dishes and chairs, before sending her on a supply run for like 9 episodes straight just to get rid of her. I dunno why they didn't just save themselves the trouble and kill her off. I guess the writers feel like there's still potential for her perspective in The Governor's ranks and the war with The Saviors building up, but I feel like they got that out of the way with the satellite dish outpost and Rick quoting The Governor with "kill them all."

So fucking what? Its not even good character development

She has to have connections or something, or maybe the producers didnt create polemic like "they fired me because I was pregnant"

And im sorry user but theres no way it has been only 4 or 5 months