Is this the official tv show of the alt-right?

Is this the official tv show of the alt-right?

>Main character a smart, centrist Republican who hates the tea-party and censorship
>Mainstream media is all fake news controlled by corporate leftists who cover nothing but lies and literal tabloid-tier shit with no research
>Republican teams up with Q.T. war reporter to rebel and do honest news

Its funny because liberals used to like this show. If it aired now, they would whine incessantly about its depiction of the mainstream media.

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Sounds like real life t b h

is it worth it to watch it?

all i know is that one snippet that normies praise which doesnt sounds like OPs post

I guess if you don't pay attention to anything about the show then those are conclusions you could draw

Listen to that clip again. Its literally Trump's campaign message. They ask why America is a great, and want to hear "diversity and freedom". He tells them that America is shit now (this is when Obama was president), but that it could be great again.

>being at odds with the tea party

Since when?

Lindsey Graham, McCaine, and all the other Koch brothers cronies hate Trump, or have you not been paying attention?

I tried redpilling people on the Newsroom years ago. Unfortunately there are as many idiots on the right as their are on the left, so all the righties would sperg out on me, which is ironic because it was clear they got their opinions of the show from the same info sources they claim to rail against.


If anything it shows how ridiculous the lefties in the Newsroom are, while someone like Will McAvoy was there to tell them how retarded they all were/be the level-headed guy

sure but all the conservatives are a buncha cucks

he says the right things about building infrastructure and wanting to "do big things again" but he's mostly a faggot anyway because the show is written by Sorkin

lol fuck off

they had an episode about NBC editing the Zimmerman tapes being a "mistake"

Jeff Daniels is Andrew Breitbart

>le ebil koch brogders X--DDDD

They're not a part of the tea party, they're just your regular cuckservative.

I thought this infographic was wrong, but holy shit its accurate

its EXACTLY what you did - the Green text and X-D thing without any other content to the post

See? It's faggots like this faggot right here.


No you're an idiot. Also the entire arc of that season was essentially CNN you fucking moron.

not an argument

and I've never seen a real defense for this cringe inducing schlock

Straight out of the lifetime channel

>liberals used to like this show.

Objection. No one liked the show when it was airing.

Alt right isn't a real thing. You can say it a billion more times if you want to but nobody is buying it. Just another buzzword for when you're too stupid to argue point by point and you decide to write someone off as raycist

Watch sniveling crypto-jew Bill Kristol get absolutely btfo on morning and basically break down in tears

Alt right is just a buzzword for Republican voters ages 18-30

>the Green text and X-D thing
Who is the newfag. You're projecting.

Anybody remember the post 9/11 West Wing episode that was basically a one off and beyond touchy feely even for Sorkin I mean I know what the mood of the country was at the time I was there but that was a bit much

>Implying most Sup Forumsacks aren't newfags now

This shit was written like it's from someone that came to Sup Forums in 2011 or something

>alt right spokesman

Pick one

>Republican who hates the Tea Party


>obsessed with e-celebs

fuck me, that's the ONE thing I want to see in decline around here

There is no such thing as the "alt-right"

It's a made up term to affiliate everyone slight right of the conventional centrist-left neo-conservatives (i.e. controlled opposition) as one group aka "Nazi" aka "crazies" aka etc.

When you define the modern acceptable definition of traditional "right" as accepting of gay marriage, accepting Muslims on the grounds of "freedom of religion", supporting mass third world immigration as long as it's "legal", and so on, that means any potential right wing leaders that fall further to the acceptable right are deemed insane and domestic terrorists

As it stands now, the term "alt-right" groups together paleo-conservatives, libertarians, and neo-nazis, all of which have little in common. It's like saying Communists, Socialists, and Blue collar democrats are all the same as they are all "alt-left"

Alt-right doesn't exist, it's a shitty label people made to make a new boogeyman.


Would you prefer to just be called racist neo-nazi again?

>random guy seeing an oppurtunity to make a few dollars
Wow, crazy

None of those are tea-party senators you fuckwit.

>the alt-right is anything other than the figment of the lefts imagination

its a term for right wing individuals that hold beliefs that no one with a political career wants to associate themselves with.

>random guy
That's Mr. Punchable you're talking about!

its almost like the current political climate is everyone raging against some manner of manufactured boogeymen. The right has "liberals" and the left has "the alt-right."

>Its funny because liberals used to like this show.
SJWs complained about it as much as the Sup Forums nazis, because Sorkin is a misogynist who hates third-wave feminism.

However Sorkin is still very much a typical media leftist Jew with deep contempt for common people

The alt right isn't smart, centrist, or republican.
T. Ex alt-right.

The Sup Forums sincere racists are newfags from stormfront who thought Sup Forums's funny racism was sincere so they migrated, but stormfags are too autistic to be funny so they just shit the place up until Sup Forums was made as a ghetto for their dumb asses.

Why do you keep repeating this autistic bullshit? You're detached from reality if you believe that the middle aged neo-nazis from Stormfront are the same people populating Sup Forums, or that people are just feigning racism here.

I wish Spencer would die the controlled opposition stooge