I want this trope to die.

Yes goyim, Mr. Shekelburg surely has your best interests in mind!

>Le my life is good because poor people make cheap stuff for me

Time for another Rami love thread

The trope needs to die, I agree.

But I still like Mr Robot...

In a saturated market there is always room for a good one, regardless of trope/genre.

>completes hack and disables E Corp
>the world is even shittier and more difficult to live in
Thanks a ducking lot Elliot you autist schizo fsggot

How 1337 HAX0R is this series?

Lol u capitalist losers are going to get fucked in the ass. Either by progress or war

>everything revolves around my infantile political viewpoint
no one cares

Very little. It has all entry level tech guy stuff applied to real life world war hacker levels.

>implying lazy socialist fags could beat productive, persistent capitalists
The capitalists would just pay marksman to kill you.

Does this look okay to you?

I'm not a Liberal, but capitalism as we have today is a disgrace

delet this

>im not a liberal

sure bud

but dude, capitalism is evil

you can't just call facts tropes

>implying capitalism isn't evil
oh boy, here we go again.

Communism doesnt work when applied.
Capitalism works better than the former in however to this day not other social/economic structure has greated such a large gap between the poorest and richest in the world.
good technology is a wonderful byproduct of capitalism that would be infinitely harder to progress without the competition of capitalism.
Capitalism is destroying the planet and putting the future of humanity into the hands of those who should have it.
Can we stop fucking pretending these two are our only options and simply cull the human race to a manageable size and either properly apply a fairer capitalism or just roll the dice and go for a monarchy.
Those of you that enjoy and praise capitalism, I don't mean to belittle your intelligence simply to discredit your priorities. You are selfish and so long as you live a semi-comfortable life you don't care the the world will end shortly after your death.

who shouldn't have it*

>I'm not a liberal, but
stopped reading there

>is show about user
wow, guys I can totally relate to lonely, internet, hacker guy

>has sex in the first 20 minutes of the pilot

National Socialism > All


No, money in general is "evil".

Capitalism is not inherently evil. Working to build capital so you can support your needs is necessary for a balanced society. Where capitalism transitions to the domain of evil is in usury and material obsession.


There's always technocracy. It's anti-capitalist but isn't part of the traditional left either because it supports hierarchy and eugenics. It was an extremely popular political system among scientist and writers in the early 20th century. It completely died after the 1960s though.

I mean, if you watched the show you'd find out that they were a bunch of edgy young hackers who got in way too deep over their heads and actually made things worse than they were before, as well as essentially acted as puppets for a chinese triad/government organisation

>does not name the jew

youd have to get rid of capitalism.