Homeland Thread

What did you think of the newest episode, lads?

I thought it was pretty good, but the whole Quinn story was a little far-fetched, a crippled soldier can still BTFO a police spec-ops team? i mean come on

police "special" ops

oh shit i forgot a new ep was last night.

i feel like im the only one still watching. all the hyped died off with brody.

that fucking scene where Quinn just shoots the guy throwing the rock through the window was pretty cool

what did you think about totally-not Alex Jones?

That was based on a real guy? Wtf is wrong with you America?

>n an article for Salon, Laila Al-Arian called the show the most Islamophobic show on television, accused it of portraying Muslims under the light of simplistic concepts and as a monolithic, single-minded group whose only purpose is to hurt Americans, and basing the Brody character to such an extent on "pseudo-psychology that only an audience conditioned by the Islamophobic, anti-Arab tropes in our media could find him consistent." She further criticizes the show for fanning hysteria of Muslim "infiltration" of the United States; poor mastery of even basic Arabic; misrepresentation of Islamic and Arab culture; and simplifying the politics of militant Islamic organizations, for instance by conflating groups that in real life are rivals

and yet there are still braindead people who accuse the show of being 'leftist propaganda' or something like that. That really triggers me, if you are one of these people - please an hero as soon as possible.

This is from several years ago, you dullard.

dullest review ever

hyphen in the name anywhere, instantly disregarded

pls go back to red.dit

Pretty dull episode, desu. The whole thing could have been done without the kidnapping that took half the episode, unless, of course, the rest of the plot requires quinn to have gone to jail.

it was great.

>you're shitposting in the wrong neighborhood

that's what i'm thinking

The only good scene in the episode.
Cringe inducing. The accent was so bad.

Didn't find Quinn's freak out believable. I think they've been a little too selective with when he's acting crazy and when he's not.

Also that Alex Jones impersonation is so on the nose and unnatural coming out of that actor that it was hard to watch.

so embarrassingly try-hard

1 > 4 > 3 > the rest

>written by a mudslime
I kekd

Quinn could testify he followed that dude across the street to the parking lot where he planted the bomb that blew up the van

So him being crazy will interfere with that I guess

I'm waiting for the episode where Carrie sits on my face desu

>a crippled soldier can still BTFO a police spec-ops team? i mean come on

>a former SAD operative can BTFO some cop who maybe went to Iraq/Afghanistan and went through some cop training?


I think the CIA's gonna get Quinn thrown in a mental institution for more leverage on Carrie.

Regardless this is the most open and shut CIA false flag I've ever seen

Teabag is the guy running shit ala Oliver North

I had doubts at first, but this season is pretty damn good so far, better than last season which itself was alright for the most part.

One of the better episodes of the show itself too, pretty damn tense in the apartment and Friend did a great job, deserves to win an award for his performance t.b.h

Dar Adal has to be behind everything though, right, or are they setting up another tweeeest?

shows finally back firing on all cylinders

I always forget how long it takes for homeland to set up the pieces it wants to use for a new season, so those first few eps really dragged for me

I figure the fact that we finally got a single moment of FBI guy not being a smug asshole or raging dick (when she called him saying her source didn't provide the tape) means that he'll be the one helping carrie out from the inside a bit this season.

I really like the way this shit is shaping up, and I'm fucking glad Quinn continues to get opportunities to kick ass. I was worried they would just turn him into the boring thread of the storyline where we're just supposed to feel sorry for him constantly

1>4>6 (so far)>5>2>>>>>>3 was so goddamn stupid.

it literally sounds exactly like him

that was my initial guess but setting up dar to be behind anything kind of paints them into a corner regarding the season's finale imo.

was 3 the one with brody's fucking kids constantly and that roadtrip with the daughter's badboi-BF?
because if so then 100% agree.
but I've never watched season 1
I will say I enjoyed 5 quite a bit, and the main antagonist was strong.

I can't remember, I haven't seen 3 in so long and don't plan on rewatching it. All I remember was the awful plot with Brody in Iran. I think there was more daughter drama in it too, but I think that was season 2 where his daughter runs away with some kid at their prep school or some shit.

How have you not watched season 1, why have you waited? It's literally the best season of the show and it makes no sense not to watch it.

I got turned onto the show by a friend, and didn't have the patience to catch up, so I just watched along as he did so we could shoot the shit about whatever was going on

I kept watching because I really fucking like how the show's written. It does inter-character drama in a way that I don't find hamfisted or awkward which is rare for action tv. Like, there may be plenty of suspension of disbelief needed for whatever plot mechanics, but all that I'm fine with. When characters are interacting with each other, though, it consistently feels like they're making choices that make sense for each of them, instead of feeling weirdly forced and soapy which is why I could never stick it through with 24 or the new reboot

his behaviour has been pretty uniformly crazy desu
it makes no sense at any point anywhere in the show in the context of civvy life

the thing is that he's right about not actually being in civvy life, which is what makes some instances of his behaviour seem justified. If he was still living in a warzone, quinn is pretty much still in good shape and making all the right calls. He's (ostensibly) not in hostile territory right now though, so all of that shit is in fact crazy to anybody who isn't seeing the whole picture.

how does this show, which I find has judiciously handled these issues with care, get shit on constantly when there are so many more blatant examples out there

It was pretty good, but the real Alex Jones is more insane.

brody dying was the best thing to happen to the show

this. that tiny mouthed faggot just got more and more annoying

is Carrie's bipolar disorder suddenly cured

she is staying medicated and out of her high-stress paranoia encouraging environment, and it doesn't feature as a plotpoint this season, so I'm guessing they're just not giving it air time.

If that was one of the things you liked most about carrie, just picture her having mini freakouts in front of the mirror in the morning every few days when the camera's not on her


So Dar Adal had something to do with the bomb?


>Quinn will never be better
>they'll find a way to cuck him even harder

Trump fans and conspiracy nuts took over America. It's fucking embarrassing.

cia special ops >>>>>>>>>>>> police "special" ops

>conspiracy nuts took over the nation we are all doomed!

how is this show even still going

better than what? he's fucking kicking ass

at first I was going to be like "you're a fucking idiot" but then I looked it up and whadaya know you were right user

I don't know but I'm unironically glad it is
it's one of the few series left of solid entertainment right now

Dar Adal will turn out to be the good guy all along.

>nuts take over nation.
>just calls it embarrassing.
dont pretend you werent trying to paint a different picture faggot.

user I'm agreeing with you
I clearly and unambiguously wrote one thing and you were right to immediately ignore that and come up with a wholely fabricated interpretation and present it as if it were a direct quote

fucking good on you


would probably be better if she was still cia

how is the new season haven't watch an episode yet