Muslim Hammer Attacks in United Kingdom

What are the best modern(after 2010) British films?

who was in the wrong here?

lmao feels good living in AMERICA

Feels good letting all your women get taped by blacks?

Why cant you faggots just post your political threads in Sup Forums

the netflix one with game of thrones girl


It's not that muslims or refugees are more violent or commit more crime than others, it's simply that the authorities are much harsher on them. In Sweden, for example, it's not that they commit more rape but rather that rape has a much broader liberal definition thus inflating the crime rate.

Besides, looking at the statistics alone, you have much more cause to fear a white republican male than you do an innocent muslim refugee. These threads are just more concentrated effort by Sup Forums to propagate their racist, sexist, islamophobic agenda.

>implying I'm european descendant(cuckasian) lmao

how can a hammer be muslim?



>In Sweden, for example, it's not that they commit more rape but rather that rape has a much broader liberal definition thus inflating the crime rate.

I just read that in Sweden a man can be charged with rape if his wife later changes her mind and say she didn't feel like she gave consent

For fucks sake Sweden

It's 2017 you bigot, hammers can be whatever they want to be.

my hammer transitioned to a screwdriver and I was absolutely ok with this

>no one recommending films

its clearly a tv show you fucking idiot

tapemixing coalburning WHORES

sweden yes means no

in which country? I think Brazil or Colombia are even worst and they have no Muslims
Even in the USA have Columbine massacres and so on

op wasn't asking for films though

>t's not that they commit more rape but rather that rape has a much broader liberal definition
Except sweden has the exact same definition for rape as most countries.

Fucking savages.

>implying it wasn't a screwdriver to begin with
Watch the microaggressions, bro

they treat sexual harassment as rape

No they don't.

>What are the best modern(after 2010) British films?

Anyone got the story? Seems like they were after that one specific guy