Someone invited me to watch this with them later today, is it any good?

Someone invited me to watch this with them later today, is it any good?


not really, but the ending is bretty gud

There is a very hot Mia's casting couch scene. Enjoy it.

I refuse to see this film because they look so ridiculous on this poster.

good quality rip when

I watched it a few weeks ago, did I enjoy it Sup Forums?

Is it /our guy/?

9.5/10 for me being completely honest
Hidden figures was a predictable 6.5/10
Moonlight was dissapointingly a 7/10 imo
And arrival was an 8/10
I still have to see Manchester and Hell or High Water

Soubds lile dishonest jew shit
They look ridiculous on film too
It's a 3/10 no more.

Would I still enjoy it if I watched it on mute?

what about hacksaw?


Story is badly structured
The romance doesn't feel real at the start
Pacing is all over the place

But it's fucking MAGICAL

>Arrival 8/10




Do you have to pay money to see it?

I think it's impressive how Frog and Goose learned to dance. Although I generally loathe Mandy Moore's choreography.

Right right, havent watched that. Looks like its already out of my theaters,ill have to watch it online sadly

Dull oscarbait


There are hd streams available already.

It's very meh. Gosling can't act for shit, and by this I mean that he has the same fucking expression in every scene of each movie he works in. Not a great singer too, but I'll give him that he actually learnt piano for this.
Pepe is all right, but she isn't a great singer either.
I didn't really like the songs, but I think it's the style the movie went for that doesn't click with me.
The ending is too fucking long, seriously, we didn't need that scene, it adds fucking nothing to the plot nor to the character development.

Overall 6/10, really didappointing.

>The ending is too fucking long, seriously, we didn't need that scene, it adds fucking nothing to the plot nor to the character development.
it's literally the only redeeming thing about the movie. Remove that movie and you have shit movie.

If you play your cards well maybe you'll get laid.

>HEY La La Land LOL

>it's literally the only redeeming thing about the movie. Remove that movie and you have shit movie.
How can so many guys say this? it's 100% pointless. You get a, what? 10 minutes long song about a headcannon she has while listening to Gosling and that's it. If anything it's trying in a cheap way to get feels.
>hurr this is the life we would have if we had sticked together
Adds fucking nothing to the story. The movie would have been MUCH better if it ended right before the timeskip, leaving ambiguour whether they could actually stay together or not.

It's shit.

It was their secret song.

Everyone in Seb's heard the song, but only the two of them knew what the song meant.

>headcannon she has
>the movie would have been much better if shitty idea
got it, you're a literal retard.

so fucking what? it's blatant tear-jerking


its pretty darn gud OP

Are you impliying that my opinion was a headcannon, faggot? They just needed to cut the last ten minutes of the movie, I didn't come up with anything.

Well, if a man trying to get a woman to feel is tearjerking, so be it.

I'm implying your opinion is shit especially since you couldn't even comprehend a pretty explicit concept. You're just further proving I'm right that you're retarded.

What does it matter if it's blatant tear-jerking? What would be justified tear jerking?

What's there not to understand? this movie's plot is as simple as it gets.
>What does it matter if it's blatant tear-jerking?
The fact that the only reason that scene exists is to bait for tears, it adds nothing to the plot we don't know already. And no, I don't give a fuck whether the point was exactly to be tear-jerking or not. Leaving the ending open would have been a lot better.

it's a good thing you're not involved in the production of movies.

are you the director? because you sound particularly salty when I shit on the ending

I agree, not only was the ending shit the entire thing was

no you should just fuck him instead


No, she invited for me and said she will pay for it.

>women paying

Now I know you're lying.

Who was in the wrong here?

both and neither

Mia was an ungrateful bitch. Fuck her.

No. She was in the wrong.

Just like Blue Valentine. She was in the wrong.

Goose did literally nothing wrong

If nothing else it will be praised for its use of colour for years to come.

his error was getting wrong what she expected from him; and anyway not going to her play was a pretty fucking mistake (honestly why the fact didn't he text or call her, it's not like it's staged in the 80s).
but yeah, she was very very wrong.

I wouldn't say good, I would say fabulous

>leaving the ending open would have been a lot better

Ahh yes, the old "I'm too afraid of what people will think so I'll not finish the story in a cop out fade to black".

Your fear of commitment isn't a film's negative. Take it for what it is, or not at all.

It's a good movie to watch with your Girlfriend.

.....and then regret because she leaves you to pursue her dreams

They both got they wanted, but lost what they had that they didn't know they wanted.

There, the ending explained in one sentence.

>I'm too afraid of what people will think so I'll not finish the story in a cop out fade to black
holy shit

Great 10/10 movie OP, have fun!

if you ask me they didn't really want to stay with the other that much


it will get several oscars for the hollywood circlejerk and one year later barely anyone remembers it

It's like going to a massage parlor with happy endings, only to get lukewarm water poured on you for two hours.

Not worth it.

But they did know they wanted that other thing too. They got some of what they wanted but also lost some other stuff they wanted

one man can dream

considering he ended up living his dream, she was right, just went about it the wrong way.

i fell asleep twice during the movie

the ending is nice tho

>The story of Mia, an aspiring actress, and Sebastian, a dedicated jazz musician, struggling to make ends meet while pursuing their dreams in a city known for destroying hopes and breaking hearts. With modern day Los Angeles as the backdrop, this musical about everyday life explores what is more important: a once-in-a-lifetime love or the spotlight.
4/10 average queer shit

It's not bad but it's not really worth it. As a film it kinda just jerks it own dick the whole time and as a theme for a musical it's been done better before.

It's well done, but I wouldn't purposefully watch it again.

"I watched old movies and i know how they are build: the movie" was ok, not bad but nothing special.

hope your getting sucked of after this

It's an okay musical that is meant as a reference to the 30s - 50s MGM stuff. Honestly Pennies From Heaven already did it a lot better.

I usually enjoy riding Sup Forums's dick and being contrarian just for the lols
But between this and whiplash I think im turning gay for Chazelle

8/10 at least. Some faults here and there but its overall a very well constructed movie.

8/10 AT BEST is more accurate.

It's time guys, thanks for posting.

>is it /ourguy/
You have to go back /pewdiepie/

I highly enjoy musicals and this one disappointed me thoroughly.

I realized that fact when over halfway into the movie there hadn't been any musical sections for 45 minutes.

The ending montage was breddy gud except they decided it was just a dream, which kinda reinforced the whole "pursuing selfish dreams doesn't really pan out" theme that the movie accidentally and unintentionally portrayed.

Overall 5/10, I would have been upset had I paid money to see it

How can one have opinions this shitty?

Because I'm a grown adult who has seen idiots do exactly this crap with their lives and it ruins them.

It turns out when you neglect the important things in life for "fame, power and glory" you're just dumpstering yourself.

I agree with the middle part of your post.

Gene Kelly is rolling over in his grave/10

shitty writing was

the movie is shitty for presenting a different opinion and outcome than the one you experienced?
At the end of the day the message is that dreams can be achieved but sacrifices have to be made. If you dream being with your loved one you will maybe have to abandon your dream career

No it's because Ryan gosling can't act and this "musical" lacks any actual musical segments in its middle third besides that weird technojazz.

The theme it portrays (the one I said) is not the intended theme that it was trying build for the whole movie.

The ratings in this thread are incredible.
Do you people just give any movie you like an 8/10?
Are all movies you watch silly Hollywood shit like Adam Sandler flicks or Hangover so that in comparison this seems deserving of such a rating?

It's a badly written movie with dull performances and forgettable songs. Its redeeming factors lie in referncing old Hollywood movies and the fact that this kind of film (shallow feelgood housewife musicals) just don't get made anymore, at least not with big stars like Gosling. One of the biggest downfalls of the film however is the casting of celebrity actors instead of people who are actually capable of dancing and singing. Normally in those old films one would awe at the actors' mastery of their bodies in synchronized dancing, which doesn't work here because the two stars simply cannot dance well enough to be even remotely synchronized.

If you want to see a throwback to old Hollywood with singing and dancing, cowboys and roman epics done right, watch Hail Caesar.

La La Land: 3/10
Hail Caesar: 6/10

>No it's because Ryan gosling
Acting doesn't have to be flashy, he had the charisma necessary for the character

>lacks any actual musical segments in its middle third besides that weird technojazz
The lack of magical camera movements,color and music pieces are done in purpose to reflect the relationship between Seb and Mia. Its better to have few nusical numbers with purpose than a lot that dont make sense. The technojazz is purposefully generic and is a big plot point (Has Seb abandoned his dream?)

>The theme it portrays (the one I said) is not the intended theme that it was trying build for the whole movie.
So you decide what theme the movie should have?

I liked it a lot and I am not even a fan of musical. It was a little slow in the middle section, but otherwise it was really good. From the visual to the music to the acting. I'll give it a 9/10

Castaway-tier bullshit ending. I don't give a fuck about artistic value or any other bullshit like that in a movie like this, I want my definition of a happy ending. The "what could've been" number at the end just rubbed salt in the wound. Fuck Mia.

A 9 out of 10?
That's a lot, man!
Do you really think "really good" but "slow in the middle section" merits such a rating? Do you really think this film is such an epic accomplishment that it deserves a 9 out of 10?

I can't think of many films that I have given that rating personally, only Ex Drummer (2007) comes to mind spontaneously and that one really is an accomplishment.

Same goes for
I want to know from all of you what other films you have rated 9/10 or higher because I have the feeling that either you don't watch enough films or just give away enormously high ratings to everything you mildly enjoy.

Only to Whiplash have i ever given such a high score.

nearly fell asleep during planetarium dance number
characters are dank
this movie will make people cringe in 5 years once the novelty wears thin

Watch moonlight instead. It's way better and actually worth the money you pay for admission.
La La Land is another dime a dozen movie with nothing new to offer.

>falls asleep In theater
>le dank
>le cringe

Opinion discarded

>wasting quads with a shitty opinion

he probably meant "blank" not dank
and he would be right


8/10, thoroughly enjoyable.

Its a good cunt tease. It is all lovey dovey musical stuff but its plot does good at seeming pridefull vs arrogant which most musicals I see dont know how ridiculous and tryhard they are like rent. Great visuals kinda hollywood 50s retro theme. The end brings you back to reality in kind of a disappointing way.

It felt alot like a Hallmark movie on steroids.

Will anyone remember this movie by this time next year?

hopefully not

You are right. I downgraded it to 8/10

It's worth watching purely for the first 5 minutes, and the last 10/15 mins too

aka only the first 5 and last 15 minutes are worth watching

too bad man. Its that kind of movie that you had to watch it in the theater

People tend to have inflated ratings when they first get to films

Meh. It's okay. Gosling and Stone are great. But the characters they play are as bland as it gets.
Duality of the annoying sort.