"In the beginning of Arda Melkor seduced him [Sauron] to his allegiance...

"In the beginning of Arda Melkor seduced him [Sauron] to his allegiance, and he became the greatest and most trusted of the servants of the Enemy."

What did he mean by this?


But not the biggest.

That you touch yourself at night.

What can man do against such bigness?

Arda Melkor had tax haven so Sauron was able to get great interest rates that made Mordor's economy boom


Aule's people can easily become edgelords, because most of the time they are genuinely better than all their peers, and they know it.

Evil genius trope or something.
If Eru had refused to let Aule's dwarves exist, he might have turned bad too. That would have been interesting.

Aule's maiar seem to belong to the Tolkien equivalent of Slytherin house.

What am I looking at.

His goddamn pipe.

Ah. It's well camouflaged.

What form did the Ainur have before the world?

He was an homo

>Ar-Pharazôn 'The Golden', twenty-fourth and last King of Númenor; named in Quenya Tar-Calion; captor of Sauron, by whom he was seduced; commander of the great fleet that went against Aman

Sauron was a slut. His true punishment was not getting fucked in the boipussy for 3000 years.

No, they're just huge autists.

Mairon genuinely thought the world would be a better place if he ordered and micromanaged everything, and he genuinely thought the most optimal way to get there was to help Melkor punch other valar in the face and enslave all mortals.

why do faggots and women have make everything about sex?

>and he genuinely thought the most optimal way to get there was to help Melkor punch other valar in the face and enslave all mortals.

Was he stupid?

they're emotional children

Thought this was a Hellboy 2 thread.

I love how retardedly big Ancalagon was.

Nuala is for closers (see:Nuada) only!

He was not that big. That's a fan made.

His body destroyed 3 mountains when he fall. He was big guy

With a body that size, he would destroy 10 mountains. He's like a third of that picture's size

Maybe there were only 3 mountains?

I love how retarded his death was.

Literally "crashing this flying ship with no survivors"-tier.