Walking Dead


Me go show up up up.

Come show.

On walk dead now. :D :D :D :D Good yes?

Other urls found in this thread:


>me go
>come show
kek she doesn't talk like a caveman. she wants rick's dick like a savage though. That accent danish or what?

milla looks strange in this

Whoever thought this Beyond Thunderdome bullshit was a good idea needs to be fired, though it has been enjoyable watching TWDfags try to act like it's the greatest thing ever.

>"I-it was such a good e-episode amirite? MadMax zombie totally wasn't the sound of a shark being jumped!! Complete and utter degeneration of vocal expression over the span of only a couple years is totes believable!!!"


if Negan doesn't show up next episode, we fucking RIOT

I was kinda hoping that this was Alpha but no. Just some random skelly chick for Negan to kill.

Did you miss the preview? He's in it. He's bullying Eugene.

Hopefully bashes his head in.

they become buds

>*holds dead wife closely*

>Hopefully bashes his head in.
What the fuck? Eugene is the second best character. His dialogues with Abe were insane. Hopefully he's not too scared of Negan to quip with him.

Why did they speak like monsyllabic cavemen?

They made shane sound like hamlet in comparison.

>le'me upupup you sumtin

Hahahahaha this piece of shit show is still going and people are still watching!

Just fucking kill yerselves ladz. Just kill yerselves.

Shit writing for the episode, didn't think it through. A Comic book could never translate to the screen. I appreciate the Walking Dead as a standalone. Too much retarded ridiculous shit like this happens in the comics.

Fucking lost.

'Mask you somethin'.

>Why did they speak like monsyllabic cavemen?
Because they are european models? Just think about it, tall, skinny and can't speak english that well.

>south trash jokels
>living in a zombie-infested junkyard in a post-apocalyptic wasteland
>expecting them to be somewhat cultured

Have you ever gone to the south? They're practically cavemen as it is.


>they're very close to DC

pick one


yeah Negan is the only thing making this show interesting anymore. They said before the season premiered this was literally the Negan season but there has been a distinct lack of him. I am fine with Steven Ogg's character being the stand in for Negan. At least one of those two needs to be in every episode.

below DC is "the south"

>what is the mason-dixon

hell, middle PA is basically kentucky

I can't wait for people to get triggered about the Rick/Michonne episode in a couple weeks. Maybe Negan will fuck his black wife in that same episode. For pottery.

Why is facebook still full of fangirsl crying over Carol/Daryl?

It's fucking obvious they are written as Mother/Son and how many motherly hugs and Carol's dead children will it take to describe them that Carol adopted the hillbilly autist as her 50 year old teenage son?

I want to fuck her with my below-average dick

Crying in what way?

how can people still be watching this show after the first season?

It's free on the tv

They say Caryl is canon and they belogn to eachother. Like fucking gross. Like Ned Stark fucking Arya gross.

This wasn't is the comic (: in any way shape or form. This garbage is all gimple and AMC kikery (: enjoy the show

How would people still play Fallout games after 1st and 2nd game?

because NV is the best one in the series

How can people still kiss after given the first kiss?


I honestly can't wait for the day they kill Daryl.

how can people masturbate after they have masturbated the first time?

she has one of these attractive ugly faces. i dont know what it is. another uglyfu i guess. also dat haircut

Seasons 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are better than Season 1 you bandwagoner.

>implying Daryl won't get the iron, negan kill Dwight after finding out he breaks out Eugene, and Daryl 100% replaces him for the remainder of the show

he will never be killed off. he's way too popular.

this show is nothing but fanservice at this point and everyone knows it.

seasons 5, 6, and 7 are not better than 1.


season 2
season 3
season 1


season 4

season 5
season 7
season 6


Is that John in the background?

>John lurking in the background behind Negan
>Savior evil leader lurking around waiting for Negan to become friends with Rick and take over from Dwight
>Total opportunist in the comic waiting for the Whisperer herd to thin out Alexandria before attacking


are you actually implying they're going to kill off the most popular character in the show? they won't even kill off carl

i wouldn't really mind this desu

But they did kill Glen, didn't they?

Idk if he has a name. He beat the fuck out of Aaron with Davie in the midseason finale. He's pretty charismatic I think. As far as Saviors go he's had quite a few lines so maybe he is supposed to be important later. He's not a big guy tho and he's not half blind.

>he will never be killed off
Yes he will. Eventually. I didn't say he would die this season or the next but he will die.

And that day i will celebrate.

Hmmm. It looks like he has a fucked up eye in the back ground of that picture.

Seems like he'd be a good fit for John. Especially if he's already an established turbo asshole. Comic John literally came out of nowhere and went from "All Out War Cover Art Black Guy" to main antagonist.

I think it was great because they went off the rails. They made the zombie apocalypse exciting again for one brief moment. It's not terribly realistic, no, and that's part of the appeal.

he was popular, yeah, but nowhere near as popular as reedus's character. it does set a precedent though, i'll concede that.

i hope so user, i liked him until after beth died. daryl after beth's dead has just been terrible. idk if it's bad writing or what, he just doesn't do it for me anymore.

They both have high noses and shallow philtrums, a.k.a. Stephen King syndrome a.k.a. "almost fetal alcohol syndrome but the bartender told Mom she's had enough."

John got in a brawl with Jesus out in the wild before All Out War IIRC. I noticed in that scene he was even with Tara (Arat). So far in the show he hasn't had any scenes with Arat. Maybe in the latest episode we will see them interact.

The woman in the OP has sharp and pretty defined features which are usually a characteristic of beauty, it's also what makes her look slightly androgynous.

Don't know what the fuck you see in the girl you posted though, other than her youth. She'll look overtly shit when she's older.

Maryland is a southern state and so is Virginia

>they take the guns and run away

It's a stylistic choice.
I'm guessing it's just as much a stylistic choice in-universe as out. They want to talk like that, it makes them strange and questionable and that makes them more intimidating.
It also fits with what we know of their personality.
They use what's around them. They take, they don't bother. They wait because it's easy.

Everything about them is low-effort. The low-effort speech completes the package.

I take it back, the armored zombie isn't low-effort, but it does fit in with their "we are intentionally different" motif, and it sure as hell fits in with trying to be intimidating.

eh, people said the same thing about Glenn
he had crazy plot armor but he still went down

Makes sense. That Arat anagram for Tara is just fucking lazy. I guarantee this guy is John though. It'll be interesting to see how he pans out for the Whisperer War. He's the antagonist now and he's literally a background character with a background actor right now.

>plot armor
>the original plot kills him
Daryl isn't in the comics, giving him much more plot armor.

He will get killed off when his contract is up and he is sick of the show and demands a shit load of money. This is the only was cause this is a low budget high profit soap opera

Walking Dead isn't actually that low-budget. They just waste the budget on random explosions and set-pieces in the opening and closing episodes; and then use shit cgi in the rest of the episodes

And the cost of 20 zombies being maimed an episode obviously sets them back

Honestly half hoping a Grand Theft Auto V reference is slipped in at some time by Steven.

>The guns and crank in this area go through The Saviors.. or they ain't going!

he got out of that stupid dumpster situation, if that's not plot armor I don't know what is

That was bullshit, but not plot armor. That was a mislead to mess with everyone that thought they knew what was happening from the comics.

Why did Rockstar get Franklin and Michael so closely to the actors but then totally fuck up when doing Trevor's face? It's not like Steven Ogg isn't seedy looking.

I think it was also to help viewers cope with the fact that he was going to die soon after. They went through his "death" once, and the second time wasn't as sad.

i have a bad feeling they're gonna accelerate the negan shit and they're gonna kill him in the finale

he needs to continue to own and subjugate everyone for at least another season and a half

I like that little zig zag stitch she has on her left shoulder over that seam that was obviously done with a sowing machine.

Negan needs to live at least twice as long as the Governor did. The Governor had a town and fucked Rick's group for almost a full season. Negan has a fucking empire, and he's really gonna be taken out in one season?

That may be what they intended, but with that and the cliff hanger there was no impact when it actually happened.

no impact get it?

Am I crazy these hill billy model guys never showed up in the comics yeah?

It was hill top, ricktopia and dreadlock king land that all joined together to fight back, no one else yeah?

feels like a way to stretch out the episodes and I guess ad more gurl power characters that never existed in the books

Yeah in the rural parts, other than that it's a libtard breeding ground.

No fucking way he'll touch my husbando

girl on the right a cute

I played them and yeah they were shit but when you get to NV and get the lore its so much more rewarding

If they didn't kill him off during the lineup which was the perfect time to do it as well as a good justification for keeping him around they are never gonna do it. Guaranteed Dwight will die a heroic death to save him and he'll take his place in the comics. There's no fucking point to him anymore and even the writers don't know what to do with him. This first half he spent it as a prisoner just to keep him busy with something without having to give him a story or even fucking dialogue. He escaped and nothing important happened as a result of his imprisonment, it was only there to keep him away

Actually in the comics version of No Way Out there's a Glenn fake out just like in Thank You. So it was them being true to the comics with the dumpster scene.

worst group to ever show up on the show

and thats saying something

Will you guys keep watching this show next week? I'm thinking about dropping it now.

>negan will never have hair as kino as this again

next week Dwight is going to have Hell to pay for not making sure Daryl stayed locked up
that'll be what makes him defect
I didn't even read it in the spoiler thing, I just know it's correct
that's the impact, it's on Dwight and his (ex-)wife

it's a negan episode next week, so yeah

m'ask you sumthin'
how you gon keep ophelia safe, laertes?

>show filmed in Georgia
>All the white people you hire are British because it's racist to hire white Americans
I'm so fucking tired of this meme.

>Last scene
>Tribe man speaks
>Weapons fast! Or else.


What were they thinking.

>two episodes without Negan
>show immediatly turns into shit with retarded plot filler and Rick taking on a Clot from KF
what did they mean by this?


What ever happened to the group of women that Tara ran into earlier in the season?

Was that just another retarded plot filler?

They hinted at the end of the episode that Tara will have to choose to tell Rick about them and the guns. I don't remember what they said but they focused on her when they were talking about looking for guns.

I guess you need to pay more attention to the shows you watch. They weren't at all subtle about the fact that they need a lot of guns and that they're going back to Oceanside to get them.

I rewatched the last scene and I have no fucking clue how I missed that.


Will they fuck in this season? Is Michonne going to be cucked? I mean, look at their faces, its obvious that they wanna fuck ¿Am I right?

i would

Just a reminder that the seasons spoilers are 100% true

It seems like his hair is different in literally every episode.

ywn feel michonne's strong back

where are you watching this