They got you good, Sup Forums

They got you good, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

Except they didn't. I saw a headline about Rust and Marty season 3 then forgot about it for a few hours, went to Google it later and every single link is "OMG LE EBIN RICK ROLE xDDDD!!!!1"

It's fucking pathetic that normies think Rick rolling is something new and hilarious and "gotchu gud!", it's literally been around for over ten years, it's an ancient meme

It was just as pathetic as when south park did it last year

>Reddit and morty

Ugh, can you like...not

le science!

wonder why they didn't leave this til april fools, it's only 5 weeks away


lol rick and morty is the ultimate lightning rod for Sup Forums's tears

Have an upvote

you younguns miught be too young to realize it, but there was a time when lol was the standard way to denote laughter in text. we didn't always have emojis you know

>defend Rick and Morty for years on Sup Forums, asking people to vocalize their "reddit and memey" opinion.
>Everyone always gets shut the fuck down and can't explain it.
>[as] uploads the ultimate reddit video for R&M fans.


I don't know if Harmon and Roiland had the idea for this trailer, but they certainly aren't normies.

Rickrolling was literally created on Sup Forums before reddit even was

south park?

ITT Sup Forums hates a show because everyone likes it.
i mean, its not great but its not as horrible as you all make it out to be. its cringey how hard most of you guys go against the grain just to do it.

HAHAHAHA so fucking hilarious xD
i will definitely share this on my university anti-trump group and my favourite subreddits tonight

there was a time when emojis and lol didn't exist, millenial faggot

i think it's because it's really popular but not in a lowest common denominator way like the big bang theory or something that they could write off and ignore more easily as being "for normies"

Ten years ago and that lasted for two months tops.
Pretty much once it was on family guy it was unstoppably normie.

>I'm pretty sure Rick and Morty has transcended cartoondom and became Reddit incarnate.
^this post has 170 reddit points in a 37000 upvote thread about this video^

Man you're so intelligent. You've really gone against the grain of this pitiful board with their shitty opinions.

Surely it's impossible for someone to not like something just because they don't think it's good.

>being triggered this hard by a cartoon

You weren't born before the 80s, fucker. Don't lie.

>Surely it's impossible for someone to not like something just because they don't think it's good.
nobody said that. also i think mo0st people just dont go to threads about things they don't like instead of spamming REDDIT AND MEMEY XDDD THIS SHOW RELLY MAED ME THINK WITH ALL THE LE SCIENCE BURP XD BURPS SO FUNNY HAVE MY UPVOTES


>Sup Forums hates a show because everyone likes it
>you guys go out of your way to hate it
You said twice that people can't just dislike something on their own merit.

I've watched one episode of R&M twice, it was funny in concept but everything else was terrible. I came to this thread because I watched the YouTube video.

I've seen all the episodes. It has 3 or 4 good episodes the rest are meh

yes, the people who make those posts are pretty autistic

redpill me on this, is it really pure reddit or is it actually decent despite the normie ironic meta pandering and cheap tired cultural references

fuck off. people in their 30s don't have anything in common with these jewtube generation faggot kids and their tight pants

>written by Dan Schneider

Wow. I saw the thumbnail but they never got me, fkn hipster plebbit show

Well yours is the only example I've seen, so you're coming off as pretty fucking autistic.

lol not my fault this is your first rick and morty thread on Sup Forums

>reddit fetish

lmaoing @ ur life

the most reddit thing about it is the philosophy


Now that's a funny joke that only channerinos would get! Suck on that reddit.

>redpill me on this
you wont like it if you're the kind of person who talks this way

this is a serious post to /r/videos

impressive considering they just started recording voicework a few days ago

You're talking about Gen Z.

reddit has its own r/theredpill

From what I've seen, the reddit aspects are:
>Teenaged nihilism spouted by a comedically portrayed alcoholic (unless they need a dramatic "feels" ending, then alcoholism is serious)
>tired cheap cultural references
>cucking plotline
>I reiterate, forced "feels" from a cartoon. Not well written ones like early Futurama, just sad music and alcoholism.
>"improv" voice work where one actor plays both characters. I guess fans like it, but it really is just one guy talking to himself and stuttering and burping.

Why do the Rick and memey fans on Sup Forums always use a combination of sarcasm and hyperbole to defend their show?
Its just strange considering thats the kind of dialogue that reddit is famous for


>im smart for disagreeing with people on an image board that i, too, spend a fair amount of time on
see what i mean? read your post. you people become feral at just the mere mention of this show and someone liking it.

He's talking about the entire series, boyo.

>d-d-d-d-d-do I f-f-f-f-f-fit in y-y-y-y-y-yet g-g-g-g-guys?

Never fails. Somebody points out the simple fact that Sup Forums in general is contrarian and hates things disproportionate to their quality based on its popularity, and somebody gets offended and assumes they're saying "if you don't like the show you're wrong".

why do people with raging hateboners for rick and morty always use a combination of crying reddit and then crying reddit some more to defend their hateboners?

That's the generation after you actually. 81 to 95 and you're a millennial. It means your adolescence was right at the turn of the millennium not that you were fucking born at the start of the new one you retard.

Agreed, normies can only understand memes when they aren't cool anymore.

>im smart for disagreeing with people on an image board that i, too, spend a fair amount of time on
I expect a 20 word essay on how the fuck my post insinuates any of that shit.
>you people
I reiterate my point.


no, the 20-26 age group is trash. completely different

>cucking plotline

I feel like people miss that this was played for laughs due to its wrongness, which is odd because it was very obviously played for laughs due to its wrongness.

Never fails, someone likes something so much that they compile all dislike of that thing into a conglomerate of "contrarianism".

>gee Sup Forums sure hates popular things

Youre forgetting that Jerry was the asshole out of touch father for not approving of his father being a fucking KEKOLD.

>someone's parents are in a cuck relationship with a black bull
>american children watch this show

i hope iran and russia nuke usa into oblivion

>Born in '82
Well damn

that's called classic reddit double think

they promote a social issue by pushing the boundaries and what not


these 20 year old kids are completely different. they were raised with cell phones and jewtube. they are not the same. 90-2010 should be its own generation

Its cute how upset you are at being wrong. You are part of that generation whether you like it or not.

because they can't think of anything better

even the posts that say things like "teenage nihilism" and "forced feels" are really just saying those things are reddit, and reddit is bad

My bad, I threw that in there without watching the episode; although I assumed it was portrayed negatively. I just meant cucking at all is a reason for Sup Forums to label it reddit.



you really don't want to admit that reddit like this show

reddit joke for a reddit show. Nothing surprising here

>end of america
>end of the world

kys cuck :)

>these 20 year old kids are completely different.
Well that's a good reason that they aren't considered Millennials.
Millennials are people newly in the work force with a flawed optimistic view of the world.
Gen Z is youtube and cellphone kids who get to vote in the next election.

name a show that reddit doesn't like
>it would just be a safe, brief, polite nuclear war you biug sillyhead XD

But seriously, the 18-26 year olds are not like the kids born in the 80's simply due to the difference in technology
There should be subsets

Super cute :)

I was agreeing with you and exacerbating the absurdity of how normalized it was. That other guy is a fucking lying faggot it was played completely straight and jerry was seen in a negative light for thinking it wasnt okay.

Home Improvement

>rick and morty is good
>funny, feels very new while poking fun at other troped i.e. shrink down and go into someones body
>it EVEN has an episode where jerry's dad is a cuck and its funny

yet Sup Forums hates it because... its popular ?

fucking sad try hard cunts, i can see it with john wick 2 now too.

>first one feels fresh and unknown
>slick, fast, steady shot action
>not VERY well known so Sup Forums loves it
>becomes a sleeper hit
>now everyone wants to see 2
>Sup Forums now starts saying how shit it is even though its more action packed than the first

i really do hate you all and dont know why i come here, i think i just enjoy arguing with you all.

Because so much happened between 1985 and 1995.

the 90-95 millennials are the jewtube and cell phone kids

See? You keep assuming somebody's attacking your opinion, when it was explicitly stated that contrarianism is responsible for the *disproportionate* hate levied against the show, rather than people just saying "I don't like the show". It's rarely ever just "I don't like the show" though: it's

>OMFG why the fuck do people like this show it's SOOOO Reddit normies cucks redditredditreddit

As an addendum, you sound like a bitch. But that's unrelated to your opinions.

Are you implying there wasn't?

>Right one is literally :^)

>N-n-n-n-n-no s-s-s-seriously g-g-g-g-guys d-d-d-do I f-f-f-f-f-fit in y-y-y-y-y-yet?
Drop the reddit spacing and people might believe you

Who Oregon Trail Generation here?

As far as mainstream technology goes, no. A very large majority of people didn't have computers or the internet until the 2000s.

Which generation hangs out on Internet forums all day fighting autistics fights with strangers over inane things such as who's the most pathetic generation?

Im 25 and remember corded land lines, a time where the majority of working class people did not have the internet or knew what it was and If you didnt know what your friends were doing on the weekend and didnt meet up you were SOL. We are the same generation.

Gen Z (95-2002) is the generation that has grown up in a time where the internet has always been.

I grew up in a white chicago suburb and it was upper middle class so no poorfag or ruralfag arguments please.

you have a very flawed mentality about group dynamics.

I honestly don't even know what you're trying to say. I used the same wording as the post I responded to, are you saying he sounds like a bitch and is making assumptions?
Are you ignoring the picture clearly showing that "popularity" has nothing to do with Sup Forums's taste?

And for a bonus, I posted in this thread "I just don't like the show." But that was probably also ignored.

OK, and someone born in 95 got their hands on tech that was way more advanced by the time they were 13 than a kid born in 80 did

What does "Reddit" even mean

>Drop the reddit spacing

A kid born in 95 is GenZ. Keep up grandpa.

I'm 25 and I didn't even use the internet until I was 14. The 00's was when social media made the internet more accessible to the average person.

Who can wait for those sweet SWEET Reddit upvotes? XD

It means
>do I fit in yet?

We are talking about the mid 80s to the mid 90s. If it's 2000s technology, 80s millennials had phones way before any 90s millennials did.

'95+ maybe.

guardians of the galaxy, deadpool etc..

plebs will argue it's anything popular to get away with their shitty taste. It's simply something bad, aimed at (man)children

Generation Z is the majority of this board, Millennials are the majority of the internet.
Millennials call Gen Z "millennials" and then freak out when they figure out the actual definition.
>t. Millennial

They had phones, they didn't have literal pocket computers

Fucking tourist redditor

LMAO at Sup Forums getting triggered by this show, oh boy my man panties are filled in antecipation just by thikgen of all the brand new pop culture references and meems in it, whenever someone says ''R&M is futurama for dumb people'' i feel like punching them in the fucking face, R&M is better than futurama in every single way, futurama is just simpsons in space, very uncreative and boring, it is aimed to the fox news audience(aka lowest common denominator(thats dummies in smartland)), R&M is aimed towards the internet interconnected generation (the most well informed one) like something that was never done before, we can't even compare it to anything, go on ahead, name a tv show smart like R&M (past and present) ... i will wait.
protip: you can't :^)

You're saying that working adults weren't able to get smart phones before teenagers?