What should I watch, I'm not a regular smoker, I just need to unwind after work

What should I watch, I'm not a regular smoker, I just need to unwind after work.

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watch constantine
for something which is as gross as smoking he sure makes it look pretty cool

im talking about DUDE WEED here not

You should watch your health


Pretty much every movie is better when you're high. Depending on how you feel an action movie can be overwhelming, a scary movie can be too scary, a sad movie can be too sad, etc. But they all have the potential to be awesome

Not typical Sup Forums shit here but if you have a VR Headset I highly recommend watching this once while stoned.


Dub trips of utmost truth


a nature documentary


fuck off 420 blaze it bruv

Nature documentaries + 1.5L of beer = heaven
Nothing more comfy

Funny, though, makes you calm.

they're called trip dubs since there are three doubles

Holy mother of dubs

If you aren't a pot head and still get that amazing all over high for sure watch dredd if you haven't seen it.

they're also a triplet of doubles, i.e. a double-triplet though...

Gotta recommend a documentary of some sorts. When I'm stoned and watch a movie I always see the camera and boom mic and room and cast and shit, this usually isn't a big deal when I watch documentaries though because their premise is based in reality

>super high me
Your reasoning is retarded as docs are purely the boom mic and camera crew people


you must be some kind of retard. even i knew what the degenerate drug addict was saying

I usually watch adventure time when I smoke, but that's more Sup Forums related than Sup Forums. I'd say watch something based on how high you are, like keep movies with complicated themes for when you're sober.

constantine's definitely great for weed though, it's unintentional comedy kino