What's his best film?

What's his best film?

Maybe Seventh Continent or The White Ribbon..

All of his films are good for different reasons.

the one where bad things happen to white people


I have seen Amour, Cache, the Seventh Continent and Bennys Video. Which one should i watch next? I liked Cache and Amour the most.

Up in smoke was cool but i kinda like nice dreams better

Watched Elle and The Piano Teacher recently.

Not bad.

Saw The White Ribbon a few years ago.

Is any of his other shit good?

>Is any of his other shit good?
Yes it is. He's one of the best directors ever. But Die Weisse Band is propably his best.

Elle is not his movie. It's Paul Verhoeven.

I like The Piano Teacher best. Going to watch Code Unknown and The White Ribbon soon.

Either Spirited Away or Princess Mononoke


That's not who you think it is bud.

why are austrian movie always so negative and depressing?

hitler is austrian


Probably Up In Smoke, but Nice Dreams is a good one too

Purple haze all in my brain
What's this negro doing on the stage

stop Western Civilization

Literally was gonna make that exact same post.

isnt he french?


Caché. With Amour and White Ribbon as a close second tie.

Watch The White Ribbon it's en par with Amour I'd say.

Watch Caché. I find it's his best.

Kiki's delivery service

>"why should they be anything else?
stop enjoying yourself.
stop watching fun movies.
stop procreating."

That one film where he blames middle class Europeans for the world's problems.

I liked him in Up in Smoke.

Amour > Code Unknown > White Ribbon > Caché > The Piano Teacher > Funny Games > Seventh Continent > Times of the Wolf

The first 4 are constantly rotating depending in my mood though, and I haven't watch the remake of Funny Games