Why do no good films come out anymore?

Why do no good films come out anymore?

kino is where its at these days

2016 kino list:

Shin Gojira

I don't know bro. Last good movies I saw in theaters were The Revenant and Sicario. Films suck nowadays compared to even a decade ago.

they do, you're just to depressed to go see them


Because you only watch wide-release blockbuster shit

Haven't you seen Man of Steel user?

>There Will Be Blood
>The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
>No Country for Old Men
>Bourne Ultimatum
>Eastern Promises

Why can't we have years like that any more? The past three years combined probably can't even beat that.

blame capeshit, diversity quotas, and sequels

We're literally living in the golden age of kino

if you complain every year about films getting worse but didn't make the effort to see stuff like Cemetery of Splendour or Arabian Nights, you're the problem

BVS came out what the fuck are you talking about?

How does it feel to know we're on the other side of the hump when it comes to white european civilization in the modern time?

Good movies will never be made again for the same reason there are no good Zimbabwean of South African films. White people are too busy getting raped and murdered and shut out of jobs and there is too much conflict, and so whites become poor shut-ins or crime victims, and they can't develop cool hobbies like writing or filmmaking or art because these things take time and relaxation and walking around looking at leaves, which you can't really do when leftists and niggers are shoving you into trash compactors, or shouting at you for being a fucking white male.

It's over.

In 10 years we'll get some fag like you saying the same about 2016 (or even 2017) movies

lol get a load of this guy

dont forget spiderman 3



He will be a pleb and not a patrician like I am

>Why do no good films come out anymore?


Because they stopped caring about story and artistic merit in favor of marketing research, trying to appeal to demographic and foreign markets, all while seeking committee approval.

>Woody Allen managed to redpill me on this while I was watching a comfy comedy
I respect that guy

What do you mean, no good films...

>Whats Hobo with a Shotgun???

Nice triple dubs

Art comes from the left you faggot

sure there's still the same boring low budget or foreign crap we'll to continue pretend to like

but where are the big names

Because film is a business and for the most part stopped being about creating art that could achieve an intellectual or emotional response. Nothing wrong with a film that seeks to just entertain if they're counter balanced by thought provoking or different films but those are now the minority.

Furthermore, the nepotistic industry has been employing and promoting people for years based on who their friends and family members are instead of merit and accomplishment. Decades of this has created an environment where the weak are producing the content.

Ever heard about how the ocean was damaged because fisherman were catching all the big fish but required to throw small ones back? It created an eco system where the strong were removed and the weak were the only ones left.

Hollywood is kinda the same.

It needs to fall apart so it can be rebuilt. Only way for that to happen is a continued release of underwhelming or forgettable super hero movies, remakes and unfunny comedies that for some reason have huge budgets.

It does nowadays. The only good art pieces come from conservatives. Liberal art is literally "I threw my feces at the wall and it stuck, so I took a picture" levels of try-hard retardation.

youre wrong its piracy

>It does nowadays. The only good art pieces come from conservatives.

Such as?

Consecutive post gets... nice.

Hollywood executive pls go

>Ex Machina
>Shaun The Sheep
>Slow West
>Me And Earl And The Dying Girl
>Son of Saul
>The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
>Beasts of No Nation
>Steve Jobs

Sounds like you spend too much time on Sup Forums instead of watching films.

>Millennials acting like good movies aren't being made anymore and that everything was better in the """golden days"""

>Ex Machina
>Shaun The Sheep
Didn't watch
>Slow West
>Me And Earl And The Dying Girl
>Son of Saul
>The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
>Beasts of No Nation
>Steve Jobs

Yeah. Those are awesome.


>Kung Fu Panda 3
>10 Cloverfield Lane
>Don't Breathe
>Captain America: Civil War
>X-Men: Apocalypse
>The Conjuring 2
>The Nice Guys
>Hell or High Water
>Finding Dory
>Hacksaw Ridge
>Doctor Strange
>Rogue One

All 8/10 or better. Do you guys not watch movies or do you simply pretend to hate fun?

Because of torrenting and streaming sites.

(((They))) only make movies that people will pay for like capeshit, kids movies and chick-flicks.

post more of this sexy slut pls

>(((They))) only make movies that people will pay for like capeshit, kids movies and chick-flicks.

But even those movies were better back in the day. We had Batman, Batman Returns, Spider-Man 1 & 2, X-Men 1 & 2, great Disney movies, and good rom coms like Bridget Jones' diary.

Now it's all fucking shit.