Welcome aboard the Millenium Reddit, its the ship that got to 1,000 upvotes in less than 12 parsecs

>welcome aboard the Millenium Reddit, its the ship that got to 1,000 upvotes in less than 12 parsecs.

le pitchfork approved "smart" rapper from meme show

I don't get it. How old was Han Solo in the original trilogy? Because the actor they got looks the same age as Harrison ford in those movies. How is this a young Han Solo movie?

They should never be making this movie. Harrison Ford IS Han Solo - the character's defining trait is that he's cool. Harrison Ford is one of the greatest leading men in the history of film. He has a charm and presence that you can't fake. You can't just pawn off the character to some young actor and expect him deliver, because even to begin with, it'll be impossible for him to deliver on the Han Solo's fundamental characteristics anyway. He's the archetype man-with-no-name. A back story completely nullifies that.

A Han Solo movie is virtually the most cynical move that Disney could make. They know it won't really work, they know theyll destroy the mystique and intrigue of a beloved character. But they'll do it anyway for the money. Star Wars is a fantasy space saga; Disney could make movies within the franchise about literally anything. But they'll stick to telling stories about characters that have already been established just to rope in as many people in as possible.


They'll do more than ruin Han Solo's mystique and intrigue, much more..

wait...Woody is in the movie?

Well thats ruined that

Oh, and what the fuck is that fat bitch from got and terminator genysis doing in this, how is it getting work?

nu males

Who cheated on whom?

Harrison was 34-35 and this guy is like 27 although he does look older

Admiral Thrawn fucking WHEN

He's like the perfect Lando tho

Finally a handsome lead character. I will definitely watch this movie.

Is this some new comedy series on NBC?

It's upcoming Han Solo movie.

I see nothing but Jews, Woody Harrelson, and the token black guy

Who is Woody playing? That's all I care about. Probably the resident evil emperor white male shitlord.


He looks literally nothing like Han

It's all part of the plan to make it intentionally bad so they will stick to minorities and women as the leads.

Don't you see?

That's not fucking Kelly C from Game of Thrones is it? Why the fuck do people keep hiring that horrible actress? She's terrible.

Of course you would prefer a young cgi han.

No, I'd prefer an actor that resembles the character.

To quote the great bard Manny Fresh: "She a good dick sucka".

Han Solo's mentor.

he wrote for 30 Rock, The Simpsons, and created his own successful series.

>star wars fans will defend this

This, I hate how far up his own ass he is now, but I used to be a big fan of his and you can't deny the guy has a lot of talent.

Writing for zombie Simpsons is nothing to brag about.

she's not his wife I've read it

Just seeing this picture is making me sick of Star Wars.

I know I just sound like a RLM fanboy but I'm getting sick of Disney oversaturating the Star Wars franchise with spin off films. Star Wars used to be an 'event', you'd make it a special treat to go see the newest episode in the cinema. Now that experience is just cheapened by countless films annually to capitalise on its brand.

Man, fuck Disney, they do know how to make stuff soulless consumable trash, and this was after George Lucas sucked the franchise dry