Star Wars

This is your new Han Solo(&Crew). Say something nice about him.

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The lead looks like the one long running villain in every cop show that always outwits the meddling policemen and then the show gets cancelled before they ever catch him.

that terminator movie didn't teach anyone in hollywood about that eyebrow lady? wtf

Too many whites
Too many males
Too many humans

Wow, and I thought casting Donglover was the worst thing they could do.


I literally don't know which of the three white males in the pictures is "Han Solo"... Bit worrying that that's how lackluster the ressemblance is.

Lando casting - 10 out of 10

All other casting - 2 out of 10

Don't know who based Woody is playing yet but if it's the villain, that might be ok. Those two beta white males in front will either be villains or foils that Han will make his bitches. The scary looking eyebrow chicks in the back will be stronk females that don't need no man and will be Han's platonic friends.

Han Solo is now played by a manlet

What's going on through his head?

there's a finnish guy inside that suit

What did they mean by this?

This looks like a kick ass sci fi TV show

Too bad it's for Stars Wars :[

Nice try

>4 white males
>One black guy
>2 females
This movie will bomb.

Fuck. Why did I giggle like a retard to this?

racist much?

You forgot the bit about him taunting the police with some letter/ speech about how morality is subjective, and how knowing that makes him superior to them.

why are the women so ugly

Donald Glover is a shit Lando in both appearance and performance style, horribly miscast but I guess there aren't many young famous black actors with a similar build to 1980's Billy Dee Williams.

Maybe Michael B. Jordan, though he doesn't look mixed enough and his mouth is fucking huge.

I don't mind it as a casting choice but the fact that he doesn't have a jerry curl already is very telling of the direction this movie is going in.

It's going to be a try hard quipy marvel movie that's going to feel entirely forced and meaningless but people are going to love it and every Chad will dress in Han Solo's new costume to their Halloween party

>young Han solo


Two of the men are the directors, one of the women is a mocap droid or aay-lmao.

Chris Miller and Phil Lord aren't in the movie, they're directing it.

why is fleabag in this movie?


I mean,

Who's the tranny

Which one is playing Han? None of them look remotely like him.

Too little diversity.

Good question. My guess is the guy with his hands on the controls.

They need a feminist for the diversity quota. Lena Dunham wasn't available.

So how old do Wookies live for in the new canon? Cause it seems like they've just dropped any sort of attempt to age him similar to how he looked exactly the same in TFA.

>donald glover wishing he was somewhere else
>woody can't even make eye contact
>chewie rape gaze

it's going to be shit, isn't it?


yaaawn. atleast gambino and chewie are there to be interesting

Thandie Newton is also in this.

She's gonna play Han Solo's wife?

That may be her character, but she's not really his wife in the comic. They pretended to be married to pull off a con or something.

John Malkovich is the new Han

>Doesn't know what to do with her hands

I hope this is an absurd comedy western played as a tall tale that Harrison Ford Han is telling to big-eared little Ben. With Chewbacca occasionally interrupting to tell Han he's full of shit.

That dude is one of the directors.

That actually would be a decent way to tell this. Maybe not to Ben, but old Han telling this shit in a bar.

This takes place halfway between RotS and ANH. So like, Space 1967. Who the fuck has the exact same hairstyle at age 30 and age 40?

Yeah maybe it was that they pretended. I could barely keep my attention when I was reading that because all I see when I read Marvel now is diversity and feminist shit.

>tfw too redpilled to enjoy Marvel

Shit, replied to wrong post.

If Jabba is in this, he'd better be a fucking puppet.

Does anyone know what Tem Morrison is up to right now?

that bitch is so tasty.

mein dich

I hate Disney Wars

Both of their movies were 1/10, and the animated show looks even worse.

>tfw too intelligent and mature for star wars