Which Roman story would you like to see adapted into a big budget Hollywood movie?

Which Roman story would you like to see adapted into a big budget Hollywood movie?

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Gaius and Aulus.

The one where he gets shot by a Russian mobster, abducted by another and saved by his cousin

How it fell because they opened the borders to the barbarians and were culturally destroyed from within.

Alexander the Great

Battle of Carrhae

Caesar's campaigns in Gaul.

Every time I hear this horseshit I wish neo-fascists were capable of reading a book from start to finish.

Biggus Dickus, Monty Python Style.

Sup Forums tier explanation

The three Punic wars in TV format or something about Justinians reconquest


the Romans were black?

Colin Farrel did that slut

are you blind?

yes that is certainly what happened yes 100% good job Sup Forums best fact there

Punic wars desu.


Huns welcome

>Arminius (German: Hermann; 18/17 BC – AD 19) was a chieftain of the Germanic Cherusci tribe and a former officer in the Roman military. An auxiliary lieutenant to the Roman general Publius Quinctilius Varus, Arminius used his knowledge of Roman tactics to lead an allied coalition of Germanic tribes to a decisive victory against three Roman legions and their auxiliaries in the historic Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, in 9 AD.
i'm so glad this doesn't happen anymore haha right guys
he should replace culturally destroyed with destroyed, i agree
they literally were destroyed by barbarian migrations, this is a fact


the one where they fuck little boys

he's light skinned, but definitely black. He obviously has black traits.

you may as well say that Drake isn't black.

Would suck 10/10

the one where they allowed women to vote and GOTHED.COM was born

only if it's with grown women though.

Not Roman, though a movie about the exploration of the coast between the Indus River and Egypt by one of his captains that I can't remember the name of.

We technically already have one.

Nice damage control there shills. You convinced me, les just open up all borders, nothing can go wrong.

>he's light skinned, but definitely black. He obviously has black traits.
>every shitskin is black
fuck off and die

Say it loud say it clear! Germanics are welcome here!

A courtroom drama with Cicero

For some reason I always thought Caracalla had white hair/beard

>Thinking of Roman as a race or ethnicity

Read a book. Romans at the start were basically a culmination of many ethnicities across Italy, then when they started expanding as an empire they very quickly lost any especially defining genetic appearances. Romans fucked a lot of women from all corners of europe, asia minor and north africa so after hundreds of years they weren't 'white' as we think of it at all. Most whites were Visigoths, Vandals and other Germanic/Gaulish tribes.

the one where they kill all the jews

So eager to tell him he is wrong, but no explanation of what happened.

Enlighten us, we stand here ready to listen to you blessing us with your superior knowledge.

He has thin lips and medium sized forehead. Go outside and look at black people.

>implying they didn't get blacked by moors

learn some history baka

niggers don't look like this.

How would that work? Theatre?

>might as well say drake isn't black
That's crazy talk, might as well say Obama wasn't black.

>tfw the reason Romans could build such a huge empire is cuz they embraced diversity, both ethnic and religious


if anything he looks like a mulatto

>opened the borders

more like they fucked themselves up so hard their borders got forced open and then they hired the invaders the hold off other invaders in a military/political ponzi scheme which eventually collapsed

The reason Rome fell because the Huns invading pushed every other tribe into the western roman empire, also the Roman Legion wasn't as effective as it previously was, and borders weren't things that could be conceivably maintained in a time where everyone had to walk everywhere.

> their borders got forced open



that grafitti where the roman soldier swears off women and vows to only fuck poipucci

>looks the same as what we would call a beautiful man today
Definitive proof beauty isn't subjective.

>The reason Rome fell because the Huns invading pushed every other tribe into the western roman empire
the reason Europe fell was because the Syrian civil war pushed every other 3rd world immigrant into western europe

That is a pretty good meme, my good friend. Do you mind if I save it and upload it elsewhere?

More like that they assimilated conquered peoples like the fucking Borg. They took what they needed from a conquered people and then ruthlessely subjugated and erased the rest from existence. Their failure to assimilate any more people was what led to their downfall since the tribes they paid with land started proto-kingdoms of their own, and their mercs were more loyal to their own tribe than to the Roman state.

Television and Film

Neo-fascism is pretty Roman

let's not pretend this isn't a stealth /his/ thread

>ethnic - yes
>religious - only if you didn't get in their way, if you got in their you get Masada
>diversity - making people a 'citizen' of rome then forcibly conscripting the people you just made your own is a pretty effective way of crushing any barriers

You make it sound gentle but the Romans were ruthless and stamped out any hint of rebellion pretty mercilessly.

all fascism is roman

hitler despised germans

b o w l i n g

For like the better part of Roman history not even all Italians were citizens, most Latins who were allied with Rome only had limited citizenship.
It wasn't until the imperial period that citizenship was expanded to non-Romans.
People in Rome wouldn't even accept Julius's natural born son by Cleopatra because he wasn't a full Roman, Rome has a complicated love hate relationship with Greeks.

The user was obviously joking, and "white" is a meaningless term term.
But fuck off with your multi-culturalism revisionist bullshit.

They did assimilate them, but not always in that ruthless a fashion. Some were even allowed to keep their religions as long as they paid whatever relevant taxes they needed to and pay lip service to the Roman gods.

Julian the Apostate

>talking about ancient history and modern politics as if they're 1:1 comparable
>blatant reductionism

I want Sup Forums and /his/ to leave.

they were ruthless, absolutely, but at the same time they did embrace diversity (though like you said, they made sure to forcefully remove those barriers) because that's the only way you could construct that kind of empire.

That one emperor who feed Jews to lions and set them on fire.

fascism is Bulgarian en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasces#Origin_and_symbolism

Caracalla actually wore blonde wigs and gaulish clothing to look more Barbarian.

Im talking about your average plebian sitting in italy at the begging of the republic, they were an absolute mutt of a people don't claim multi-culturalism revisionist bullshit on me.

Elagabalus would be right up Sup Forumss alley

Romans had a love affair with everyone they conquered make themselves even better about conquering them.

Imperialism and inevitable multiculturalism that goes with it is what ruined Rome.

Hero's journey of Octavian is the most likely film that Hollywood would ever make, but it would require a white male lead so it's a big no right now.

Rome only ever rose because they conquered all their neigbours and integrated them into their empire, thereby often adapting their cultural practices. They were extremely flexible in that regard, which was a huge strength.

Opened the borders? Rome's borders were never closed. I know you probably have lots of assumptions from looking at maps or watching things in popular culture, but things like the Limes Germanicus were not to keep people or whole populations out, it was there just to regulate and record who exactly was coming and going. The relationship between the Romans and the German tribes was actually one with a lot of cross-cultural exchanges and a large degree of trade as well as migration that took place over the hundreds of years the Roman Empire existed there. In fact when you start to have larger scale Germanic migration from the 4th century onwards these tribes had been thoroughly Romanized already.

How Rome fell is a really complex issue and not one with one distinct answer, but the idea of it being culturally destroyed by foreign Germans is absurd. The centre was what was weak and rotten; the Italian peninsula, which had so long been the richest and most prosperous part of the old Republic and Empire became overly decadent, saw a massive fall in its GDP and was very isolated from the realities of Empire on the frontiers. The rich got richer, but the poor and middle classes got worse off, the Empire as a whole, despite controlling so much land, saw massive drops in revenue because of an utterly incompetent and inefficient tax system which couldn't cope with the costs of Empire. Even with all the land and resources it controlled, the Roman Empire itself really only produced and exported olive oil which meant it ran a gigantic trade deficit which only exacerbated it's economic problems.

I'd much rather live under the empire than the Republican period.
If you weren't a patrician you were fucked.


What is their fucking problem?

Not really.
The Republic didn't make citizens of conquered people, during the Republic they only extended citizenship to really close allied states who were de facto annexed peacefully.

The Romans did integrate ideas of the people they conquered, But that isn't multi-culturalism. The Romans took on a lot of Greek customs and Greek slaves, the upper classes even spoke Greek, but its more like Japan adopting western ideas. No one would say Japan is multicultral despite the undeniable Western influences.
They just take what works in order to compete.

>diversity is our strength

Shut the fuck up, Molyneux told me the Roman Empire fell because of SJWs, Women and foreigners.


Seriously thoough, it's a wasted effort to try to teach history to idiots.

Tell me again how Shakespeare was black.

He can't be black, the University of Pennsylvania took down his portrait in the English department to make it more diverse.


>most plots and happenings and wars in the Byzantine Empire
>0(zero) movies about it

explain this

T!rks control Hollywood

People don't even know what that is, that's why.

the storylines are way too byzantine for the average viewer

A modern Caligula movie and a Nero one.

Gaius Marius and his rivalry with Sulla.

There was still a feeling of being a Roman however. They didn't lack a cultural identity. They took practices and technology from other cultures if it benefited them, but other practices that were deemed barbaric and uncouth were banned and persecuted, IE human sacrifice or wearing pants.

The idea was never to have a hundred different cultures living in Rome trying to get along. It was to have a mother culture that was superior to all. You could live in the Roman Empire and keep your culture, but Roman law, philosophy and practices were still the dominant force. Any personal cultural practice could be done by you in your own house so long as you paid taxes and acknowledge Roman superiority. It was not multiculturalism in the modern sense, IE expect opposite cultures to live in harmony without any tension or racism. It was however the only way of keeping such a huge empire together short of genocide.

>Not Justinian II


A comedy about Alcibiades's silly antics during the Peloponnesian War


>he's light skinned
"Light skinned" is an american thing, it has no relevance to Rome.

Caligula or Caesar

Laughing at all the triggered leftcunts replying to this. Let me be abundantly clear, shit skins not welcome here!

Not welcome where? Romans were shitskins

At least Sup Forumstards are willing to admit the nazis were wrong now.
Thank god.



>19 ad
The empire's golden age hadn't even begun yet.

>it would require a white male lead
romans weren't white fuck off

To say that is inaccurate. Yes the direct cause was Visigoths destroying Rome, but that only happened because the Romans were weakened by so many other factors.



It was Civil Wars, a lack of bureaucracy, a terrible government, and a destruction of their own military.

A real Hannibal crossing the alps

Not technically Roman but you know