Watching Inglorious basterds

>watching Inglorious basterds
>see this scene
>respect the German officer for staying calm
>shocked to see the americans killing the prisoners
>final prisoner gives up important information, americans carve a swastika into his forehead
>had to turn off, didn't want to see anything more

Did Tarantino want us to sympathise with the Nazis? Or were we supposed to root for the americans? I seriously don't get which.

>had to turn off

You weren't supposed to sympathize with either nazis or americans.
You were supposed to sympathize with the french jew girl with a black boyfriend.

Nazis are scum, why do you care what happens to them?

>Did Tarantino want us to sympathise with the Nazis? Or were we supposed to root for the americans? I seriously don't get which.
"if tarantino films it, war crimes are cool" - i'm still impressed this movie was okayed after abu ghraib.

The correct term is black bull.

I was sad to see him go too, OP.

At least they both burn. Shitty people/characters.

wow congratulations you got the most hamfistedly obvious message ever to be crammed into a film you must be so special and smart gee whiz

only decent part of this movie was in that bar with the brits

You're not supposed to root for anyone. That's the whole point of the film, it's a satire of the romanticizing of war and wartime heroics.

That's the whole point of that scene, same with the bar shooting near the end.

is this a thinly veiled "the movie was over so i walked out of the theater" thread?

Wehrmacht aren't nazis

Richard Sammel is a nice guy and a good actor. A shame to see him wasted on Strain, but he makes a living off playing Nazis.
But yeah, Rachtman in this didn't do anything wrong.


tarantino is a secret racist.
he's not too subtly showing you that Jews are the bad guys,

kys nazi

>had to turn it off

Oh I get it because it's the last scene in the movie. Epic m8.

But in all seriousness this movie made me sympathize with Nazis and hate Jews which is strange since I usually love revenge flicks.

But I hated the Jewess cucking the German with her black bull the most. I was happy that the German war hero shoots her dead, only wish he survived that encounter.

>"You know something...I think this may be my masterpiece"
wow, real subtle there tarantula


Try watching the movie some time

>thinking jews fight their own wars

thats what Americans are for.

this tbqh

Agreed, user. Poor guy got killed by such a petty, infantile bitch.

do they carve a swastika into anyone else's head besides cristoph waltz at the very end? i genuinely dont remember i havent seen this movie since it was in theaters.

Congratulations, you grasped the point of the scene.

I don't think you were supposed to sympathize with the nazis
Maybe there is something wrong with you.

why do Amerisharts idolize Germans so much

As close to a fair fight as they have ever gotten.

Same as Rome idolising Hannibal.


No he didn't. None of you that are saying this did. This scene is making a mockery of the idea of the noble hero's death. The german officer is brave and stoic in the face of death. The jewish soldier is emotional, almost on the verge of tears. The buildup is tense and dramatic. And yet in the end the execution itself isn't stylized or epic, it's gruesome and comical. THAT is the point of the scene, it's making fun of the war movie trope of badass, heroic deaths.

How could you people have misinterpreted this movie so hard? The point is literally in the title. Inglorious Basterds. All of the characters are inglorious. Nobody is a hero, nobody dies a noble hero's death, nothing is dramatized or romanticized. It's all irreverent and comically violent to satirize all the myth and idealism that has been built up around WW2 and war in general. And it's not subtle either, this shit is literally South Park-tier. You all must be pretty retarded.

>it's the last scene in the movie
It's one of the first few scenes user.

The point of the scene was to make the viewer uncomfortable. If it doesn't make the viewer uncomfortable, and he cheers instead because a soldier he considers evil is gruesomely killed in a film he's watching, he's later going to see literally Hitler doing the exact same thing. In that very same movie he's watching.

Could it be that the attempt at satire fell flat? It's not like the idea of honor and dying for an ideal and romanticized war has moved mankind since they started acting out plays right?

>fair fight
>soviets do all the fighting
really activates your pistachios

>posting off topic drivel
That's what Sup Forums is for.

That's the point of that scene.

You're not meant to necessarily root for any "good guy" in any of it really.

It's when you realize it's a just a farcical film especially when juxtaposed against the far more serious opening scene which is more akin to your standard WWII movie.

When I saw this in theaters people were laughing at that scene

>Americans glorify Germans
Have you even seen saving private Ryan?

that was made by a jew, not an american

>implying there's a difference

jews aren't americans, they're duplicitous little rodents. they always consider themselves jewish first and american second.

Thought he meant when they carve Landa despite him holding his side of the deal

>complaining about Sup Forums
That's what /leftypol/ is for

>being triggered by being called out as Sup Forums
That's what Sup Forums is for.

The idea was the actual soldiers in the trenches and on the battle field were not noble or evil specifically because of their side, yes.

There were plenty of noble Germans in WW2. Quite a few of them hated Hitler but followed orders anyway because that's what they were told to do.

Most don't.

Not that guy, but it really is interesting to me how there is always some snappy faggot like yourself waiting in the wings to lend incredulity to ideas like this, without fail. Hope the minimum wage is worth it.

What's interesting to me is that there are people that still take zero effort b8 like that at face value. Get over yourself user.

>ein Beil?

Fuck off neckbeard

>being triggered

That's your job leftcuck

Then why are you stealing his job?

I'm not

wait you can get cucked if you're not in a relationship with someone? what a needy faggot

Define "relationship"

he says the nazi got cucked by the french girl even though she turned him down, that's friendzoning if anything. i would think cucking is being cheated on in the relationship or wanting to be cheated on

>Hitler was evil

Don't try to engage memers in conversation. They don't actually understand the things they shit out.

>someone might disagree with you do not reply

Wow what a whiny faggot you are.

Just so you know i agree with the guy technically it wasnt cuckoldry.

KYS fucking nazikuk.

why is Sup Forums so shit around the time school gets out? makes you think...

>He actually changes his opinion on history by watching jewish fiction
holy fuck op read a book not written, produced, edited or published by jews instead.

So then you admit you were a retard posting a stupid meme you didn't understand. Congrats.

What exactly did i post that triggered you so hard friend?

>Did Tarantino want us to sympathise with the Nazis?

he doesnt want you to sympathize with anybody, that's why most of them end up dead.

I wasn't triggered buddy, but you clearly were based on your responses. Have fun dealing with that.

>You weren't supposed to sympathize with either nazis or americans.
This. Tarantulla is secretly redpilled

made me kindle my cashews

I think we have a major misunderstanding here.

Can you point out a particular post that you disagree with and consider it to be mine?


He didn't say that at all. Are all wehrboo cucks this dumb?

That's because you stepped out of the theater shower without a towel on.

this movie is complete shit



>not sympathizing with nazis
okay guys


That wasn't me

why would you put time and effort into photoshopping this? i don't get it.

why? the Americans had a terrible track record in WWII, especially against the japs.

>oh no i have to have one (1) villain and one (1) good guy or i'm lost!
good thing you turned off your tv, please never switch it on ever again

Should've watched a better film than meme jews having a power fantasy.

Well why would i you paranoid fuck?

That wasn't me deal with it idiot.

Neither of you are me.

What does this have to do with anything?

Yes i am faggot

No I'm not

>>>respect the German officer for staying calm
How brave he is to say nothing when he knows he's totally dfucked

Show me your butthole.



the one fucking comment in the thread that gets it. Sup Forums has truly ruined this board

>i-i-i-its just satire!
Than why did it use real people you fucking idiots.

And if that's the case then why did I side with the Nazis the entire movie?

cause you're a Sup Forums babby probably

There are no heroes usually in a Tarantino film.

The only boards I use are Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Rules 1 and 2 newfag

then you're just the usual run-of-the-mill idiot. Waltz's character is supposed to be likeable or at least charming - that was the controversial part of this film. But the Nazis are never portrayed in an exactly nice light in this film.

Call me a fucking idiot huh? Why don't you go drink bleach you dumb cuck.

At no point did the nazis do anything wrong in the movie, they were just following orders LITERALLY following orders... like something you wouldn't know how to do you piece of shit autistic neckbeard faggot.

Don't respond to me anymore I'm fucking done talking to your dumb ass, you know nothing about the history behind the movie especially not how the ending actually did go the way that the movie and the theater was.