What a fucking disappointment

i fell for the tv shills and believed it'd be better than the first one
watching it i realized how they ruined the movie by making it too self aware and the ending made it even worse
fuck you teveee

How did they make the movie too self aware?

Whether John should have killed the guy in the hotel aside, it was a perfectly natural way to set up a sequel.

>not killing the mute cunt
>him not bothering going silent like in the 1st movie
>killing the guy at the hotel
>everyone in NY is an assassin
>shootouts everywhere

Are you butt hurt about the pencil scene?

The first has the same level of self awareness Id say.

>everyone is an assassin

This really fucking got me flustered

Still love the movies though

no it doesn't
>forced to kill the attackers in his house
>bribes the doorman to enter the club unnoticed
>snipes the shit out of the russians
>lures the russians into a trap at the church

it's contained as fuck, unlike the sequel

i dont pay for movie tickets i just pirate movies online and i have all the free time in the world, i dont sit and whine about some 1.5 hour experience for hours on end, i mvoe the fuck on with my life

>earlier he does the same shit to the nigger
>he tells him if he removes the knife he will bleed to death
>she gets stabbed in the same manner
>she removes the knife

Pretty sure she's dead.

she's not
he did that to the nigger because they respected each other, he didn't even know the mute cunt, there was literally no reason why he shouldn't have shot her in the head there

Lol kill yourself literally the best action film ever made.

Actually it's an entirely new genre, like arthouse-action. This genre was hinted at with The Raid movies but John Wick 2 just took it to an entirely new level.

It's a shame really, because the action itself is well made. The stunts at least, it took some genuine effort. Much appreciated effort, in an age of fast cuts and punches that never connect.

Why didn't Wick at least try to stay low key in New York? He knew there was a price on his head since Italy. Why didn't we see Morpheus smuggling him through the sewers for example? There's a scene on the roof, he gets a gun and just appears in the museum.

thanks user
the redditors are really taking over this board

>casually using the word "nigger" like it's nothing

Kill yourselves

>Why didn't we see Morpheus smuggling him through the sewers for example?

Waste of budget.

>"hello i am new"

they didn't even bother showing how he got into the sister's room

they also didn't show how he got to Rome

did he took a plane to Rome or did he travel by sea? did he take a taxi from the airport or did he rent a car?

Shut the fuck up dumb crybaby nigger

I actually thought it was good, but I was mostly disappointed by Reeves.

Dude is getting old and it's showing. His movements looked mechanical, rehearsed and not smooth or fluid. I saw him tugging at people like we do in bjj, but that's not what actually happens in a real damn fight. A real fight isn't a sparring session where you tug your opponent so noticeably. He was also sluggish; compare his physical movements to the ones un JW 1.

I liked it and can excuse most of the issues, but I'm worried about the next one.

Quit being feces-tious

Get off anonymous pussy


I thought her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

>there was literally no reason why he shouldn't have shot her in the head there
he was kind of running low on ammo there

he beaten her really easily, anyway, you can't even spin it into a "waah girl power feminist agenda", he just completely outclassed her

There were only of a couple of hundred people in that park with NYC having a population of millions and Winston set it all up to prove a point to John. Shut the fuck up.

>making dumb excuses

They did. She's fucked.

So is this sequel worth watching or not? If it is then is it worth watching it a theater or should i just download it?

I saw the first movie and it was ok

This depends. Did you like the first movie because it was a simple revenge story? Because this is not. Did you want the whole "vast criminal underworld with its own currency and rules" to be elaborated and expanded on? Because it does that. Do you want more killing? Yeah, watch it.