What the actual fuck?

Why is this allowed?

What episode of Spongebob is this?

who in the world could stand having their hair in their face like that? why is he so wet?

his hair looks like burnt noodles

It would be neat if they used all the junkyard junk to build elaborate improvised war machines and so on and so forth

would probably save the show

>cannot even webm
go back to plebbit plebshit reddit

They do, winslow the walker is a bio weapon with an armored cranium and a body covered in jagged metal spines

I can't decide what's funnier his hair or the cgi.

Also, this is not a single scene of that look, previously there was the same fucking shot with same shitty cgi

It's a stylistic choice, it's not supposed to look realistic.

A.....green screen?

That scene was up there.

Christ it's like they took the laziness of the elf army from the third hobbit movie and combined it with the awful compositing of the star wars prequels. Glad I stopped watching after season three

Looks better and more necessary to be CGI than that CGI airport you upvote farmers adore in that 250 million dollar flick.

Jesus. Don't remind me of this shit.

Who are you mad at?

You watch The Walking Dead and have the nerve to shit talk capefags. Im done with Sup Forums today.


this guy is triggered


Not shit talking anyone. Just comparing a tv show to a high budget film.

I was legitamately more fooled by this

Why is Rick turning into fucking Medusa?

The last episode was one of the most perplexing things I've ever seen on tv. I don't know what they're going for with this new group. They just act and sound like complete retards, which I'm sure wasn't the writers' intention.

jerry lee lewis

same here


>people still watch the Meme Dead


>not the Walking Memes

>not the Memeing Dead

OP didn't realize 3 birds also flew by in the background

As soon as I saw that scene, I knew somebody on Sup Forums would try to make a whole thread about it.

>not the walking pleb

Why does a junkyard have a helipad?

This kind of shit is somewhat passable because it was made in the late 90's/early 2000's. It was the best use of visual effects technology at the time and it has aged rather well, with scenes like this being exceptions.

This like brush it out of your fucking face one on


Yep, the wet noodle in the eyes hair bothered me last night too. I wish him and Carl would get short hair again.

He's standing in front of a poster you daft idiot. Please tell me I'm being put through a ruse


>highschool photoshop montage

The point is that poster looks better than that cgi.