*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

Other urls found in this thread:


Did he kill himself?

*politely ask him to evacuate the thoroughfare*

*he starts autistically chimping out*


Stop shilling yourself here, Sam. No one thinks you're funny. You're just a sad, pathetic man.

this faggot gets over 2k a month on his patreon alone just for existing.

doesnt even make new videos comon sam you fuckin kook

People say Sam Hyde is pathetic but I disagree. He's the coolest unemployed 31 year old with no health insurance who spams himself on Sup Forums that I know.

Why does /ourguy/ sam hyde trigger nu-anons so much?

I think sam is a cool guy and he should be supported financially for his great contributions


Sup Forums is not your safe space faggot.

hey buddy i think you got the wrong door

every board is overwhelmingly pro-pol and pro-trump though

this is the most newfag image i've seen in quite some years, barring the reddit shitposting:
>newfags hate the shittiest three boards aside from Sup Forums

lol okay

Your list says obsessed with e-celebs, doesn't that include you?

*watch him for a minute*

*he begins to laugh, destroying kayfabe*

it didn't have to be this way

This won't work, Sup Forums's for Trump.

What does that have to do with anything?

Who would care?

You came 30 minutes too late Sam Hyde

>Sup Forums is a singular entity

Found the newfag.

hola reddito

>Sam Hyde and his "fans" spam Sup Forums with self-promotion
>Sup Forums users tell them to fuck off
>Sam and his "fans" start spouting "muh 8 years" and bragging about Trump winning as if it has anything to do a z-list youtube star shilling himself constantly on this board

Getting kinda tired of these threads desu.

it's a typical shitposter, m8

here are the signs:
>makes general comment designed to bring people who agree to post in his favor
>disparages some posting practice in semi-common usage, like "edgy" despite the aged nature thereof
>makes some bullshit appeal to reason (complaining about lack of substantive critique - on fucking Sup Forums)
>clearly a faggot from Sup Forums

last part's a throwaway but jesus christ this shit is formulaic as fuck

keeping this shit on topic:
i don't get why sam hyde is a big deal

Where were you when the alt-right got BTFO.

Sup Forumsfags on suicide watch

At least Sam isn't a fucking pedo.

>he's paid to post this

sad! low energy!

If Sam's gonna advertise himself then at least he's picking the only funny shit that he ever did. Did anyone over the age of 13 give a fuck about his Adult Swim show? He was just regurgitating the shit that we already discuss on this site. I can get more humor and entertainment from randomly opening any thread than I can get from hearing my own thoughts parroted back at me through Sam's greasy mouth.

>Sup Forums
>alt right
you'll never learn. at least it feels good to beat up an imaginary enemy, right?

Well at least the faggot pedo is going to be paid a lot of shekels once he releases his book and made his money while it lasted.

Sam Hyde is literally unemployed and can't find anywork. He was like a few thousand from those few episodes that got played on adult swim.

He was to fucking hold pepe flags and appeal to teenagers and neckbeards to still remain relevant.

>i-i d-dont have healthcare!!!!

>a-at l-least i have my media c-company


>getting paid to post the truth

No such cases

Can you imagine being 31 years old and having no job and no health insurance? Can you imagine being 31 years old and reduced to spamming yourself on an anime image board in a desperate attempt to stay relevant? All of your peers are starting to enjoy real professional success and are making serious money. Many are even getting married and starting families. Meanwhile you spend every day making threads about yourself on an anime site in the hopes that it will draw web traffic to your shitty youtube videos. I cannot imagine a more pathetic existence.

Election is over, Hillary lost, Trump won and will be President for the next 4 years. What the fuck would I get out of "shilling" or what even tin foil conspiracy you Sup Forums fucks try muster up when you see somebody disagree with you.

Am I invading your safe space?

And he's still achieved more than you, the NEET posting on Sup Forums.

Hyde had a television show

>once he releases his book

What's the matter Sammy boy? Did that post hurt your feelings?

Is it not true though?

is Sup Forums really a "newfag college"?

quality posters are created when they stop posting on a 13 year old filled cesspool like Sup Forums and move on quality subject driven boards like /k/ or Sup Forums

meanwhile if they move from Sup Forums to Sup Forums then they will never come good as posters and will always be forced meme spewing 15 year olds

that means people have their own safe space in each board

You forgot
>says millennial le nerdy words like fuccboi and "spirit animal"

>talking shit about /u/

Sup Forums USED to be a decent starting point, nowadays it's filled with literal normies talking about their gfs and what leftwing rally they're going to next week

oldfags are the bedrock of Sup Forums and they aren't being created anymore

there is a 100 percent chance whoever made this discovered Sup Forums via Sup Forums at some point in the past two years

LOL no, I have a good job with benefits and opportunities for advancement in the future. I also have a decent amount of money in my 401k for someone my age. I would say I'm decidedly more successful than Sam and I'm 4 years younger than him too.

>me on the left

hello r/thedonald

Explain your reasoning. I'm an oldfat from 2007, the list checks out. You're probably just a newfag though. You don't know any better. I've been from Sup Forums to Sup Forums to Sup Forums to /jp/ to Sup Forums and Sup Forums and now I just use whatever board I feel like going to including all the slow hobby boards. Sup Forums was good before 2014 when moot added flags and IDs, now it's Sup Forums2.0 full of normie subhumans posting pictures of their faces in threads are echo /soc/. Sad!

>implying my path is anywhere near the unemployment line

>I'm an oldfat
You IMDB refugees aren't fooling anyone.

i dont get this hate sam meme


You're kind of right. I've seen all Sup Forums has to offer in these last 11 years. I've attempted to branch out. IMBD had some comedy lels and solid shitposts, it's a damn shame normies couldn't handle it. There are some other websites that I occasionally lurk that are better than this shit board, but nothing like Sup Forums is found anywhere else.

This isnt how the free market works

Just because one audience dislikes a product doesnt mean another dislikes it

See how Hilary is unpopular but still makes money doing whatever? Now do that but the opposite


How did Sam get a show over Ethan?

Milo got disinvited from a republican convention because of what he said. How is this related to free market or whatever?

MDE got cancelled because it was shit.

I watched this video, and the premise ran out of steam like three minutes into his act.

Yet the underage b&s on Sup Forums thinks this video is the greatest thing created since the invention of cinema.

Really makes you think.

Because Ethan is even less funny than Sam, which is really a feat.

It's one decision at the peak of hysteria

If Milo has an audience he will still make money
If MDE has an audience he will still make money

nah, it's not difficult to imagine all those people that habbo hotel raided and other misc stupid shit people do when they first discovered this place would grow up as the current manifestation of Sup Forums

The amount of butthurt in this macro is amazing. My room is getting warmer from the radiating asspain.

Milo and Hyde still have their audiences. They just don't have the support of certain groups. What's the problem here?

>dead careers
>no. 1 book in Amazon
>interviews left and right
>second printing of his book
>still relevant up until today and gaining popularity
>dead careers


>is Sup Forums really a "newfag college"?
No, that's Sup Forums now

>gaining popularity
All the fast food restaurants in town know his name, from the job applications.

audience of teenagers and NEETS in their twenties from Sup Forums

Yeah they sure will have long and succesfull careers.

stay salty. we still won

8 years bitch

Well I'm not American so I don't give a shit about your politics and I didn't like Hillary either. So I didn't lose anything.

Milo just ascended to the next level. Ross Matthews, a mainstream TV star, rose to the bait of a throwaway line in Milo's press conference, an event streamed online by a relatively obscure conservative web company. More people know who Milo is now than after he was on Maher. He's just getting started.

It's Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Sad thing is that Sup Forums I think is getting more normie prominence than Sup Forums ever did. But the shitposting and level of humor is still the same between b tards and pol lacks

He got disinvited from a notoriously timid Republican convention who were only bowing to the inevitable in including him anyway.

>"Cuz we're just gonna KILL'EM!"
>complete silence
>"...cuz we're just gonna KIILLL'EM!"

Weird that you think all redpilled guys are NEETS. The people travelling to Milo's events didn't all hitchhike, these people have incomes, they're focused, many of them STEM grads on the spectrum, and they're fiercely loyal. You hurt their boy, they buy twice as much of his product.

You can afford to be salty when you have a job and health insurance.

Milo has the brains to make a comeback if he tones down the troll bullshit and makes sincere arguments. His shit about feminists and Muslims is objectively truthful, despite his baiting.

Sup Forums imo has gotten worse if that is at all possible.
It's all phoneposters trading FB tier pics and humor now. Even Sup Forums outshines it now in relevance.

this image seems paranoid but a lot of the behaviour it describes is accurate

do you think you're fooling anyone? Obviously you realize it accurately describes you and you're asshurt that other people think you're cancer

Sam Hyde is an underground guy, and has no problem with that that I can see. The thing to take from World Peace isn't that it got cancelled, it's that it got made at all. It was one of the clearest cultural clues of the coming of President Trump - nobody could miss the stuff MDE were saying, yet they got hired by [as], and briefly included in the ranks of mainstream-hip.

bro, Sup Forums brings in more newfags than anything else

>started visiting in 2006
not even an oldfag, but I'm way better than tumblr-tier posters.

He's not even going to have to tone down that much, just be selective. I'd seen the footage they used long before, like most Milo fans, and knew it was a hostage to fortune. It wasn't inconsistent or even that flippant, if you got what lay behind the humor, but Milo, despite describing himself as a conservative rather than a libertarian, has a libertarian's total trust in the seriousmindedness of his audience, which was bound to be used against him after he came onto the radar of moron media.

it was beautiful

Dude 2007 isn't oldfag territory. I think around 2005 is like the cut-off point.

>there isn't a Sup Forums anywhere else
Yes there is, its called r/thedonald and its where faggots like you come from.

More idiots to guy his stupid book.


yeah but last time I checked Sup Forums wasn't full of numale cuckwads, unlike Sup Forums which has them flooding in from reddit/tumblr for the /got/ general/marvel etc

God that was one of the best parts. My favorite part though was the joke he made about sex tokens and just blatantly rating the girls in the room by attractiveness. God I was dying.

that was the "how to make it as an artist" one, but yeah that was fantastic too

if you play video games enough to care about an image board dedicated to them you are a numale. Sup Forums is numale incarnate. What are you talking about? I agree Sup Forums is shit but Sup Forums is worse.

What do you think numale means?

Sam physically assaulting protester @ anti-Trump rally


Get it trending boys, he's not getting away with it this time

The fact that Sup Forums and /r/The_Donald merged during the election is one of the worst things to happen to Sup Forums imo. This place has become overrun with redditors because of it. They don't lurk on other boards before posting and turn every thread into a political thread. I didn't think this place could get even shittier but here we are.

NYPA faggot

I think it means a faggot beta raised by his single mom and brainwashed with leftist propaganda until his dick shrivels up. Real men don't play electronic games all day.

Sup Forums has been dead for many years m8, I just come here to laugh at all of you cucks who still post in this shithole