How do we take Sup Forums back from Sup Forumstards? Islamaphobia, homophobia, racism, Trumpism, sexism, fasism...

How do we take Sup Forums back from Sup Forumstards? Islamaphobia, homophobia, racism, Trumpism, sexism, fasism, anti-semitism etc.. has no place in this board and need to be purge ASAP!

>get trolled
>tell everyone how trolled you are
>expect them to stop trolling
>even though they will troll you harder than before
Your best bet is to leave and come back in 6 months and hope for the best, in all honesty.

I have all that you mentioned, doesn't mean I shit up the board and project my opinions on others.

Nigger shut up

lol, we should go back to www.reddit so we don't have to deal with those racist Sup Forumstards anymore

what do u mean


Taking your post seriously for a second, why are you clumping all of those catagories together? Why are you equating disagreement with hatred? Why are you trying to play skepticism and critical thought with dangerous hateful wrongthink?

Who are you to dictate what has no place on an anonymous imageboard? Who are you to be the judge, jury and executioner, and, as you put it, "purge" the board? Why are you not in need of purging?

That being said, you lost nigger get over it

well the first step would be to kill all patriots or people who have ever read a damaging wikileak

you can't.

Sup Forums is cancer ever since the great r/ invasion starting over a year ago.

Nothing can be done about it. Even Sup Forums isn't Sup Forums anymore

>Taking your post seriously for a second

>r/ invasion starting over a year ago
Yes, technically 7 years is over a year ago.

Rangeban everyone who doesn't live in a metropolis

Rural and suburban retards are ruining Sup Forums

This, I'm so sick of these newfag racists

agreed, anyone who posts in those threads should be banned. Same goes for pro fag/nigger/kike threads

there is a solution. mods doing their jobs and deleting posts that do not belong on their boards.

if you try to post Sup Forums shit on Sup Forums, it gets deleted. If a Sup Forumstard posts Sup Forums shit on Sup Forums, it does not.

That tells you what the problem is right there

Only the oldfag racists are worth having.

>mods doing their jobs
Pic related.

Or we can just nuke cities

le autistic nightly false flagging man

Agreed op. We should also push for an up/downvoting system so we can swiftly hide the racist sexist poys

You are the reason why Sup Forums went to shit

>implying Sup Forums was cancer sometime after it's inception

Kill yourself on live stream for a start.


>implying a republic doesn't NEED to balance urban knowledge with rural and suburban knowledge

do you really want urban propaganda to be able to fuck over the people that grow your food? you really should not want that.

Be prepared.

This is not a warning, this is a threat.

We are coming.

We will not be persuaded by your leaders or your people.

You have been warned.

Islamaphobia doesn't exist. It's called anti-Arab racism

t. Arab Christian who's gotten called "terrorist" 6 million times

yeah but super mutants are kinda a prob for realz

You can't.
It's like asking to get rid of anime on all non anime boards.
.it happened fag

how do we get rid of all theses racists?

Have the mods actually do their fucking job and get rid of irrelevant off topic Sup Forums threads.

genetic engineering to make it so people can look like whatever while being able to do whatever

>tfw got a warning for posting this once
they're paying
they're here

Sup Forums is cancer to every board, including Sup Forums.

Every board I visit, is brought into a stupid off-topic shitfest because a group of douchebags don't know how to contain their views to a relevant forum (of discussion).

The worst thing is every Sup Forums apologist believes everyone is like Sup Forums, if not, shill/jew/blue-pill etc..

I get bored, and visits other boards (/k/omrade), but don't shit it up with my personal political views (unless immediate relevance applies).

A lot of Sup Forums seems to sperg (fwiw in non-Sup Forums boards), and that is their right. Just stop trying to get replies when your own thread dies on Sup Forums.

>a group of douchebags don't know how to contain their views to a relevant forum (of discussion)
Welcome to Sup Forums.

>Your best bet is to leave and come back in 8 years and hope for the best, in all honesty


I know this is bait, but I do find it really odd how mods aren't just straight-up banning politics threads left and right. I remember last year I accidentally posted a sports thread on Sup Forums (think it was about the Sterling transfer or something), the mods deleted it in a second, and I got one of those 3-day bans. Which is fine, if you're too drunk and stupid to post in the right board, go away.

But is the same shit happening to people making Sup Forums threads? Because it sure as hell doesn't look that away.

Well I'm assuming he's impatient so I told him the minimum. But yeah, that's a much more reliable timespan.

>I know this is bait, but
Zozzle on the roof

that's because we can't differentiate you since you act and look exactly the same

same accent, same look, same attitude

*straight-up banning OPs and deleting political threads left and right

8 years libshit

>mfw I'm a leftist Islamaphobe

you can start by reporting threads and posts

>0 complaints about all the off-topic plaguing this board for the last 3 years by this id
And an image from pleb fantasy too

What are the chances this kids actually seen a Singaporean new wave film? 0 chance

Because the alternative is a board with nothing but capeshit and disney star wars as far as the eye can see.

all the Sup Forums is simply a result of Sup Forums (and the internet in general) becoming sufficiently popular (and easy to access) for people of sufficiently simple minds to take the clown fight that is american politics seriously.

So the only way to get rid of Sup Forums is to go back to pre-mainstream internet.

Ok how

hahaha what do you want to set an income minimum for the internet or what?

it is true that the internet was better before but too late now

Then it becomes child porn as far as the eye can see. I don't want that user, no one does