Thoughts on Elizabeth Olsen as an actress? What do you guys think of her body of work

Thoughts on Elizabeth Olsen as an actress? What do you guys think of her body of work

I'd fuck her.

Looks like Samantha Schacher.

I bet you don't even have any pictures of her, loser.

She looks like she's a good cocksucker.


Green really is the best eye colour for women.


Tommy the Diddler got to her, too.

/b thinks he's gay, meanwhile he's stealth banging your waifus.

best MCU waifu

> as an actress?
She's bad actress. But she's cute.

I love her SO much.

She sucks in her capeshit roles. She was okay in that stupid horror movie about her going crazy alone in the house. Can't really buy her in many roles because she has like two expressions.

Wish she could undo her nose job, though. The way the tip is pointed up is pretty distracted, to be quite brutally honest with you.

I don't think he's gay. I do however think he's a colossal asshat. I've heard nothing good about him, and at the GGs he made a complete ass out of himself both during the dinner and when he accepted his award.

He's a famewhore and extremely self-involved, even by actor standards. Talked about himself and his things the whole night, like it was lecture. Then he topped it off by proclaiming that he's an idol to the people of South Sudan - because was there for a weekend, and some relief workers liked his show.

I'm not making any of this up.

All fucking niggers must fucking hang.

Only only reason to watch capeshit

Elizabeth Olsen and the Thor franchise is the only thing I like about Disneymarvel.

She's so pretty, it makes me feel bad

Post the eyebrows webm

Love to see her pusy hair!


I think she's lovely, and more than talented enough to have a long career

Elizabeth Olsen is a cute, CUTE!

he was also probably joking about that but it flew over your head.

Top tier qt

Martha Marcy May Marlene was fucking great. She made that movie.

>le random reddit waifu # 127862

come of, fham

she's plain as fuck, and her boobs practically touch her knees, wtf is wrong with u ppl?

Based pusy poster

Elizabeth Olsen is the CUTEST and SEXIEST girl, such a screen presence, and what an off screen presence!

Do you pronounce pusy like Poozee or just like pussy?

alright, alright, calm down



who /axilla/ here?



I think she's a qt3.14 and a talented actress. I hope she has a long career ahead of her. I'm glad she didn't end up being a dried out coked up mummy like her sisters

that's pussy in italian, you pleb

I want to get her pregnant so she has to marry me and then I won't be so lonely all the time.

That has to be Poochie, doesn't answer how to pronounce pusy though.

pretty sure it is Poochie


Who wins in a fight?


left u retard

They tag team me and then spitroast me!

thank you that makes so much sense now.

*blocks your boops*

what kind of fight, tho?

Like Busey

Ay the pedos are here. Report and move on.

>this triggers the redditor

>and move on

kekek, that's my favorite part