Babysitting your wife's daughter

>babysitting your wife's daughter
>she looks at you like this and says
>"w-why are you so handsome, user?"

what do you say?

Squats and oats

*kisses pusy*

I actually do have a gf's daughter.. it's much less hassle than giving birth to your own because you're advancing the white race by raising a beautiful white girl or you can leave at any time and not pay child's support

How much of a cuck do you have to be to date a single mom?


Is it just 1 pedo that is posting all this shit or a cotangent?

Honestly OP, If you are doing this for a joke, I do not understand the punchline.

If you are doing it in hopes of starting a pedo thread, then go fuck yourself, you are so low and degenerate. Why don't you go to the dark web and livestream shooting yourself in the head.

If you are doing this for a troll, please just stop. You degenerate fuck, this is not funny, this is the lowest of the low of provacation. you are annoying.

Yo-you too

Honestly I'm starting to think it's a bot.

Why do you have that ugly gap between your front teeth.

post her cameltoe

>heh well um uhh hehe heh hah

>Is it just 1 anti-pedo that is posting all this shit or a cotangent?

Pretty sure it's a bot.

Cum in her receding hairline

i'll pay for your hairplugs if you want

>you will never fuck Astor


>every other thread is cunny and posting the irreversible scene and asking "what she did to deserve it"

Who was in the wrong here?

>this is not funny, this is the lowest of the low of provacation. you are annoying.
Well if it is to troll it is working just look at how mad you are you fucking redditor

My god, you've totally burned the huge cross section of kek supporters and cunnyfags that doesn't exist.


>that doesn't exist.

Keep telling yourself that bud

They're easy to manipulate.

Why did you have to shit out such a soulless piece of garbage, Todd?

>My god, you've totally burned the huge cross section of kek supporters and cunnyfags that doesn't exist.

What is milo faganopolis

I honestly think it's a guy trying to convert Sup Forums posters into pedos by brute force (ie, posting every single day of every hour).

I don't know how the moderators haven't range banned him yet, likely the reason is because the Sup Forums mods don't range ban at all unlike the other boards.

what if she has a sexy daughter?

I'm neither but I don't really see any connection other that general pestilence, cunnyfags predate both Sup Forums and old /news/

>the memes are real

That's adorable and he's a better man than her real father is you fucking permavirgin faggot.

you know her real father?

t. single mom child

well that was easy

This is sickening.

You don't know that, he died saving a gaggle of lolis from a Sup Forums poster with a gun

If it is a bot, and there are now bots that can bypass the captchas, why hasn't this place descended back into the hellscape that it was pre-captcha?

>White man raises a white child

Not seeing the problem

Based pusyposter

>tfw want a daughter and want to spend christmas with her and watch flicks together, take her the beach and watch her play in the sand in that cute bikini you bought her
>tfw don't want a wife at all

>Dark web
How retarded are you?
>what is pass
Again, how retarded are you?

>passes can't be banned
>buying a pass just for a bot
>even if not using your own money, committing theft for a pass for a bot
Nah, it's just one autist on a phone memeing their life away.

You do realise passes carry your bans? If you get banned, evade and use your pass, you auto get banned and your pass is useless. I doubt this guy is buying passes constantly to do this, user.

If he's so rich he can do that, he should just buy the site.

Beta cuck detected

>this whole thread

I love you, guys

redditors included

oh, wow

who is this cunny bunny? :3

>tfw it's one of my fantasies to marry a woman with a young daughter, and when the daughter turns 18 I divorce my wife and marry the daughter