I actually agree. A movie about a smuggler should have more blacks

I actually agree. A movie about a smuggler should have more blacks.

why is woody wearing a snuggie

>blacks amount for 10% of America (or that I would know at least)
>1/7 people in the cast are black (therefore more than 10%)
What's the problem again? Why do Europeans or Latinos or Asians never bitch about forgotten too?

Yeah and the tall arab is being represented but they make up less than 1% of usa population

Spic here, we leave chimp work to chimps.
Also we're drunk.

For the most part, we enjoy a movie for what it is instead of crying for some pandering. The ones who do that are usually niggers or whites (on behalf of niggers).

t. Latino

every single "white" person there is a fucking Jew.

>black, two jews, georgian, possibly irish

Who are they trying to fool with this shit exactly?

better than original trilogy


Fair enough then. What seems to most play into it though is that blacks (of the USA that is) seem to have exerted on them a huge inferiority complex, that Latinos don't have owing to the fact that they were never slaves and do alright for themselves in the US. But the inferiority complex weighing down on blacks means they'll lose all sense of respect and pride for themselves if they aren't represented and continually flattered in the media. Bit sad what 200 years of slavery does to you psychologicall.

t. armchair sociologist


>white people making a movie for a white people franchise

What do they want, Han Solo to be black?
Are they expecting the film makers to rotoscope the original films to make Harrison Ford black?

>lots of sf novels get written with female, Black, Asian, cyborg, gay, lesbian, intersex, etc characters
>no ignore that, old shit being rebooted must be altered to depict my feelings

Han Solo is actually a super pale space nigger when you think about it.

what's the over-under that they didn't realize two of the guys in that photo are the directors, and not actors?

>What do they want, Han Solo to be black?
>Are they expecting the film makers to rotoscope the original films to make Harrison Ford black?

This isn't what blacks want, but it is what white SJW nazis want, they also want Solo to be transgendered

Niggers are too dumb for smuggling.
stealing =/= smuggling

i know she's a meme here, but goddamnit, emilia clarke is one lovely woman

>American "education"

>what is a fictional universe

Han Solo is the smuggler. Other characters will be the thieves and drug dealers that ask Han to smuggle their shit.

Isn't it funny? A regular Star Wars movie where good guys save the day get to have a diverse cast while the one about space criminals are going to be almost fully white.

See the pattern?

>blacks amount for 10% of America
That doesn't tell us how much they should make up of the galaxy far, far away.

When this people see a photo they start counting amount of blacks instead of thinking.

>normies doing research

>implying Jews are white

I want this meme to end

americans can't into ethnicities

Two of them are the directors

Every single day for every single movie.

They will never stop.

>And boy, it's uh...
>*smacks lips*
>it's uh...
>*sucks air through teeth*
>so, uh... lemme get this straight
>*collects welfare*
>its sum kinna...


I'm gonna try and ignore the fact that this is an idpol thread and ask if anyone actually wants this movie?

Who thought
>I really want to see young Han Solo who is just a generic smuggler character
>fuck those force users and the sith and the dark side those are too cool

If Negroes moved back to Africa, Mongoloids moved back to Asia, and Semites moved back to the Underworld, imagine how peaceful the West would be.

Yeah it is. According to literally them it is an ethnicity AND religion. Don't ask me why because I don't know. Probably so they can hide behind more shit and play more pity cards.

Don't non-whites get tired of being used as tools to push a politically correct agenda? It must suck to know that you're only succeeding because you fill a diversity quota

>implying white is an ethnicity

Apparently you can't either

It's not blacks that demands more blacks. It's Jews and brainwashed sjw.

They can't into ethnicities as in this is the reason they identify by their skin color, you fucking retard.

you can't spell jews without sjw

Jews are an entirely different race, dipshit. Next thing you're going to say is gypsies are European even though they originate from India just because they're shit out on European soil. You sound like some uppity Arab with a superiority complex that thinks they're a horse instead of a goat just because they were born in a stable

Jews have white skin, they are white. The whole reason blacks have been considered different through history is not because of their "ethnicity", it's because of their skin color.

Why is Donald Glover always sad?

They look white to me. It's the reason no one says "caucasian" or "european". It's because what matters is the color and tone of their skin when someone discusses "whites" and "blacks".

Japanese have white skin, they are white.

>The whole reason blacks have been considered different through history is not because of their "ethnicity", it's because of their skin color.

Shit, I thought it has something to do with them living in bumfuck nowhere and not even inventing a wheel.