
>still complaining about Beardfat and AIDSmoby despite the fact that they've been on the show since the beginning

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no need for a thread, guys. we can all make our thoughts and opinions known in the comment section on youtube and their subreddit!

Why's Mike never on BotW anymore

Which episodes do I need to watch to the the movies these are sequels to? I've seen the Carnosaur episode.

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RLM is Sup Forums culture

>not no Mike

>mfw they pay for the equivalent of fb posts

But they don't make fb post updates. You're complaining that they offer something and people voluntarily give money to receive exactly what they are being offered.

It's just a nice little thing they give you for giving them money.

I legitimately have no idea what you're trying to complain about.

>New BotW
Aw yeah!
>It has Josh in it
Aw no!

>OMG that guy that's in almost every BOTW is in the latest BOTW!

he's fine
kill him

>tfw I finally stopped watching this shit

Go shill your shit somewhere else, faggots

>beardfat again


Fuck off with your friend-simulators you fucking losers

I am sick in bed today. This sounds like something to watch on my phone. Almost beats shitposting.

Whatever happened to Beard Fat just sometimes not being on botw? I understand he is a staple, but there were episodes where there was a break from him and there was a guest or something. He doesn't completely ruin it for me but still, he's fucking annoying and i wish they would diversify a bit. The new botw just aren't as enjoyable because of him.

Sometimes he's on it, sometimes he's not. You know, like it's always been.

why would they even do an episode without mike?
why has beardfat been on it so many times recently?

Beardfat is annoying as hell, at least AIDSMoby can keep his SJW retarded opinions to himself

No Mike, take a hike.

god i wish they would just fire that cringy fat piece of shit already, or at the very least limit him to behind the camera

Because it's the lowest common denominator garbage. It's meant to cater to people with no friends, basically they're 'let's play's' movie versions of video games on Youtube. It's shit but brings in the virgin views.

what? My complaint was that it is longer a thing that he is 'sometimes' on it like a year ago, he is always on it now. So no, it's not like it has always been. If it was like it had always been there would be some diversification every now and again.

ya know, you smug little ass?

-no mike

+movies look fun
++++drunk jack








He's not always on it now though. He wasn't in the Christmas episode.

>BotW now always either has jack or wizard or both

Reddit Cuck Memedia

So...like it's always been?

>i'm going to respond to every person who dislikes Jack or Josh in the exact same way because i'm in love with them and have terrible taste

It's just Jack posting

It's not a matter of liking or dissliking them. People are complaining about something as if it's a new thing when it's literally been the case since the show started. I'm sorry if you're triggered by reality and facts.

oh shit. I know that T Rex!

>you're not allowed to dislike/criticise a member of the crew because they were on since the beginning
okay bud, josh is a faggot and so are you


You are one man making the same post over and over again in one thread. Do you think it's 'facts' make you annoying? Something being the same as it once was doesn't make it less annoying if you dislike it, it makes it worse you goddamn moron.

The only reality to be faced here is you are an autistic tard and should stop posting.

ultra kek

>no Mike
>no Rich

Alright, I'm totally fine with Beardfat and AIDSMoby AS LONG AS RICH OR MIKE IS THERE TOO. Jay is not enough, I love him -- bless his heart -- but the real creative force is Mike or Rich.

Ever since they started doing BOTW, I have refused to watch every episode that doesn't have either Mike, Jessie, or Rich, and I bet I've missed LITERALLY nothing.

>>no Rich
So you haven't actually watched the episode?

Rich is literally there

Maybe watch more than five seconds of the video before you go off on a rant.

Also, there has literally never been an episode without either Mike or Rich.

i only looked at the thumbnail

he's there too

The thumbnail that Rich is in?

>4 spots in an episode
>crew of 5
Dude your complaint is literally impossible in the first place

Fire beardfat and jack and hire the canadians

>let's zoom in on Rich as he does his fake shout laugh

>Ever since they started doing BOTW, I have refused to watch every episode that doesn't have either Mike, Jessie, or Rich, and I bet I've missed LITERALLY nothing.
Well considering that there's never been an episode without either Mike, Jessie, or Rich, you are correct: you have literally missed nothing.

Jessie is worse than Jack and Josh

Well she hasn't been in a video in over two years anyway.


>Makes bad joke that no one laughs at
>Laughs at fart jokes

they don't pretend to be misarable when they watch the movie

AIDSMoby is funny get over it

Jack is fine


She literally adds nothing to the show. The most presence she ever had on an episode was giving her opinion from a woman's perspective for the video boyfriend VHS

It does make you think.

Asking again, I haven't seen every episode of Best of the Worst. Which ones do I need to see for this new one?

You need to see every piece of RLM content to understand the new ones.

RLM is so lame without Mike

Skateboard Kid 1 was on Plinketto 2. Future Force was I think the latest one with Jim and Colin (they also watched Geteven on that episode)

Thank you very much.

Rich isn't funny without Mike


The maturity on this board never astounds me.

Why do we hate Jack and Beardfat again? They are actually pretty funny.

Jack is fine. Beardfat isn't. I don't hate him, but he's the least funny by a lot.

No Mike no watch

>Jack is fine.

Jack is better than Rich.

I unironically believe this.

But who was in the monkey costume at the end?


You're unironically right. Jack is only hated by children and faggots.

Beardfat is shit.


I literally hate him

Why doesn't he care anymore?

Reminder that you only hate Beardfat because his competence makes you insecure. No I'm not projecting.

>it's a no Mike episode
why even bother?

That wasn't a costume, that's the new bull Mike hired to please Jessi.

Jack acts like a little kid a lot, it's cringe and it doesn't make you a faggot for hating that shit

Rich is only good as Mike's foil

Rich without Mike is shit. It's why I can't watch Previously Recorded. Jack tries to actually host, but Rich acts like he isn't being recorded.

Wrong. He's a fat hipster who when asked about what he's supposed to be an expert on (music" he can only stutter out a few plebeian lines that could be taken directly from Pitchfork and even the fourteen year old queers from Sup Forums could pick apart. He's a massive disgusting worst kind of hipster douche that acts like he knows things and acts like he cares about issues just to gain cred from them. It's absolutely fucking disgusting.

damn you guys are harsh i like all of them and mike probably needs a break from these films so he doesnt blow his brains out sad cynical motherfucker

Jack acts like a dad. You'll understand when you have kids.

Rich is great. Well, more accurately, Mike constantly mocking Rich is great.

No Mike no watch

He has literally never mentioned music in a RLM video, which means you must actively be searching out things he's said and done elsewhere (Pre Rec streams maybe?) in order to find stupid shit to complain about. But HE'S the lame one right?

I hate Beardfat because I'm not watching this to get a in depth breakdown of some shitty b movie. I watch it to have a laugh. And Beardfat isn't funny. He sometimes actively derails the comedy to go back to his shitty synopsis.

MS3K wasn't popular because of all the serious film discussions they had.

I don't know what his competence is in, giving long winded summaries of crappy movies, or crying on Twitter about muh social justice, but neither of those makes me insecure.

>I listen to RLM things that the person we're talking about is on so I'm "lame"

Why don't suck his dick harder you fucking retard?

>bitches about Pre Rec
>bitches about Beardfat
>actively watches Pre Rec videos with Beardfat in them

>It's a "The Canadians are here" episode

So in other words you don't know what you're talking about but we're wrong because we actually know what we're talking about? Are you actually retarded?

if Mike has a day job that's fine, but if he's main source of income is making youtube videos once every other week, I don't think its too much to ask for that he gets drunk and talks about shitty movies.

Even tired Mike is better than or equal to Jack, and miles better than beardfat.

>I can't edit my character in this story driven game, so I don't like it.

>new BOTW

Beardfat and AIDSmoby are excusable, but

>No Mike




>He sometimes actively derails the comedy to go back to his shitty synopsis.
This. He fucking kills the humour. You'll be laughing with the lads and then suddenly he says something autistic which makes everyone awkward.

>bitches about Pre Rec

Never happened.

>bitches about Beardfat

Nope, just telling the truth.

>actively watches Pre Rec videos with Beardfat in them

Yeah, why not? I don't have to be in love with everyone on a certain thing to enjoy it. I'm on Sup Forums talking to stupid faggots like you aren't I? Now fuck off with your shitty flawed logic and stupid posts.