Was this the best bond since Casino Royale?

was this the best bond since Casino Royale?

Yes. Way better than Skyfall

All the Craig Bonds are interchangeable after Casino Royale.

Casino Royale is so clearly superior to the rest of them it makes me not want to rank them.

Well Skyfall was slightly better than Casino Royale.
But Spectre is an 8/10.

It was pretty fucking dumb when Waltz explained away everything bad that has ever happened to Bond as his own works

Oh come on, Quantum sucks.

Casino Royale 8/10
Quantum Of Solace 2/10
Skyfall 7/10
Spectre 4/10

CR = S > SF > QoS

The first actual Bond movie Daniel Craig did and as a Bondhead it was glorious.

Yeah it kind of sucked.

The opera house scene is among the best in the Craig films, though.

I think it was more a "I made it all happen", not "I planned every little detail".

Pretty much everything bad thats happened to Bond was people who worked with or were connected to Blofeld's circle, he was more just explaining how they were all connected back to him.

the first 3 do a great set up for giving us a classic 2010's Bond film in the vein of the old ones.

Casino Royale is obviously the best one. Skyfall was excellent as well, but just had a few flaws that take it down a notch. Spectre I thought was just okay. The plot just was terrible. I am really hoping the next one will be better

this guy gets it

Quantam was SHIT

Spectre was mediocre at best

>It was me James, the author of all your pain

I enjoyed Casino Royale but it's not a Bond film, it just has a guy called James Bond in it with thinly veiled James Bond things in it, to call it a Bond film is calling a dog a horse, but it is a very good dog. I enjoyed Skyfall too but same problem as Casino. Spectre was just a balls to the wall BOND film and I guess people just don't like Bond films.

Casino Royale 9/10
Quantam of Solace 6/10
Skyfall 8/10
Spectre 7/10

CR > SF > S > QoS


No. It was absolutely terrible. I wanted to walk out of the theatre. The Craig movies are all pretty good except for this pile of dogshit.

I think action movies need more opera house sequences with this and Rogue Nation being my reasons.

the only redeeming thing about skyfall was the adele song that came out of it

All of the Bond films after Casino Royale were limp dicks in terms of quality.

The second best after Casino Royale would probably be Skyfall, but it's constantly tongue-in-cheek and self-aware nostalgic referencing was also quite nauseating, but at least it was somewhat memorable

+ felt like an actual bond film
+ subject matter was actually interesting (big conspiracies, spying, illuminati etc)

Id give it a 8/10, better than skyfall and quantum but still not close to casino

this part was semi retarded

every craig bond film does this weird thing where it approaches being a really good movie but just never gets there. casino royale had such a solid buildup but they spent so damn long playing poker and bond didn't even defeat le chiffre. quantum had by far the best emotional gravity and by far the best bond girl, but a terrible villain and scheme. the first half of skyfall is probably the best bond since goldeneye, then turns into dark knight meets home alone. spectre should have had everything, but each character was just spectacularly poorly written to the point that the most memorable one was the henchman who didn't say anything at all.

a bond film that had casino's villain, spectre's plot, quantum's girl, and skyfall's pacing would have been downright kino

It doesn't. It's great on a small screen, same as License to Kill.

If anything sucks, it's Mendez and his maudlin bullshit mixed with capeshit-tier plots.

Casino Royale had the best plot of them all. Simple terrorist weapon dealers plot so no over the top shit. The perfect amount of action sprinkled in along with top tier dialogue.

My only complaint is that it really drags on in that last half hour. You could cut at least 10-20 minutes and not lose anything significant.

Spectre had everything going for it except its mess of a plot.

>quantum had by far the best emotional gravity and by far the best bond girl, but a terrible villain and scheme
And the absolute worst filmmaking out of all of the craig movies

The worst in the trilogy

>but a terrible villain and scheme

The twist was clever and actually fit the characters beliefs, not to mention it was one of the more grounded JB schemes.

thats where i'd put it, 8/10, Casino a 9/10, and Skyfall a 5/10, Quantum a 4/10

the only good part of Skyfall was the actual skyfall house fight scene

If you watch it back to back with royale, it's a little better due to tonal consistency. the algerian boyfriend scene at the end feels less tacked on and more of a establishing character moment for bond. That said, the movie was still about 30 minutes too long

movies that start off grim are hard to get excited for.

>Not over the top means good
>Top Tier Melodramatic Dialogue

James Bond is spy fantasy, I said I liked Casino Royale but a Bond film has a formula, all the best ones do even the shit old ones, after License to Kill I've been starving for a decent Bond film for a long time and here it comes and a lot of people start shitting on it complaining about the plot. Think of the plot of the old ones, please tell me the plot of the old ones, cliches, motifs whatever, they are a requirement for a Bond film.

Spectre had the most solid plot since Casino I thought. Skyfall was hollow, and Quantum was lost plot wise

scenes were great, all the old Bond cliches hit their marks, the Bond girl was done well.

QoS is actually the only Craig movie that sticks to the formula.

Casino Royale
>Legitimately brilliant. Still holds up superbly. Grounded and entertaining without moments that defy logic even if it's farfetched at points
Quantum Of Solace
>Forgettable but solid enough. Lacked CR's impact but serviceable and humble.
>Meme cinematography to distract viewers from its God-awful non-sensical plot. It's a shame, because up until the glass prison it was a solid film. Choreography and fight scenes were great. But it jumps the shark. The home alone ending was unnecessary. As was the need to come up with a reason to set the majority of the film in the UK because of the anniversary bullshit
>Enjoyable flick. Bad dialogue but otherwise fine. Doesn't do anything great.

Skyfall is easily the worst.
Skyfall and Spectre together paint a bad picture for the future of the franchise


Just no