What's Sup Forums's take on Viola Davis

What's Sup Forums's take on Viola Davis

Is she really an great actress

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She's great in doing drama roles

Unwatchable desu black women are just too gross

how come episode 15 hasnt been uploaded anywhere? did every single torrenter just not realize it was a 2 hour finale? im stuck on episode 14 helpppp

Why does this ugly negress expose her arms in everything? They're fucking eyesores

was on same situation as you user, rarbg dot com just released it there

they all just did, thank god i got some high speed fucking internetz

really ruins the flow though its a show thats best binged without a 2 hour break

9th wonder of the world, a speaking ape

Whites have more neanderthal dna than africans

Eye candy

And yet africa's average iq is 75 while europe's is 100

Comparing IQs across continents is always a sign of true idiocy

that wasn't the argument, the argument was about Neanderthals.

but i guess your IQ isn't high enough to make the distinction


Too ugly. Too fat.

She seems really angry all the time, even IRL

bitch needs to cheer up, things ain't so bad

Black women always drama that's why they wanna cry over everything

Her face looks like a fucking hippo

Why is /'tv/ so racist?

She does look like a hippo

I'm not racist I just don't think black women are pleasant to look at

Yeah I feel the same way I get turned off by their gorilla noses and lips

She's good at crying but that's it

nagging nigger

you get turn on to beastiality right?

Le crying black gorilla

Personally I can't see the appeal, but each to their own.


Can't name a single role she's played

I agree. She looks like a hippo.

What did the big-nosed nigger loving koke mean by this?
