Anyway...yeah jamie pull that up again

>anyway...yeah jamie pull that up again
>*inhales deeply*
>see there was an asteroid impact about 10,000 years that just FUUUUUUCKED shit up bitch
>you think chimps could have survived?
>look how big their balls are in comparison to their dicks
>jamie pull up chimp dicks
>i mean how does that even happen
>they'll kill you though
>*leans into mic*
>rip your goddamn arms out
>this is the shit you don't think about
>oh here, i forgot to give you these
>*hands over basket of eggs*
>these are from my chickens
>they're basically just fucking raptors man
>i've been feeding mine mice lately

Other urls found in this thread:

I STILL dont understand you guys,do you like Joe Rogan or do you make fun of him

Has Joe taken the Nibiru pill?


Literally both

never heard this guy's podcast but he sounds like a complete fucking idiot from these meme threads

It's both, his podcast is pretty good but he's so easy to mock. He and his guest will be discussing something interesting, lots of stats and shit flying back and forth, and then out of nowhere:

> see that video of a siberian tiger fucking up a chinese guy?
>Jamie, pull that up

he's like the little dad i never had

I still want Joe to do an episode with Jamie as the guest.

>"yeah, I don't buy that, hey Jamie pull that-damn it"

I don't get it. Was this the guy who used to do Insomniacs? Dad loved that show, I never understood it.

kek everi tiem

>Joe I don't care if anyone smokes. Leave it up to the states. Doesn't bother me at all. Can we move on please C'mon Joe it's not a big deal.


I never expected Joe to be as tall as I was but more alpha than I could ever be,what the fuck went right for him

Fuck you got me to laugh audibly with this

>its a jamie can't pull it up episode



wtf are you talking about?

>Relax you fuck face piece of shit, we're friends.

>more alpha than I could ever be,what the fuck went right for him

First and foremost, he's made a point not to sell himself short

No but seriously, confidence is key, and big is a state of mind

Fucking HEH

He told Alex Jones that he got on that ride once and got off it again because he saw reason, but you could tell from his voice that he still wanted it to be true. Likewise, he's basically on board with the Ockham's Razor explanation when it comes to ayylmaos, i.e. that it's all a government psyop to cover up genetic experiments and secret aeronautical tech, but when the topic of ancient aliens or interdimensional beings comes up you can see the yearning return to his face.

He wants to believe.

The 5'8" number he throws out there is a lie, btw. He's 5'6"

I dont even care about crowder but joe was acting like such a drunk asshole. and i smoke too

wtf no way,hes taller than Aldo

>it's a Jamie can't fucking use Youtube episode

He is a meme


Wuts da run down on dis pic famm?

Would you settle for a basic gestalt?

His episode with McGuiness was fucking incredible. It was like he was sitting down with a time traveler from 1912.

I wish I had a dad like Gavin growing up. Hell, I wish I had a dad period

I think if I had a dad like Gavin I would have turned out really fucked up. Rich parents are capable of raising their kids in a bubble if they feel like it, if I was raised by Gavin I'd be walking around spouting his political opinions without recognizing how weird they are.

Guess it is better than having no dad at all though.

I got some time to kill, what are some of the most entertain episodes of the JRE?

His Alex Jones/Eddie Bravo episode is nuts. Skip to about an hour in, that's when the really fun stuff starts.

>What are walnuts code for?
>It-it-its-it means people with brown skin

>pls no bully
>joe rogan stop u r offending my delicate sensibilities

Any episode with Joey Diaz

this is so perfect

>Look Joe I don't care I really don't, but I need to get the last word in here or I lose so I'm gonna keep talking about it.

>says a false stastic
>gets proven to be wrong because his source was shit

Crowder was acting like such a slack-jawed faggot in that episode. The dude constantly spreads his bullshit ideas and narratives about weed on his channel and site and when he's confronted with someone who's pro-weed he's backing out by saying he ''doesn't care''. Bullshit, i'm kinda glad Joe kept pushing the subject.

Funny, i kinda hate weed and stoner culture, but i hated how Stephen Crowder tried the evade the subject by saying he doesn't care while he evidently does care, judging from all the anti-weed videos with all the cherry-picked data he posts on his channel.