When the FUCK are we getting a biopicture and who will play him?

When the FUCK are we getting a biopicture and who will play him?

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You know I know Jackson is big star and all, though I never really got the hype, I still want to ask, what the fuck is up with him? whats the truth? why is he the way he is?

Pepsi really fucked him up

>i never really got the hype

Get out of here

He is the way he is because he had a fatal overdose.

>though I never really got the hype

how is this even possible

because he didn't have an actual childhood

We got one... and his daughter went mental so they shit canned it

You never got the hype?

He became the way he is because he never had a real childhood, and then wanted to live one as an adult. I don't know if that meant fucking boys or just weirdly only wanting them as friends, but the truth is probably somewhere in-between. Oh and he had that skin condition that turned him white, and he started the whole way overdoing the cosmetic surgery thing before it was hip. His story needs to be told for all future generations desu.


His skin was changing. Forgot what the name is called.

There are people in this world who only grew up during what the press called "wacko jacko" phase.


Was never into music I guess, I know who he was and that he was a great singer but I was never sold on it, more about me growing up poor and not having access to music or tv back then.

Only had glimpse of him in news with his weird as shit like him about to throw that baby down and his supposed pedophilia

>yfw michael wanted a giant robot to walk around the nevada desert that shot lasers

truly a visionary

>I know who he was and that he was a great singer but I was never sold on it

(((They))) killed his career and then killed him. He knew too much.

>tfw in the 90s we used to get a half hour tv special every time MJ released a new music video

literally event television

That looked like a kid?

>so insane that your antics surpass your musical/dancing/composing/business talents and most people only remember the insanity
There will never be another like him in our lifetimes.


Fuck man. I still remember tuning in for Ghost


>who will play him?

Justin Timberlake

I've read story about him wanting to buy rights for Spider-Man to play as Peter Parker. That was during Marvel Comics going bankrupt I guess.

If you watch the documentary of him it explains how he had an abusive father who forced him to dance at a young age and perform and he never had a proper childhood.

This is why he liked to hang out with boys a lot and even invited them to have sleepovers at his house (not making this up, Jackson even stated in an interview how he would tuck them in and read them bedtime stories).

There is no proof he ever sexually touched any boys but the reason these rumor began was because yes Jackson liked the company of boys alot.

>that pic

So the rumors was true...

His dad was abusive. End of story.

Sounds like rëddit-tier bullshit tbph

>You will never be friends with Michael

Why even live


Because we need you to start capeshit threads and star wars discussions on Sup Forums

We need plebs like you

How is one pic proof he ever touched any kid? There is none apart from 1 kid who said he did but most believe this kid made the story up and his parents forced him to say these things.

Here is the documentary where Jackson explains about sleeping together with boys as sleepovers. Nothing more

Was he a sick man? Yes but there is no proof he sexually touched anyone.

Michael wanted to play as Jar Jar Binks, Peter Pan and The Phantom of the Opera.

Him as Phantom would have been kino

no like him

Have you not heard about the police raid on his house?google.com/amp/www.independent.co.uk/news/people/michael-jackson-photos-naked-children-pornography-neverland-ranch-police-records-leak-abuse-a7094876.html?amp?client=ms-android-verizon

Kanye West

A hack and a mediocre producer that would rather sell his image than actually produce his music

t. never listened to Kanye

How desperate are you to defend that hack? What are you going to recommend? garbage like yeezus?

He unironically looks like my cousin.

5 of his albums are classics. No other artist of the 21st century had more influence on music or the creativity from album to album he has.None of his albums sound like the others. Kanye is a entry level pleb filter.

Pathetic and desperate, this is the broadest musical statement I've ever read, the only people that praise Kanye have listened to nothing else, if they only knew about the Bomb Squad they'd throw Kanye away like the hack he is.

>ywn see MJ dance again

>though I never really got the hype

It's impossible to film.

He was born black, people would want him to be played by a black man but he just doesn't look black at all and you can't make a black person look like him without extensive plastic surgery.

If you have someone white who looks like him do the role it's evil whitewashing ergo racist

he definitely done it lets get that out of the way first. also

>Off The Wall isnt the greatest album of all time

His first 2 albums sound the same because that was when he actually produced. Now he just hires 50 producers and slaps his name on it.

His lyrics have always been laughable and his delivery is awful. There's a reason that no one took him seriously as a rapper back then. So yeah, he's a hack and a meme.

not him but he's very generous with producer credits

if you are his friend and tell him "why not make it bop more" he might very well give you a producer credit

also "why is someone else singing in the chorus and playing the violins" or whatever is a reddit tier argument as to why modern music is bad and muh queen is the best ever

tgis shit is fascinating desu

We get it, you were born in le wrong generation

Kill yourself retard, just because people don't like your favorite piece of shit hack doesn't mean that they were born in le wrong gen, it just means that your favorite piece of shit hack is a piece of shit hack and you should kill yourself, since there's nothing supporting Kanye cult except for confirmation bias and cult of personality
Kill yourself fucking kanye drone

I think he might have actually considered himself as a little boy inside which probably was a pretty fucked up thing when set together with his adult sexual urges. I mean, people like this exist, and there's a reason why their problems usually manifest themselves as a sexual fetish first and foremost (ABDL, age-play etc).

Is that the only argument you have? You don't have to like Kanye as a person to admit that he is a musical genius. You hate Kanyes music because you hate Kanye and no matter how long I try to change your mind, you will still call him a hack, your favorite buzzword.

Sony killed him

In our current bizzare leftist culture of offense, it simply can't happen.

To accurately portray MJ, you would either need a white person, or a black person in whiteface, neither of which will be accepted by the liberal left. The other option is to just pretend he didn't turn into a pale freak

if they cast a nigger it will be shit
if they cast a honky it will never get made due to outrage

never happening

And what's your argument for him being a "musical genius"?

god i despise Sup Forums numales

>jew me sue me everybody do me
>kick me kike me don't you black or white me
>all i wanna say is that they don't really care about us

Honestly what did he mean by this?

fucked up childhood

The one where they didn't really find anything? Makes you think.

>when set together with his adult sexual urges
He didn't have any adult sexual urges though. Probably didn't even have a penis.

By nothing you mean nude pics of kids and animal torture?

By nothing I mean that his huge library had books that huge libraries have and nothing came out of it because there is literally nothing weird about it.

>The Jews got to MJ

Jarvis Cocker: youtube.com/watch?v=wJluMi8bXYo

Oh god. I can't imagine Music Of The Night filled to the brim with 'teehee's and 'TUSHAMONAH's.

What's your argument for him being a "shit hack"? If a hack does one thing good and just repeats that, then Kanye is the total opposite for jumping from genre to genre and always going out of his comfort zone. Just listen to 808s, he created that album in 3 weeks and it's completely different from his earlier works.It's an album he made in his darkest time where he combines elements that couldn't possibly work together but he makes it work. While initially being not that popular with critics, 808s spawned a new generation of artists like Drake, Frank Ocean, Kid Cudi, The Weeknd ect.
I could go on about how every album influenced the genre and that he is one of the most consistently creative people in music, but you get the point.

His dad was of african american descent. He was lucky he was even there at all.

>Just listen to 808s, he created that album in 3 weeks

Oh, it shows. And what a genius he was for bringing back autotune. The dumbest and most annoying fad in hip-hop.

> While initially being not that popular with critics, 808s spawned a new generation of artists like Drake, Frank Ocean, Kid Cudi, The Weeknd ect.

So it spawned a new generation of hacks. Pottery.

No point in arguing with you.

>pop shit begets more pop shit

shit's sad bruh

Yeah but Kanye's problem is that he has like 3 songs that the entirety of the general public actually enjoy. Everyone of all ages loved MJ whereas only under 25s like Kanye and even then his 'genius' sounds like a bunch of to most people.

>Frank Ocean, Kid Cudi, The Weeknd ect.

>Drake, Frank Ocean, Kid Cudi, The Weeknd
You're definitely under 21. He's really not anything special.

that music video is kino tbqh

I've never heard of those people

>le out of touch grumpy man
nice meme reddit

What was grumpy about my post user? I just have no idea who they are. Not everyone here is 20.

here he is

>>le out of touch grumpy man
Sup Forums is worse than usual today

wasn't this banned before they could release it?

Yes. But SJW-ism aside, it does look like shit.

>yfw when mj was unironically redpilled

yeah it looked shit but I still would have watched it. Brian Cox would probably have been a good Brando

What is this?

Met his god daughter a few times.

Based on talking with her it seemed like the family acknowledged he had some serious mental issues but he was never a pedo and shit was constantly overblown to the max to sell headlines.

CGI and a voice actor

Jackson had a secret bedroom behind his real bedroom.
He served the kids wine, and last summer the police released info on what sort of material was found there.
There was SM porn, animal porn, underaged boys photographed naked, gay porn. All in all a lot of porn.
If he never touched anyone it sure as fuck is sketchy to invite young boys to your secret bedroom and show them porn while giving them wine.

Yeah also have this guy be the voice actor

maybe they fapped together but I doubt he would have buttfucked anybody. he was too innocent for that.

Entry-level degeneracy tbqh. He didn't even take the opportunity to bugger the Coreys.

>and who will play him?

>who will play him?

Probably a couple of actors since you need a black kid, a brown teen and a somehow white paint adult.

Corey Feldman.

I feel like i must have switched over to some bizzarro timeline somewhere. People unironically calling kanye fucking west a musical genius. did people forget that the guy started as a fucking gimmick? or that the first time he called himself a genius the world almost died of laughter? or is it just a bunch of kids too young to remember these events, that don't understand why he was famous in the first place, jumped on the bandwagon and drank ALL the kool-aid. i'm thinking that must have been what happened, or like i said i was transferred to an alternate reality in my sleep at some point where kanye west is a very good musician.

It would be like if you woke up 10 years later and people were talking about the gangdum style guy from korea as the greatest musician who ever lived.

MJ is the embodiment of "that thing you did with your cousin when your were 12 and you're not sure if he remembers"

They're just kids that don't know any better user.

I remember this guy from free willy but looking at his face now i would be scared if i ran into him in real life, i wonder what the people who actually interact with this guy on a daily basis think about his face

but they told me
a man should be faithful
and walk when not able