Mannerisms you've adopted from movies and TV

Me, whenever I am turning off multiple switches, I always pause before the last one and say: 'Hold onto your butts'.

Also, sometimes I look out the window pensively like Rei but that's an anime and I don't do the much anymore since I blocked the windows at home.

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I say your getting fresh and I'm just breaking balls a lot

Toothpick in my mouth. I wear the jacket too and speak in a dry tone.

tapping the tip of my nose like Guido from 8 1/2

I say oh maronne everyday now


I sometimes narrate what I'm about to do when nobody is around.

I do that but sometimes people catch me and say life is worth living. Kinda awkward.

I declared that I have the high ground in a fight once

I call anything I hate reddit

I actually touch my nose like Dr. Cox does

It wasn't volontary though, I just noticed I was doing it after a while

I call anything I hate r3ddit

Git de fuck atta heer

I love taking another ear of corn from the steaming bowl

Sometimes I bring people not listed on the flight plan on my plane.

I shoot people before throwing them out of a plane


Must be awkward to call stuff r-three-ditt all the time.

>I drive


You don't get behind the wheel of a t-180 to drive, you do it because you're driven!

*walks angrily*
*wears tophat tilted slightly forward*
ahhh hmm hmmm
*rides horse angrily*
ahhh nootka hmmmmm
*mutters in african*
*puts powder on face*
mmmm powder hmmm
*unsheathes karambit*
aaah hmmm mmmmm
*bangs sister*
choose your next words...very...carefully
*bangs sister in her dreams via african magic*
mmmm nootka... ahhhh
*opens eyes wide and stares*
hnnnnnnn hmmm
*peels eggs with gloves and eats it whole*
*cuts out heart*
mmmmm tell the company hhhhnnnnnn aaahhh
*has vision of his mother in a river*
hhhmmmhhmmm the treaty hmmm
*doesn't wear pants*
good day

Lol who does that?

I still find it amazing how this guy played shooter

>For you

ahhah good one

I lean back a lot

i only drink old fashioned.

I punch Neo Nazis like Indy in Raiders.

I...I sometimes say roger and over and over and out on phone...especially when the connection is bad.

And before I press the buttons in factory I say "punch it"

I do the descent into insanity love speech from love exposure when I am with a girl I like

mutter "ahh, shibal"

I end up talking in my head with Cox's inflections every time I watch a Scrubs episode. I have no idea why.

Sure. When people tell me they'll take 30 minutes I tell them they got 5. Drives the pizza store owner insane.

>*heavy nostril breathing intensifies*
>Paulie pointing
If you can't tell I just finished the Sopranos a few months back. I also uses to do the Jim from the office thing where I'd make weird faces at invisible cameras when someone said something weird or dumb but I've shaken that one.

*looks into the camera like he's in The Office*

I eat my gabagool extremely loud.

When I was about 6-7 I'd get ready for school and my mum would help me put on my jumper. Every time I'd pretend like I was getting the medal like Luke Skywalker at the end of a new hope.

When I want to interject something during a conversation I raise my finger and take a sharp inhalation of breath like Homer Simpson did in that one episode

i used to be kinda awkard at school and didnt have many friends, until i started speaking exclusively in quips and now im the center of attention at any party i go to, enjoying the company of my many friends.

I unironically started leaning on lots of stuff after watching Rebel Without a Cause as a teenager

>use the Paulie hand gesture
>often scratch my jaw like Vito Corleone in the first Godfather film.