Arrival > Interstellar

Arrival > Interstellar

Arrival < Interstellar


Arrival = Interstellar

Passengers > Arrival > Interstellar


This is a thread about high quality science fiction films made with passion by talented people not some indie drivel you hipster pleb.

BRAVO NOLAN > Denis Villeneuve


Arrival ≥ Interstellar

Fucking idiot

I couldnt watch this movie. Yeah ok, the girl has cancer, I get it. Yeah, cancer is bad. I watched it for like 3 minutes, then went to sleep.

This one is fucking garbage, got a pass here for way too long.

Bank robbery scene > Plane scene

Moon > Interstellar > Sunshine > Gravity > Arrival > Passengers

They're both great in their own ways. I always think that being some sperglord who feels a constant need to rate vaguely related things against each other must be a tortuous existence.


I've never been so convinced of a reddit presence in my life.

I can't imagine anyone actually liked Arrival.

F(Arrival) >F(Interestellar

It has a point to the story, you fucking idiot

They live.

Interstellar is conformist trash. Everyone I know who says it's a masterpiece is a normalfag with shit taste in film and only says it's a work of genius just to be seen by the wider majority as "smart" because they "liked it" or pretended they "understood it". I've argued with a couple Nolan fanbois regarding Interstellar, and their only defense mechanism is to label me as "stupid" or just claim that I "didn't get it", despite my main flaw resulting in it's clunky exposition, and trying to seem like it's smart for an oversaturation of scientific terminology despite having a simple and fairly straightforward narrative to give the illusion of being complex. It's a clinical film devoid of life due to this, and if Nolan let the visuals relay the ideas at bay the end result would've made for a more resonant piece.


But Reddit loves indie trash

t. guy who didnt get it

Your hugbox doesn't exist anymore now the director has proved to be shit.

I personally traced their reddit

Literally no one can refute this.