Get Out

>transfer your mind into young black stud's body
>do maid work and grounds keeping
>stay with your old, fat wife

This movie was retarded.

Other urls found in this thread:

The whites want to be blacks meme is the stupidest one of them all.

Is it very funny? The premise seems ridiculous enough but I'm worried it's just going to be creepy and uncomfortable?

There's a subplot with the main character's friend, who plays the comic relief. Beyond that, there's unintentional comedy. Some of the black actors talk like Peele does when he's doing his funny voice in his skits.

Does Peele not know how to write anything outside of race? It seems like its been his crutch for god knows how long and low hanging fruit. I think Chris Rock once said black comedians whos entire bit is centered around race relations is poorly written and stagnant. At least Key can diversify, and he was always the funnier one anyway

How do you distinguish who wrote what between Key and Peele?

Does Key have any credit behind this? But I suppose you have a point about their show. Its just that between the two, Key seems to have more range

their gremlins 2 brainstorming skit was funny and didn't have anything to do with race. But I agree that Key was always funnier

>Speedreader not even able to read entire wikipedia page.

>MC fails to save the other black people, pretty much leaves one for shit

Any percent runs are fucking stupid.

It's made specifically for black people to shout at the screen. In that, it's fucking hilarious.

Middle of the movie someone in my theater shouted "NIGGA BEEN WEARIN' THE SAME SHIRT FOR THREE DAYS" and the entire theater was fuckin' rolling.

I feel repulsed about that and even more at trying to imagine how white people behaved during Back to the future first screening.

>Not having a grandma that liked to cook and clean for you

>Not thinking that if given youthful vigor your grandpa wouldn't be outside chopping wood and timing himself against Jesse Owen's sprinting times because it feels good to be physical active.

Makes sense to me.

Don't worry dude, they didn't forget about Dre.

Fucking white people got to stop forcing blacks to live among them. Its creepy.

I heard a review this morning on the radio and the critic kept saying "mindblowing" over and over. Are critics actually enthralled or are they afraid to say anything negative?

How hollywood destroys careers
Actors are picked at random and given a call by their agent for an interview.
In the interview room they are sat down at a table with a person that asks them mundane questions for a short period of time.
Finally the interviewer says "we want you to play a role in interracial cuckoldry porn"
Naturally the interviewed actor or actress says no.
The interviewer than says thats ok and ends the interview politely.
The next week all of the actors or actresses acting jobs are cancelled and they find themselves unable to find work. Permenantly.

Keith was there. But the whole plot is just boring. Entertaining movie with nothing relevant. Also, wasn't this a remake?

>LITERALLY the plot to skeleton key

I knew you guys would dislike it
Amy mention of race anywhere and you cover your ears and shout slurs to try and drown out your own ignorance.

They suck the studio's dick, the studios are owned by the same corporations that own the news- NBC-Universal is one example, Viacom is another (both headed by Jews FYI). It's a cycle of nepotism and sychophancy.

Yet apparently we're racists.
Makes you think.

I didn't hate the movie, but it's no where as good as everyone is saying. The last act is clunky, and they could have cut out everything with the TSA friend's investigation.

I've seen the film. I'm amused by Sup Forums's autistic screeching about it. You guys really have become delicate little snowflakes. It's barely political. A black guy is the good guy and the bad guys are white. So the fuck what. You're just like the tumblerinas who expect people like you to be portrayed in a positive light in every single role and if not you rush to the internet to cry about it.

>It's barely political

are you trying to be retarded? The director himself said it's about race relations

The movie is about "the black experience" and "micro aggressions". It's playing on the fear some black men have of

>meeting their white girlfriend's family
>being around nothing but white people

as well as the idea that white people placate and unintentionally say racist things to black people.

The scary thing is the people like that user aren't joking.

The scary thing is that you Sup Forums get triggered about this type of stupid things.


I can't wait for the signs at protests saying "stop Sup Forums"

It was good but some people are praising it way to much.

You haven't even seen it.

an interesting thing about the beginning of the movie is the police man at the beginning of the movie may have actually been looking out for Chris because of how black people mysteriously disappear. He wanted to establish some sort of paper-trail that he saw him at some point. It also explains why April was so vehemently against him looking at his ID. So the biggest twist of all is that the police are actually the good guys.

Oh right I hadn't put that together. Clever.

The villains were literally cuckholds taking their fetish to extreme.

Except that was never established, and there wasn't a single good white person in the film.

I'm not bothered by that per se, but don't try to give the movie credit it doesn't deserve.

>The you havent seen it so you have to watch it shill meme.

"Sup Forums triggered" is not a legitimate defense of the movie you faggot. It reminded me of You're Next except not as well done. The whole race angle is just a distraction to trick dumbfuck reviewers into thinking the movie has any substance.

That's not in the movie. Stop making things up.

>per se

Well when the whole film takes place in a remote forest mansion full of cult members, yeah. Why do you feel that every film must include characters that represent your ethnicity in a positive light?

why would I want to see this leftist tripe?

You're Next was a bad movie, too. You don't subvert a horror movie by changing the POV to the killers'. That's just an action movie.

A subversion of the slasher genre should stay in the POV of the protagonist, but have the protagonist beat up the killer easily.

what do you mean? white people were the good guys

What are you autisticly screeching about? I watched the movie this morning and yes it was.

read again then respond to it properly

So how anti white is the movie?

Because you're spending time complaining about a movie and you don't even know why. You know why I think it is? Because that black dude in the trailer has a hot girlfriend and you live with your mom. That's what I think.

But hey maybe I'm totally wrong and you're a really successful guy with a really hot girl that just spends your days complaining about movie trailers that offend you.

It's not established that the cop was asking for his ID for any reason other than racism. It's possible he was, but the movie never revisits the issue.

As an aside, it's fucking retarded that the guy didn't have a driver's license and only had a state ID. I think that's a Peele thing, because his character in Keanu didn't have a driver's license either.

I wonder what it is that makes you think you have some authority here. Cause ya got none.

The movie is as anti-white as your persecution complex wants to read into it

The next step is that they have movies where black characters are just murdering and raping whites in riots and thats it. No "humour" or meaning just "revenge" murder porn for dumbshit niggers financed by clapping white liberals.
It will get perfect scores too.

Hillary lost, cuck. Get over it.

Shill your anti-white trash elsewhere. This is our board.

Actually on Sup Forums the people whining about minorities usually are virulent teenage racists

It's the standard

>White people mean well, but accidentally commit micro-aggressions.


What about Final girl? That movie is so comfy and perfect homage.

It is purely conjecture, you could also make the argument that he was in on it but was going about it poorly/being too obvious and the daughter tried to hush him up. For example, the deer. The way it flew across the road and damaged the car didn't really make sense. What would the point have been to delay them like that? The only real reason is to have the officer to check out the goods before his arrival at the home but that honestly seems unnecessary. It's open to interpretation I suppose.

Pretty close to black supremacist rantings snuff film.

No but it makes perfect sense. If he's going to be disappearing they don't want a record of him being in an accident in the girl's car right before the disappearance. It took them like 6 years to get this movie made, you think they might not have thought about that?

A lot of people in NYC don't have driver's licenses

>100 percent on rottentomtoes

Mike Ross

Lmao he fucking rekt you

I wonder if they pay you in cuck porn to shill.

Yeah user, you know all these people personally and have seen them.

kek no
you guys are hilarious

It's more anti-cuck than anti-white

Depends how paranoid you are about jewish tricks

>plot literally lifted from black supremacist pamphlets
>all the whites are killed

I remember the plot was leaked on Sup Forums months ago from a pre showing. I knew this shit was crazy enough to be the actual plot, but I wasent sure I believed it.

Fuck this guy.

That is a great idea. I didn't think about that at all.

Can we all agree that Chris's friend was based as fuck?

>niggers acting inappropriately in public

>it was great guise X)))

You sound like a girl on her period. The plot is like any other stupid plot around. Seriously, just stop being a drama queen.

Hardly, it still spouts the "all whites wanna be black muhfugguh" nonsense, playing on black men's already large yet fragile egos.

Maybe put a spoiler warning you cockmeat-sandwhich

>black supremacist pamphlets
That is rich. Are you a black supremacist pamphlets expert? Do these pamphlets say "if you get captured by a cult full of white guys and they won't let you leave and they're trying to kill you then it's okay to kill them?"

I had no idea black supermacist literature was so meta.

Best character in the movie.

The only one with common sense.

>This movie was retarded

You had to actually watch it to come to that conclusion?

>ignore spoiler tags

>he doesn't know about the black Israelites or Yakub

kek get out more

I've seen a few. This movie reminds me of one showing an "innocent" black family (with a father) being surrounded by corrupting white caricatures like blonde bimbos, hipsters, gays etc all trying to destroy them with hypnotic psychic powers.

This. I read the plot and saw the ridiculously glowing reviews and realized its just white guilt brainwashing

Black supremacists are pretty retarded, though.

Go ahead and post some examples of these black supermacist pamphlets then. We're all so excited to share in your deep knowledge of black supremacist propaganda and its close relation to this film.

My theater literally cheered when he got out of the car at the end

Nah actually it's just a good movie.

Just search youtube for the black Israelites, you stupid cuck.

Kind of funny that all of those groups are also reviled by Sup Forums.

>villains of the movie are white liberals
>only people who would want to watch the movie are white liberals
I dont get it. Who would want to watch this?

Have fun and goodbye

>blindly believing everything on Youtube
I bet you watch Game Theory and worship Plinkett

The white cucks literally fetishize black people, just look at how the dad goes on about how he voted for Obama.

Yes you can say it plays up black men's egos but it also tears down the subservient libcucks who unconditionally love miniorities.

It doesnt quite work as a comedy or as horror, and the premise is silly. So no, its not a good movie at all

Actually you're gay.

Some are even Holocaust deniers/down-players

Peele's redpilling libcucks

>white liberals
If you actually watched the movie you'd know that isn't what they are at all. Their whole appearance of welcoming to black people is part of the charade. But whatever if you're triggered by the trailer just get it off your chest, you probably need to get it out.