Matrix 4 has to be a stand-alone film to succeed, with two sequels in mind

Matrix 4 has to be a stand-alone film to succeed, with two sequels in mind.

- Prologue shows the first One and him saving Zion, he is played by James McAvoy

New protagonist in Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a hacker where the humans are warring (Red Pills) Vs. (Blue Pills)

Opening sequence has to be a huge fight sequence between the groups, some can now even dodge bullets

No more green filter

Agents are peace keeping programs and are only there to stop the war through non-violent methods

Group uses hacker to find Neo. Neo is an all white version of his apartment and exists only inside the Matrix.

Group disguised as Red Pills are really humans apart of the Merovingian

Michael Fassbender as an agent, during the fight, one of them uploads a virus into the Agent program that Neo is in control of - Merovingian wants Neo's shell and code

Virus infects Fassbender with Smith and Neo code - meaning not only is he the One, he becomes greater than the One as he is perfectly balanced anomaly

Fassbender absolutely destroys the God-like Neo

Fassbender is so powerful, that the humans have to join forces (even the Merovingian) but he is beyond God-like

- Sequel ideas
- Zion is level 2 Matrix, there is another level (9 in total which Neo finds out)

First One is revealed to the real antagonist as he operates on the highest level of the Matrix (a utopia) and wants Neo out of the way as he senses that Neo will one day overtake him causing him to be deleted forever.

this is the second time this week i see mention of a new matrix film.

one was enough.

fuck off with this pretentious hackneyed pigshit

That's because there are talks of it. But it has to be a new trilogy.

Zion being revealed as another level of control makes perfect sense.

Real world are just buildings with people plugged into white pods.

Machines have created a world where they are basically God.

Why is it pretentious? It's basically ripped from the nine circles of hell so... touche.

shut the fuck up why are you writing matrix fanfic in reply to my post? the first line should've been all of your answer.

fucking autistic asshole.

Let's fight.

>punches you

sounds very Ultraviolet/Equillibrium go back to the drawing board Kurt Wimmer

*teleports behind you*


>beats you down so much, you turn into a edgy bitch and create plans to shoot up a school dressed as bane

>Joseph Gordon-Levitt
We don't need to see that twat in anything anymore.

I'd like to see a new Matrix but it needs to be re-engineered in a way so that the series can mostly take place inside of the Matrix, because the real world stuff is pretty shit.

An idea I thought of is if humans basically see how shit the real world is and decide to keep the matrix running .

It's not a prison anymore so basically if anyone in the matrix starts to question it they are given the option to leave by someone in the way morpheus did to Neo, but the condition is that once you leave the matrix you can't go back

but the real world is such shit that a lot of people willingly want to live inside of it, like how we like to use VR

then you can just have cool stories without the world-ending we must get out and destroy the matrix angle which is really limited with what you can do

would be terrible. they are gonna have to get a genius writer to make another matrix movie to work.

Not if it ends with Neo destroying the Matrix because Agent Nicholson (Fassbender) because he has grown too powerful.

Then Neo creates a new Matrix.

>New protagonist in Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a hacker where the humans are warring (Red Pills) Vs. (Blue Pills)

Lost me here, can't stand that dumb ass face.

fan-fic derails legit discussion.
Also JGL seems to drama what Adam Sandler is to comedy.

Only proposed concepts I've heard of floating around Warners have the new One being a female (one version was also trans - as in Neo's mind in a female body)

They call it The Tensor.

>Zion against robots
>cionists against the mass, the working class

I dig it. Sounds like an interesting premise to a TV series. I do think that there needs to be the constant tension that the Matrix is at jeopardy of destruction, for the plot to be held up. Because it would also get boring if people are just going in and out of this thing without much risk or concern.

This is garbage, you should kill yourself.

>making a new matrix

why? The first one was alright but the second and third are comically bad. It also fucking ENDED.

Sorry but what the fuck is up with people saying you should "kill yourself"? Honestly, what the fuck is up with that shit. Are you a fucking sociopath? What sick fuck, no matter who a person would tell another person to kill themselves? I would really love to know because I see this FUCKING EVERYWHERE.

Are you so de-sensitised to death? GET SOME FUCKING HELP ASAP, because that shit is not normal. Say that to someone in real life and you would be getting swiped at.

Chill the fuck out. The idea is bad but fucking hell, dude. Stop posting this shit.

Because the world is full of human garbage like OP and you reddit fag. You should all fucking die. The world would be a better place.

Please stop posting your mental diarrhea, thanks.

>because that shit is not normal.
maybe you shouldn't be here normal fag

You see only what you want to see.

There is good in people, user. Cheer up.

It's gonna have a dindu lead who's fighting da white supremacists agents to save the zion interracial breeding grounds.

Fuck off kid, you don't have to kill yourself but fuck off back to redd it and stay there.

You guys really want the wachovski amputees to make more movies? really?

Let go of your anger and rage. It's only going to hurt yourself, user. I've been through that phase. You'll grow into a man and mature and when you have children, you'll see the good in the world. Then you will look back at your former self and say, "wtf was I doing? who the fuck was I?". I know you better than you know yourself. Drop the facade. Chill out and take a valium.

I'm probably closer to your fathers age than yours. If I want to come on here after work and blow off some steam i'm going to. Fuck yourself.

the matrix works well as a standalone

but when he flies at the end like superman it ruins all hopes for good sequels because the main character is now super powerful and no one can match him, he is no longer the character we knew, the underdog who we want to see succeed. that leads to all the boring bullshit we got in the sequels.

Then I feel sorry for you.

More importantly:
Matrix was about free will and the structure and philosophy of reality wrapped up in story of christ
What kind of themes could new Matrix movies tackle? What could they bring to table that is as intriguing or even more so than the original while delivering interesting story in the same setting?

Kill yourself before your delusions about the world evaporate

Exactly my thoughts about him.