How would you make this movie from 7/10 to 10/10?

How would you make this movie from 7/10 to 10/10?

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remove eddie redmayne with bangs

It needed Chewy and Han to be a 10.

Competent antagonists.


Give the main characters more development

it should be 100% darth vader fucking up rebels

Cut the part on that dark mining planet and instead give MC and the pilot dude more character.

Make stormtroopers more competent in the first half of the film.

Reduce the black rebel dude screen time and give him climatic death.

It's not a 7/10. It's barely a 5/10. It's one of the most soulless cash ins on an IP that I've ever witnessed. The fact that you plebs eat it up only shows how far this board has fallen.

not an argument

Lose the Chinese and replace them with aliens.
No Artoo and Threepio cameo.
More Mads.
That uncanny valley is a bitch.

Delete it

spend $10 million more fixing that God awful CGI
other than that its perfect

Instead of the death Star blowing up Jeddha, Vader comes down and rekts everyone.
Instead of Jyn's dad randomly dying by a laserbolt, Vader comes down and rekts him.
Have Vader's tie fighter come down when Jyn is on the tower and he rekts Krennic, giving Jyn time to lower the shield and escape.
When Vader is rekting the rebels at the end, Chewbacca is there to hold the door against him.
Darth Vader in a dogfight in that EPIC battle.

Take more time in post-production so that the editing isn't a fucking mess.
Don't have a rushed score that is a fucking mess.

I get to have sex with jin

First I'd have to make it from a 4/10 to a 7/10

More bun bun.

is it out already?

Bunny makes it a 10/10


Muh Chewbacca!!!

More Death Star glamour shots
Fewer shitty jokes
Why are the rebels shooting at the shield instead of the big ring?

this desu
the darth vader scene at the end was easily the movie's saving grace

Krennic looks cool but yeah they made him really fucking dumb

>the movie's saving grace
I saw it more like blatant fanservice slapped at the end because fans were expecting some Vader action.

my legit rating is like 3/10, I preferred TPM. No b8, real r8.

The stormtroopers would have been better if they were actually a threat, and not so easily taken out. They're THE EMPIRE they should show just how fearsome an opponent that is for just your ordinary rebel terrorist.

Remember that scene in the desert town where they ambush the patrol? They have a tank with them that fires once then gets destroyed. I kept thinking of that scene in Kelly's Heroes where they talk about the destructive potential of the Tigers
>do you have any idea what these things are capable of? Because once they get rolling they're gonna blow that whole town to pieces, including us!

I really would have much preferred to see something like that, the empire doesn't give a fuck how much collateral damage they cause, if they blow up something important they can just rebuild it.

All Disney Star Wars is fan service.

"We have to get the 45 year old douchebags back in the theater, add more Tie-Fighters"

>I saw it more like blatant fanservice slapped at the end because fans were expecting some Vader action.
can't argue with that but it was still probably the most entertaining scene in the entire movie
you can also tie it to the fact that we never got to see Vader in his prime in the OT and that finally seeing him in action in R1 left an impression on a lot of people
was there a single line from this trailer that wasn't cut?

>Chewbacca is there to hold the door against him.


I can't believe you faggots like this 4/10 kike turd. Fucking reddit immigrants.

please read global rules 3 and 6, then delete your post

thank you

Scrrap it and do a Kotor based movie. A trilogy thats starts at mandalorian wars with revan and malik and finish with the starforge.

Never happening. People need their Han and Chewbacca.

I can't enjoy all this new stuff when there is a plethora of awesome movie ideas they could use.

add one more hour

develop the krennic/mendelsohn character

develop the erso/mikkelson character

extend the scenes about the life of jyn during her period of isolation, and add some panties scenes

Resurrect Irvin Kershner and have him direct.

hire BLUR to fix it
Done easy

Make it about her father. Cut the cgi shit.Cut the sjw band shit.

make it whole about reneged Stormtroopers squad (no special team, just your regular grunts). They were backstabbed by Empire and now they are taking they sweat revenge by leaking Deathstars plan and Dart Vader past so everybody can know what kind of little bitch he was like Anakin.

>more of a gevious war tone first half, more suspensful tone in second heist part.
Fix Jyn
>Rooney Mara instead of Felicity
>Jyn IS a guerrilla Rebel under Saw and does more war shit at beginning
>more of the film is stealthy heist for the Death Star plans
>calling in the Rebels is a last ditch hail Mary after the heist goes south by one tiny mistake and Krennic's wits
Fix Vader
>Vader never shown during promotion
>Groveling to Vader in person scene is subtracted
>or replaced with a hologram
>First in person scene down below in Krennic section
>Vader never sees the ship at the end, or some other solution to keep Vader's slaughter, yet prevent pic related
>Vader talks to Tarkin in the end on behalf of the Emperor
Fix Krennic
>Krennic and his death troopers kick the Rebel's shit, find a base and fuck it up towards beginning, setting the tone for the Rebel's desperation and cynicism
>Krennic is merely wounded badly by Jyn in the end
>flees planet before explosion in a tie fighter to go damage control, but is met by Vader, who chokes him to death satisfyingly

Make Felicity be naked the whole time
Cast some white men in the rebellion instead of making it laughably POC vs white
Recast Krennic, guy is the most irritating actor of all time.
Add gore and blood
Graphic sex scene between robots

Not that hard

remove lazyeye, the blind monk and his samoan lover, add more vader scenes.

Whitaker doesn't just die but instead joins the mission. The pilot character is cut. Jyn's backstory is being a ruthless rebel extremist, same as the hispanic dude. The entire last heist of the film is about their redemption through doing a secret desperate mission. It plays out like in the trailer with them running in knee high water with AT-ATs firing at them. There is no giant rebel fleet that shows up(this was really well executed but it didn't fit the desperate rebel story at all). The whole thing is tense as balls with you following them in the ship Saving private ryan/Zero Dark thirty style before they drop on the beach. The offhand "We're all assassins, rogues, killers, wanting to atone" is the main motivation for all characters.

Replace Felicity Jones with an actress who can perform more than just 1 depressive face expression through the whole fucking movie.
Cut Saw Gerrera out of the movie or reduce to a little scene like Cassian killing that spy dude in the beginning.
Improve Director Krennic from a whiny insecure "leader" to a minor Tarkin.
Keep the relationship between the heroes more realistic than "you my little sister I love you so much even though we barely interact", preferably into "Bro I know this is gonna be tough, but I've got your back".
Let Cassian die while killing Krennic, or just let a half-dead Krennic shoot his sorry ass while he's on the ground, bleeding.
DO NOT have any characters picnicking at the beach.
DO NOT let Vader's lightsaber look like a jelly stick in the final scene.

>More character development
>Make Krennic not a whiny pussy
>Vader hunts each character down
>Jyn and Cassian manage escape but Vader is waitng for them and once they get to the ship he slaughters them after barely handing the plans directly to the rebels, making their sacrifice more heart wrenching Jyn winks at Vader as the saber goes through her.
>release Director's/Original Cut in Special Edition

Remove the initial Vader scene and give Saw some more screen time.

9 minute trailer of me getting pegged by jin and then her sucking my dick like a Hoover while I cum buckets and shit all over a model of the death star.

add a cunny character

>implying you would even last 9 seconds

The ending was fine but it would have been better if they had thought they had escaped then got cornered by Vader, dying bravely and suiciding when they realize he's going to overpower them and capture them.

>still probably the most entertaining scene in the entire movie
Agreed and disagreed. If it was anywhere else in the movie other than after the climax then it would have been a good scene. But because it happens when all tension has dissipated because the main characters died it just comes across as incredibly jarring.

Release Edwards' unaltered Directors Cut.

Remove half the cast, make both Jyn and her dad the main characters.

make it stay true to gareth edward's original vision

(monsters having sex and a bunch of helicopters)

>But because it happens when all tension has dissipated because the main characters died it just comes across as incredibly jarring.
this is true if you actually cared about the main characters
otherwise the scene is pretty much the icing on the cake for an otherwise okay film

yeah this
i read an article where it was going to be found footage for the 2nd part of the movie, and then the studio pressured him to make it a more generic ending

Make it a stand alone story instead of some piece of trivia that needs context to work on its own.

This guy gets it

Better character development, remove the Tibetan monk characters, less wacky Disney bullshit, make it 15 minutes longer for better pacing, aaaand make the empire seem more deadly. Maybe have the mad scientist villain not be so cartoonishly evil.

I thought they disbanded?

>Asian obsessed with crystals and Jedi shit is given Jim's necklace crystal
>makes the most ghetto looking saber of all time
>wrecks some white supremacist storm troopers with it
>gets wrecked by Vader anyway in two seconds flat

All new actors, Director, premise, production company and make it not star wars

>finally seeing him in action in R1 left an impression on a lot of people

Left an impression on a lot of man children you mean

Scrap the whole thing and make a write a new film.

>Remove the Rei clone and make it all about the dude, if you want girl power just make him a chick
>Remove Sheldon Cooper: Robot edition
>Tone of the movie is radically shifted. This is a spin-off, an experiment. Don't make the same film.
>Movie is a lot more subdued and character based
>instead of having all of the dudes die at once have them be picked off one by one
>Darth Vader is mentioned in the movie but never shown until the end, in which the main character and his remaining friends are massacred ala the ending of the original. Use the iconic breathing to set the mood and have him kill the last dude through force choke

A single script edit in a single scene would make it by far the best Star Wars film.

>Krennic: Does that mean...I'm still in charge.
>*begins choking*
>Vader: ...Do you feel in charge?

so basically friday 13th but in starwars soundd good Senpai

Ironically the Rei clone was much better than the character she was a rip off of. Go figure.

This was a fucking god awful movie, a 2/10 at most. Boring plot, bland dialog, uninteresting scenes, shit pacing, emotionless, and dull meaningless characters. I would have given it a 0/10 if it weren't for the Vader scene at the end. I would honestly watch Attack of the Clones every day for the rest of my life instead of having to watch this piece of shit film again.

>instead of having all of the dudes die at once have them be picked off one by one
The only main, new characters to die at the same time were Jyn and Cassian. Everyone else died one after another, with a few minutes between them.

The writers are fucking idiots for missing this opportunity.

>add Poppy

I worded that wrong. I was saying that they should die slowly over the course of the movie and emphasize the whole 'determination' theme they had going on there.



-no c3po
-no weird interrogation alien
-no "you'll be dead guy"

-reduce this guys quips by 1/2 or more

and they have deaths that make sense, and not
in a way where its just about the plot
especially the guys in pic related

> >Darth Vlad have him kil last dude through force choke
>Anonymoose 02/26/17(Sun)00:51:31 No.79792569 ▶
>File: vader cock.png (105 KB, 600x300)
>105 KB
> (OP) (OP)
> A single script edit in a single scene would make it by far the breast Star Wars film.
> >Krennic: Does that mean...I'm still in charge.
> >*begins choking*
> >Vader: ...Do you feel in charge?
>Anonymous 02/26/17(Sun)00:55:23 No.79792688 ▶
> so basically friday 13th but in starwars soundd good fag
>Poppy 02/26/17(Sun)00:57:50 No.79792765 ▶
> Ironically the Rei clone was much better than the character she was off.
>Anonymous 02/26/17(Sun)01:03:27 No.79792954 ▶
>Filth: Vader.gif (715 KB, 367x157)
>715 KB
> This was a fucking god awful movie, a 2/10 at most. Boring plot,d have given it a 0/10 if it weren't for the Vader and the Clones every day for the rest of my life
>Anonymous 02/26/17(Sun)01:03:38 No.79792960 ▶
> >instead of having all of the dudes die once have them be picked off by one orb
> The only main, new characters to die at the same time were Jyn and Jyn and Cassi. Everyone else died one after another, with a few minutes between them.
>Poppy 02/26/17(Sun)01:04:51 No.79793002 ▶
>File: rogueone_clipjynrescue.jpg (186 KB, 1920x1080)
>186 KB
> The writers are fucking ids for missing this opportunity.
>Poppy 02/26/17(Sun)01:06:46 No.79793052 ▶ (You)
>File: Poppy.webm (329 KB, 1920x1080)
>329 KB
> (OP) (OP)
> >add Poppy
> >15/10
> voilà!
>Anus 02/26/17(Sun)01:10:47 No.79793158 ▶
> I worded that wrong. I was saying that they should dice slowly over the course of the movie and emphasize the whole 'detergent' theme they had going on here.
>Anonymous 02/26/17(Sun)01:18:50 No.79793362 ▶
>File: How to Curse_s.webm (2.51 MB, 1024x576)


Hol up

Why was Princess Leia present during the space battle?

The Tantive IV was stuck aboard the Profundity (the flagship of the movie) getting repaired from a previous encounter with the Empire. When Admiral Raddus decided to disobey the rebel leaders and started the space battle at Scarif, the Tantive and it's crew were dragged along unwillingly.

uh oh...

Drop the 50 different accents down to 2. I couldn't fuckin' keep up with all the dialect changes on top pf how boring the story was. Diversity does not equal a good movie.


That's entirely too generous. It might have been 7/10 if it had a goddamn script.

pretty good idea to be honest, senpfam

>Darth Vlad
>vader cock.png
>the breast Star Wars
>0/10 if it weren't for the Vader and the Clones every day for the rest of my life


The film would certainly benefit from that.