Achievement is its own reward, pride obscures it

>Achievement is its own reward, pride obscures it

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>I am not at liberty to disclose that

Major and Hawk are the best characters.

At least Hawk will be back. ;_;


Miguel Ferrer is dead, too


fuck. I didn't know that

>Log Lady
>Major Briggs
>Donna's face
>James' colon
>Doctor Hayward
>Andrew Packard
>Mayor Milford

All dead. More too, and lots of people like Harry quit acting (Big Ed, and Ben Horne too but they came out of retirement for Lynch). It sucks and I was like damn that shit is cursed until I realized that Laura Palmer was killed 28 years ago yesterday and lots of those people were already pretty old on the show.

>james' colon
Kek, I took acutane too, I wonder how long I have before mine gives out.

>The actors that played Ben and Catherine are in their 80's
>Norma is in her 70's and still fucking hot somehow

She's Rashida Jones mom irl too. Dem genes.

well catherine isn't going to be in it, they explained away her death in the novel, same as Hank

I think the reason they did that with Catherine is Piper Laurie is so old and senile. ;_;

>Bobby, may I share something with you? A vision I had in my sleep last night. As distinguished from a dream which is mere sorting and cataloging of the day’s events by the subconscious.This was a vision, fresh and clear as a mountain stream, the mind revealing itself to itself.
>In my vision, I was on the veranda of a vast estate, a palazzo of some fantastic proportion. There seemed to emanate from it a light from within, this gleaming, radiant marble. I'd known this place. I had in fact been born and raised there. This was my first return. A reunion with the deepest well-springs of my being.
>Wandering about, I noticed happily that the house had been immaculately maintained. There'd been added a number of additional rooms, but in a way that blended so seamlessly with the original construction, one would never detect any difference. Returning to the house's grand foyer, there came a knock at the door. My son was standing there. He was happy and carefree, clearly living a life of deep harmony and joy. We embraced, a warm and loving embrace, nothing withheld. We were, in this moment, one.
>My vision ended and I awoke with a tremendous feeling of optimism and confidence in you and your future. That was my vision of you. I'm so glad to have had this opportunity to share it with you. I wish you nothing but the very best in all things.

Best scene in the series, possibly one of the best scenes in any drama. That scene kickstarts Bobby's redemption which I guess is going to be big in the new series with Bobby being the new Sheriff Truman and Bookhouse Boy.

There's a new sheriff in town, but it ain't Bobby.

Deputy Bobby I meant. There was a behind the scenes pic of him wearing the uniform.

I can't tell if that picture is shopped or not.

Original for reference.

It really was something special.

>Albert is dead
Fuck, man.

>In my vision, I was on the veranda of a vast estate, a palazzo of some fantastic proportion. There seemed to emanate from it a light from within, this gleaming, radiant marble. I'd known this place. I had in fact been born and raised there. This was my first return. A reunion with the deepest well-springs of my being.

>tfw I've had a vision once

Ah okay that definitely clears up any confusion.


new shoes

They had such good chemistry on screen

This and his closing remarks at the end of the first arc were incredible

Huh, I wonder why Hank isn't going to be in the new Twin Pe-

If I didn't know that there was a new season coming I'd actually tell people to stop watching it at that point. It's the perfect ending.

I haven't seen TP in a while, which remarks do you mean?

His discussion with Cooper, Albert and Truman at the end of episode 9 where the killer gets revealed



new shoes bfffft

log lady and albert both finished filming their scenes for season 3 at least

as did Doc Hayward

>first episode of season 3 is set in Twin Peaks, with all the old characters returning
>rest of the season is set in Deer Meadow
>noone of the old characters besides Dale appears and he is a total madman now

>Doc Hayward

Shit, I missed that he died. BOB is taking them all :(

tumblr would reeeeeeee so hard, I love it

>kickstarts Bobby's redemption
he becomes a goon for Ben Horne, how is this a redemption

>Ben Horne
>not a saint
Think of the squirrels, user.

don't forget that he's a patriot also

He's right you know.

Man, Dr Jackson was RIPPED

Why is Don S. Davis played Military person almost all the time

Definitely one of the finer points of the second season.

He was only able to play that one character

It's funny how his character in The X Files is almost exactly the same as in Twin Peaks. They were filmed around the same time too.

There literaly should not be allowed to be a monologue that is both so profound and hits so close to home for father and son a like delivered in such a perfect way. There is more emotion in his delivery than any tear jerker oscar bullshit I've ever seen. If anyone cares to protest, feel free to post one.

I honestly liked his character the most. Even more than coop. I was pretty sad when he died.

jesus christ another one

he was really old though when I heard about Twin Peaks S3 I assumed he was already dead

god damn it out of everyone why did James have to come back?

best fucking moment.

James isn't a bad character he just got stuck with a shitty storyline. I liked him in the first season.

He was an army officer for several years. He was a typecast character actor. It happens

Fuck. Sometimes I think about writing a script for movies but then I read this shit and realise how far up my own ass I really am.

Having never seen twin peaks I got really excited for a second.

Best scene coming through

i started watching x-files after i ended twin peaks. I fucking loved seeing him again and in that character.

i'm so sorry

>Now you listen to me. While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is that I am a naysayer and hatchetman in the fight against violence. I pride myself in taking a punch and I'll gladly take another because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King. My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method... is love. I love you Sheriff Truman.

yeah but in this case i don't mind it, personally, because he was just fantastic every time. Even though he got stuck playing the military role, he was always able to bring a great amount of personality to each role.

the old waiter is a kino character


>Does this include a gratuity?


I've heard about you! *thumbs up and winks*

I love that character. When the father is a military commander with a rebel bad attitude son, the cliche is that the dad will be a total authoritarian dick. But instead you get this laid back, spiritual man who loves his son without embarrassment. Fantastic.

He doesn't really like Bobby until his vision though

Yeh but he isn't a dick though

>is aggressively an asshole to people
>tries to take the high road when they get pissed off at him

he couldn't handle the banter

So this guy was Bob's host before Leland right?

What a fag


I don't think so.

I always thought that was bob's true form/face and you could only see it if you were gifted or doomed

>tfw two intelligant to be happy

It's not his true form, it's just how he shows himself to humans so that they can comprehend him like all black lodge residents

first time i've noticed the flat earth in that image. Whiskey makes you woke.

I have a feeling that Lynch will do this. He knows how pissed the fanbase got with the prequel movie when the first half involved no main characters and he will do it again (if you look at the amount of new characters it makes you think).

Leo had a hard life ;_;

when I saw FWWM as a kid I had a huge crush on Lil the Dancer. I don't know what that says about me.

I felt sorry for him in the end. I wanted him to redeem himself but then that old faggit left him to die.

it says you like cutie patooties :3

>there are people who honestly don't enjoy Ben Horne's Civil War

Get out of my Twin Peaks

nice meme kiddo