Movies with bad endings?

just watched chinatown and wow it sure ended like shit
she gets killed, guy gets away with it all, and probably will rape the grandaughter/daughter besides the whole water thing, and jack will most likely be a patsy

any other movies where it all goes completely wrong in the "climax"? please no movies where it goes wrong in the middle but then the movie reconciles with the fact that it went to shit with you in the end (like, say.. ice castles)

and no movies where it was always shit and it just goes shittier and shittier like "dancer in the dark" or "requiem for a dream" either

Well shit OP, I just finished watching it too. As for your question, I don't know.

I love the ending of Chinatown, though. All that buildup, and it just ends in a complete trainwreck. I can't really think of anything else quite like it

The ending to Chinatown is perfect. When Dunaway catches the bullet it really hits you and the way Jake runs to the car you can see the desperation on his face and much like trying to fight the corruption in LA there's nothing you can do about it

This is why I think they should avoid endings in films

wait what?

Classic films noir like endings of that kind (that's why they're called "noir" after all): "Out of the Past" and "Double Indemnity" might be two of the most renowned examples.

Forget it, user. It's Chinatown.

>babby cant grasp unhappy ending
>wants typical hollywood ending where everyone lives happily ever after

Films can have endings. No true Kino has ever had an ending though.

City of Life and Death
Lawrence of Arabia
Naked Lunch
Once Upon a Time in America
Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid
The Bridge on the River Kwai
The Front Line
The Man Who Would Be King
The War Lord
The Wild Bunch

THIS. Even though the notion that they're called 'noir' because of their endings is disputable. It's rather about an underlying sense of doom and a fatalistic outlook, not so much about their ending. "The Big Sleep" for example ends on a somewhat positive note and is still very much a film noir.

nobody said i can't grasp unhappy ending. It's just not common and i wanted more. Way to be useless for everyone ITT


The Grand Silence.

No Country For Old Men


you kinda see it coming here tho...

The Maltese Falcon

This appears to be a great ending thread.

Hmmm... yeah considering it's a Coen Brothers movie after all, the ending is a lot more of a bummer than one would expect.

>"Out of the Past"
That ending pissed me off almost as much as Chinatown's! But as with Chinatown, I ended up friggin loving it.

>and jack will most likely be a patsy

Watch The Two Jakes and find out

didnt know it had a sequel... is it any good?
i honestly doubt a sequel was necessary. 13 years later, also. Sounds like a cashgrab

Don't listen to
Do NOT watch "The Two Jakes".

never actually seen it, how does it end?

it was planned to be the second in a trilogy, it bombed so hard the third film (which was going to be called cloverleaf and be about the building of the highways) never got made


Traudl Junge escapes, doesn't get raped by Russians and everything's hunky-dory; the beginning of a new era.

so yeah, kind of a cashgrab.
>directed by jack nicholson
oh .. well. If it's decent as a sequel that's fine i guess, but i won't watch it anytime soon

nah, its a real piece of crap don't bother

He never said that, you fucking sperg. He just said it ended like shit for all characters, and it's true.

The Nice Guys

i seen this one a month ago or so, can't remember the ending.

Porno girl dies, her mom gets away with it.

oh right. The movie didn't give a fuck about porno girl tho, just like i did. Didn't see it coming tho, it was quite a big "fuck you" from a modern and lighthearted movie like that

Arlington Road is the first thing that came to mind

That ending was great.

Yeah, I don't actually remember the rest of the movie all that well (fun fact: it was the first dvd I ever rented way back in 2000 or so), but that ending stuck with me.

That scene where Jack Nicholson is slapping that lady who got raped by her father.

she's my daughter
my sister
>my daughter