What are the best movies about conspiracy theories?

What are the best movies about conspiracy theories?

Mandela effect is normie tier

>Simulation theory not at the very bottom

because it ain't just a theory, its logical

pic related, pure Mel Gibson Kino

blow up / blow out

they should make a reddit tier for simulation theory

whoever made this image clearly doesn't know shit about conspiracy theories and has only been to /x/

wasn't Matrix also a movie about a conspiracy?

also X Files, the first movie was about a Conspiracy.

>he believes he lives in a real world

Get a load of this guy

Reminder pretty much every actor in Hollywood is trans, hence why they are pushing trans acceptance so much.

I know all of these except

Bhutanese Shadow Market
Pancreas Denial
Sun Denial
Malkasian Paradigm (sounds dope)
Bacterial Humanity (though its probably just what it sounds like)
Androids? Like what... they exist?
Sexual Ankhing - (can't wait to google image search this with safe search OFF)
Delaware Hoax
and Booger Eating

Also not sure what Sixth Extinction and Natural Apocalypse refer to unless its like the supervolcanos going active or w/e

How do the rest of you anons rate?

>members of an advanced “posthuman” civilization with vast computing power might choose to run simulations of their ancestors in the universe.
>This argument is extrapolated from observing current trends in technology, including the rise of virtual reality and efforts to map the human brain.

>Reasons to believe that the universe is a simulation include the fact that it behaves mathematically and is broken up into pieces (subatomic particles) like a pixelated video game. “Even things that we think of as continuous – time, energy, space, volume – all have a finite limit to their size. If that’s the case, then our universe is both computable and finite. Those properties allow the universe to be simulated,”

I could be a memer but I'm going to be serious
>Bhutanese Shadow Market
>Pancreas Denial
>Sun Denial
>Malkasian Paradigm (sounds dope)
>Sexual Ankhing
>Delaware Hoax
>Booger eating

are memes, pure and simple.

Androids is not only that they exist, but that they live among us.

Sixth Extinction is the belief (now confirmed) that life is undergoing a sixth extinction.

Natural Apocalypse is that authorities are hiding the fact that such a disaster is going to occur

mexican sugar dancing

despair code


concrete enemas

Oera Linda Book tv mini-series when?

Conspiracy (2012)
very good movie

Anching is an ancient sexual practice of instead of releasing your mana life force during masterbation you save your life force energy an anch it back into your body


This, any other films where someone exposes or investigates secret societies and hidden knowledge?

Other films I'd put in that category are Eyes Wide Shut and Kill List

When will someone add the ethereal lie theory? It's actually got some logic behind it.


I'm not even into conspiracies but I do this

>North Korea Utopia

kek, this sounds great

The Conversation
Kill The Messenger

the actuall definition of a conspiracy

slightly offtopic, but Sup Forums had a great thread about
>Flat Earth movie
>Nic Cage main character
>Stallone as NWO henchman
>final set piece fight atop of ice wall in antrartica

and mods deleted it!! really makes you think

No mention of this?

>Abbos not human is a "conspiracy theory"

cool meme

In what level is this clown positioned?

>Delaware Hoax
Have YOU ever been there?
I didn't think so.

Grand Magus of Disinfo

>pancreas denial


Feel like any kind of natural apocalypse scenario would inevitably have some sort of verified trustworthy leak, as the people who would be investigating that sort of thing wouldn't all be fuckin ba'al worshiping elite jewish banker cadre sanctified in their magic semen rituals and assured secrecy through satanic child torture.

it'd be the bill paxtons and bill pullmans of the science community finding out that 'oh shit, this thing is gonna blow'.

androids living among us is dumb but tie it in with extradimensional aliens and i'd probably bite.

sounds painful


I saw on bleppit the other day that your pancreas? can regenerate and reverse some of the effects of diabeetus if you do a weird greek fast of eating a diet of a very small amount of olives and avacado and other saturated fats for like a week out of a month. its also just good for you mentally (and personally i think its good for you 'spiritually' if you are into that.)

Delaware is a state of mind its right there in the constitution

Bhutanese Shadow Market - supposedly existed on Deep Web

Mexican Sugar Dancing - comes from Daisys Destruction i think

Booger eating - people think bacteria in boogers can give them germ resistance is all

Sixth Extinction - The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History is a 2014 nonfiction book written by Elizabeth Kolbert.
The book demonstrates that the Earth is in the midst of a modern, man-made, sixth extinction concludes we are a virus to the Earth and it is killing us.

Vaccines - Causing autism and diseases. Big pharma makes too much money to admit truth.

CIA - Caused AIDS, 1000 other stories.

White Genocide - There is a focused Jewish effort to wipe out the white race. It is a hostile anti-Christian world takeover. (Muslims are the useful idiots, they also want all Christians dead "The Orc/Saruman Theory")

There is also a theory that if we destroy all races there will be no more racism. One Race movement to micegenate. etc

World Banks - chaos makes for excellent business opportunities, they instigate wars and famines

Gaddaffi was Assassinated - Look it up, he would have owned so much gold through his idea to sell oil and buy gold plan he could ruin the Federal Reserve and be credible threat to Israel so had to die.

Xenoestrogens - are a type of xenohormone that imitates estrogen. They can be either synthetic or natural chemical compounds. Intentionally added to food/water to pacify population, immasculate us.

Moon Landing - Faked (The Shining movie Kubrick revealed he faked the landing)

Pedowood - Hollywood sends all child stars to a pedophile rape camp, either that or a casting couch, in one extreme case, Hannah Montana was killed, Miley Cyrus was created from a lookalike and now she is programmed to destroy morality in America. (this has now been augmented with Pizzagate since I wrote this)

Holocaust Denial - didn't happen or was exaggerated

Dinosaur Denial - The Earth is too young, dinosaurs are just ancient demons/giants/satanic monsters

not so much a theory as completely true, regardless of what you believe is the intent.