Why the fuck Aren't you watching this grounbreaking show Sup Forums!??

Why the fuck Aren't you watching this grounbreaking show Sup Forums!??

wtf i love disney now


Way to keep pushing the meme that mustaches are gay and by extension pedo

That's really cool, I'm glad to see something truly progressive take place in the US, especially in the current political climate

End your life you swedish bastard

I don't watch children's shows

who gives a shit


One of the only good things about getting old
It no longer becomes your problem, heh

Not my generation.

are you a girl? if so that's hot


I'm not Swedish, I'm just an educated American who doesn't get all their news from an online forum known for shit videos

No but its going to be moulding every generation after you


If you move Sweden's kino industry to Finland you simultaneously make one the greatest country in the world and the other the worst.

We need to move Sweden's kino industry to Finland.

10 year olds are watching pornhub and liveleak nowadays, this isn't exactly a pressing issue

Who cares? By then I'll be retired and just hanging around my house living the ultimate NEET life, living off investments.

my lil brother watches this shit sometimes. what the fuck.

You will when they crash the economy and we get curbstomped by China

I'm a bigot and I can't be bothered to care about any of this stupid shit. I don't think it's the worst thing in the world for kids to be shown that gay people exist

them growing up not to seek making a family or having a stable relationships is


first kiss (singluar)
image shows kisses (plural)
so which was the first????? left or right???

we need more faggots in this world asap

Sure but I'm saying some disney channel show isn't the leading cause of that

They really don't get why Trump won, do they?

Why couldn't they at least be cute twinks?

its pushing subversive Marxist propaganda...

Then my international investments will be the powerhouse earners instead and I'll just keep chugging.

then you're a shitty bigot because I'm not bigoted at all and this is harming our culture (homophillia is a choice)

Why do Americans want to sexualize their children so early ffs learn to wait

Because I'm not a literal child.

They had gays kissing in cartoons back in 1999. Nobody batted an eye because gay people kissing is only a big deal if you're easily triggered.

>Gay people exist
>Anal prolapse porn and cartel torture punishments

You have some priorities friend

I'm a bigot against people who deserve it, gays don't deserve it

Not a childrens show

>(homophillia is a choice)

What did he meme by this?

they deserve it because you can't escape their faggotry any more. It's fucking everywhere.

>I'm a bigot against people who deserve it

I don't think you understand what the word bigot means

>They had gays kissing in cartoons back in 1999
but internet wasn't the same in 1999
we had to evolve our click-baiting techniques and ad revenue was not the same either

Death to Faggots Race War NOW!!!

>fags still pretend they're oppressed in the west

>Why the fuck Aren't you watching this grounbreaking show Sup Forums!??
why do children need to see this

as long as they deal with their progressive-quota in literally who kid shows all is fine

>still calls them fags
>they're not oppressed

>educated American
9/10 you almost had me

Interdimensional vampires are busy getting kids ready for all the molesting, I see.

Oh yeah I'm sure this is the peak of the trend

Jesus dude, it's a cartoon that shows a couple of dudes kissing. Grow the fuck up.

>implying your sexual orientation has anything to do with whether or not you're a fag
What a fag.

>international investments
Oh boy, you've never invested a dime in your life did you? Even 2008 crushed economies worldwide. The next one will be bigger

>people being rude to you is now oppression

Heheh South Park, upvoted

>implying them marrying, fucking, and having kids by proxy means "stable relationship"

>Jesus dude, it's a cartoon that shows a couple of dudes kissing. Grow the fuck up.
>Jesus dude, it's a cartoon that shows a couple of dudes fucking. Grow the fuck up.
>Jesus dude, it's a cartoon that shows a couple of dudes fucking a kid. Grow the fuck up.

>anime poster in charge of describing relationships

Neither was the Simpsons but every kid out there watched it.

>good goyim

Tell me 10 problems with any of them

I have no idea what cartoon this is and you haven't provided that information in your fucking OP so I will continue never knowing what cartoon this is. That's why I haven't watched it. Congratulations, you failure of a shill.

>gay characters aren't flawless paragons written to make straight people appear evil


>shitposter in charge of defending their non existant arguments

Gay people pushing their self-pity and politics everywhere is what caused the collapse of the catholic church and opened the floodgates to the base corruption that is modern western society

If fags never bitched at the church to let them in, and the government wisely defended the church's decision to tell them to fuck off, then there would be no homo priests diddling little boys and their reputation would still be in good standing


get a load of this fag

No problems at all, interdimensional vampires have conditioned you to accept their sick behaviour as normal.

why are americans so fucking childish that their culture war centers on video games and cartoons

I'm sure this isn't serious, but when's the last time a children's show portrayed anyone fucking?

There's literally nothing wrong with being an interdimensional vampire


science has proven time and time again the existence of a "gay gene" just like we've been told for the last 20 years, right?


Just because people will back it legally doesn't mean they want it forced in their face in every fascet of media, especially when its less than fucking 2 percent of the population

most people dont give a fuck because they arent hateful on instinct. Doesn't mean they'll suddenly cheer you on for sucking dick

Do you actually believe the things you're saying?

>greentexts someone
>pretends he's not oppressing him
There, I greentexted you. Now you know what oppression feels like, fag

interdimensional vampire lives matter

It's like they're making good characters first and foremost and having their homosexuality just be a part of their character development rather than their entire personality. Fucking cishet shitlords.

Gus is the best gay man ever on TV.

Wally is okay but he's a cheap gay bastard.

>all these (you)s

When's the last time a children's show promoted gays? Don't you see that this is progressive? We need to teach kids how to have sex when they're 8 years old user, it's progressive. What are you, a republican? Yuuuuck

>muh slippery slope
try harder

I'll make the logo

oh you rascal

Trump won because he promised jobs to the midwest and Shillary ignored it all.

It's that simple. He's guaranteed the South no matter what. That was the only upset of the election. A huge tactical mistake but not a culture war that Sup Forums thinks it was.

Children's shows promote heterosexual kissing all the time without ever turning into a fuckfest you moron.

I miss the apathetic, centrist, 90's mood of Mission Hill.

>You've got a knife sticking out of your head!
>Ah, don't fuss over it.


what if I was (you) all along?

I'm just thinking in a scenario like described where China takes over as global economic power. If the power dynamic switched it would just flip which half of my portfolio is stable and earning most. As for the initial crash, by the time it happens I'll have enough money invested that I'll make it through. The market always recovers after a crash and comes back even stronger. Pic related shows the Dow Jones index just before 2008 up to now; the market always goes up eventually. As long as you're invested far enough in advance of a catastrophe, even one as big as the Great Depression, you can actually still just ride through it and eventually recover, assuming your yearly spending is a small enough percentage of your total portfolio. You might cut some corners in the bad years, but other than that it's smooth enough sailing if you're just not an idiot about it.

So yeah, I'll be sitting pretty by the time the current generation of children gets old enough and in enough power to fuck everything over, so I just won't give a fuck.

>it's okay to teach kids about safe sex
>it's okay to teach kids about gay sex
>it's okay to let kids take hormones
>it's okay to let kids transition
>it's okay to let kids choose their sexuality
It's okay to let kids pleasure interdimensional vampires, it's their body and their choice, grandpa! Get with the times!

Yeah but no one watched Mission Hill.

the future looks grim unless Trump can stop it

>Implying kids still watch cartoons
lmao only Tumblrinas and manchildren watch them, actual kids just watch those creepy youtube videos about Frozen and Spiderman.

>not investing in guns and water filters
Literally recession proof.

Would you label yourself a progressive?

Thought about watching the show as I wanted to study it for a possible fap fiction -- but there's no fun in corrupting something already degenerate

>Disney didn't let their live action shows show a kiss for a few years

>muh slipperier slope
>muh correlation as causation
apply yourself

I voted for Trump, fuckboi. But what's that got to do with your use of a logical fallacy as proof of anything?

They're late.