How do I get good at shitposting?

How do I get good at shitposting?
I see some of the threads here and im startled by how good some of the shitposts are, their brevity, how they strike exactly the right chord

Go to Sup Forums, that's where all good shitposters start

aim better

dumb frogposter

Why do you want to get good at shitposting?

>he isn't good at shitposting

typical drumpftard, incapable of even the simplest tasks

Go to pol and focus on the posts marked with the troll symbol - it looks like Australian flag.

>he said while unironically posting no Sup Forums

Get a head start on the new boards thats taking Sup Forumss place as shitposting central since this place is getting a crack down very soon

I won't say which one but its two letters

ignorant 90's born faggot, shut the fuck up with your meme bullshit.

>getting a crack down very soon


Be outrageous and succinct

If you don't feel a rush of negative emotions and adrenaline when typing it out, you aren't doing it right. You should feel like a huge faggot when writing it. Not even joking.

it's /ck/

>tfw you routinely make shitposting threads and get dozens of replies
this is all I'm here for, tbqh, I don't even watch movies

The perfect shitpost should have the perfect mix of intelligence, nihilism and a wicked sense of humor.

pls tel us about it

Come here helpless pepe, you're so cute

i didn't go to shitpost school, i went to shitposts

U gatta stude brudder

At this point all you have to do is mention trump or call someone liberal and you will generate at least 5 (you)s.