What went right?

What went right?

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Absolutely nothing, shit sequel no one asked for to a mediocre movie

They didn't do shaky cam nonsense and actually let you see the action.

I'm surprised nobody ever fucking mentions the sound editing in these movies.

The sound went right, the sound is fucking marvelous, it places you in the middle of the gunfight, the gunshots sound like the moans of your waifu as you're giving her an orgasm

>giving a woman an orgasm

fucking agreed, this scene was outstanding

They progressed the plot in a logical manner

still not as good as Heat though

I thought Wick was going to trick that guy into killing him on Continental grounds. Seemed like the logical ending after his "Rules..." line.

First 10 minutes

The first movie.

>prides itself on realistic portrayal of firearms
>suppressors make pistols dead silent

.22 suppressed could get that quiet but not much else

What went right?
>Ruby Rose cute sign language
>Laurence Fishburne
>Location choice
>Audio quality
>Based Receptionist
>Good pupper

He has a bulletproof suit ffs user so I don't think it's a stretch to assume his firearms have special modifications as well

How is a suit a firearm

Wick 3 is going to reveal itself as a stealth Matrix re-imagining.


People who made it actually gave a shit.

The first one professed to take itself seriously whereas this one was more of a spoof and a pretty well executed one.
>the 97 shots it took to kill sumo
>the silenced pp7 slow walk battle

Was stupid fun-reminded me a bit of last action hero.

90 minutes of "gun-jutsu" + no useless dialogue