Tfw the Germans on Sup Forums are going mass mode crazy

>tfw the Germans on Sup Forums are going mass mode crazy

I-Is it 1933 again...?

What did they do you? Flesh it out for me. They are probably the most sane, rational posters here. Is it a ruse? Are they up to something?

german election you uninformed troglodyte

nazis are back

Gott schütze unser Vaterland.

>massed rallies
>supported by dedicated ww1 vets
>armed supporters
>majority support for increased government control

>FUcking political part represented by weaboos and Sup Forums shitposters

don't worry, besides i think it's the swedes or french that will go apeshit, or maybe britain

European turn rightist
Russian dictatorship
Japanese turn extreme rightist
and American America-first policy

Definitely the 1930s

>They are probably the most sane, rational posters here
this so much

>or french
lol clearly no, everybody is calm and docile

Once Germans realize a natsoc government can also be stable and viable it's over. Might as well start a coffin business in Siberia before it's all over.

you guys did the french revolution thing it can happen again

netouyo cannot even live 1 week w/o anime

>starting a coffin business during nuclear era
Nice yoke my dudetz.

What's so odd about it? Is electing merkel again suppose to be evil or something?

>you guys did the french revolution thing it can happen again
yeah lol 200+ years ago

Cities will get nuked and I will deliver my coffins on a train just in time. If you're insisting on a nuclear winter I doubt it would happen. It didn't happen when Japs got nuked a bit here and there, as a matter of fact literally nothing happened. But you are right maybe the dog food resembling bodies are better off shoveled from the streets into a giant container and then delivered to crematories.

i'd wager it to happen again

Okay , I heard something about that, but thought it was just fringe level. With single digit % support.

>Is electing merkel again suppose to be evil or something?

i'd like it to happen too and we go back to a IIIrd Republic-like government with a big ratonnade
but that's not going to happen
you don't live here, you couldn't know
foreigners like to exaggerate everything here, they always say we're going to have a civil war every decade since 1848, that's not new

the frenchman is a veyr unpredictable animal, one moment he is smoking cigars and the next he is "smoking" a cigar like appendage

But isn't she pro refugee? How's that being a nazi?

That's it, she is Pro refugee

Because the extreme right party went to congress

>only nazis are evil
jesus christ you people.

But I thought you guys loved diversity or whatever and always gave us shit because we elected Trump. I mean I don't browse Sup Forums but we get bullied here for being racist and ignorant while you are without prejudice. Even the polls showed Clinton would have massively won if Europeans had to vote.

>Germany accepted 1 million refugees from the middle east for 2 years
>She was elected again

East asian can hardly understand it.

Sup Forums yurop =/= actual yurop

Not sure if you're autistic or simply dull

>he is "smoking" a cigar like appendage
what the fuck does that means

he is american


Germans are afraid if they change too fast it will be even worse. Little do they know the change will come anyway and with a vengeance about 10 years later. Some would call them slow...


Bomperino orihinale